Trailer Trash


Thursdaily (or weekender for me!) (Read 20 times)


running under the BigSky

    Ah- the good life of being part time   Monday is a holiday for us so a nice five day hiatus for me, work next Tuesday and another five days off!  Life is good.


    Hill workout for Tiny Elvis and I yesterday- 5 miles and just under 2000' gain.


    Will hit the gym this morning and probably get a few miles this afternoon- getting some snow and looks like it's going to last throughout the day, always kind of pleasant being out when it's snowing (blizzards excepted!)


    qotd: Martin Luther King Day off?  DW has it off, but nothing to do with MLK day, something to do with the school admin.  I get it off, one of the perks working for the feds Smile


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √




      QOTD: I work for a tribe so we get MLK day and quite a few others off.  Unfortunately I have to travel to KC on Tues and the weather looks awful for me.


      I got in 5 miles last night and have 6 for tonight.  At work they've started a "Wellness" thing where at lunch we all meet up and exchange ideas. Most here are overweight women and I'm curious how many will continue.  One of them agreed to go up to the fitness center with me at lunch and I'm going to show her around and walk on the track with her.  Other than my co-worker and I we are the only ones to take advantage at lunch and go work out.  We can extend our lunch twice a week if we do.  It's a very nice facility and it's free for us so I have no idea why more people don't take advantage of it.


      I don't understand sitting around.  When I was first diagnosed with my Graves Disease the fatigue and racing HR were awful and I spend way too much time getting them resolved.  Now that I'm in remission if I keep stress down I can do a lot of things.  DH comes home from work and sits in front of the TV until bed.  We have a TM, a rowing machine a full set up of weights so there's really no excuse and he complains that he's fat.


        Slept in this morning and will do an easy 3 mi after work today.


        mt, wish I could find 2000' of gain.  Around here I'd probably have to run 50 miles to get that much, and then since it would be spread out over that distance I wouldn't even feel it (well.... besides the whole 50 mile thing). Of course there are always the stairs in buildings or the stair climber at the gym, or zig-zagging in parking garages.


        qotd: yes we have MLK day off. I'm taking Friday afternoon off to go down and get my number and look around the expo.  Going to avoid the crowds getting their number on Saturday, plus I have some family stuff to do on Sat.


        Queen of Nothing


          It's cold dark and windy...all the things that makes it hard to get out of bed.  No run yet.


          QOTD:  I have it off...


          Warden:  You are an essential part time employee?    Yes I am so ready to stop working.  Not necessarily working but having my schedule so controlled.


          dhuffman:  I chuckled that you all meet up and talk about wellness.  Instead of like you pointed out...all go up to the fitness center.


          Sandy: Good luck this weekend.

           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







          running under the BigSky



            Warden:  You are an essential part time employee?   


            yup Smile  as far as I know, anyone carrying a badge and firearm has been deemed essential


            when we went to Yellowstone last week, the only folks we saw working were law enforcement rangers- nobody even at the gates to collect $


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            Refurbished Hip

              Sue, that retirement date in your signature just keeps getting pushed further and further back...  I don't like it!


              I'm with Sandy.  I would love to be able to gain 2000' feet in 5 miles.  Dang.


              QOTD: Well, looks like I'm the only poor working schmuck on Monday around here so far.

              Running is dumb.


                Planning a long trail run late this afternoon. Before that I get to return to the dentist for problems that have come up since Monday's extraction.  My mouth is a house of cards ready to cascade into a collapse.


                QOTD: not a holiday at the hospital I work at.

                January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                  Hello all. I'm turning into a non-runner and I don't have any real excuse. I ended up with two heel blisters after Monday's hike (old socks. Now in the trash) so I took a couple of days off to let them heal a bit. I'm ready to get back out there and have 4-6 planned for swim practice this afternoon.


                  qotd: No one is working here in the DC region so Monday isn't an exception....


                    Last night 7 miles on my hilly route at Coventry Woods. Not 2,000 feet like warden but about 900 feet of climb for the loop. Pretty decent run, I did not slog it and felt pretty good, but was not very fast. Good enough to get done before full darkness at least. Still some snow up in the hills so that was nice. A few frozen rutted sections as well. Gave the Lady a rest day from running yesterday and she was none to pleased.

                    Gym stuff at lunch, may sneak in a few miles on the local or lake trail later as well.


                    QOTD: For the first time ever, yes we have the day off as a holiday. I am a bit perplexed as to what I should do with a day off in January. I guess the thing to do is volunteer for something but I have never been that PC. I will probably sleep in, lounge over coffee and breakfast, go to the gym, trail run with the Lady, and nap!

                    In dog beers, I've only had one.


                    running under the BigSky

                      Hello all. I'm turning into a non-runner and I don't have any real excuse. I ended up with two heel blisters after Monday's hike (old socks. Now in the trash) so I took a couple of days off to let them heal a bit. I'm ready to get back out there and have 4-6 planned for swim practice this afternoon.


                      qotd: No one is working here in the DC region so Monday isn't an exception....


                      Leukotape- the blister miracle tape 


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                      Queen of Nothing


                        Hmm good time to visit the Federal Parks...



                        yup Smile  as far as I know, anyone carrying a badge and firearm has been deemed essential


                        when we went to Yellowstone last week, the only folks we saw working were law enforcement rangers- nobody even at the gates to collect $

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                        Queen of Nothing


                          02/24/19 if all goes well at DH appointment I will submit my paperwork On 02/25/19!!


                          Sue, that retirement date in your signature just keeps getting pushed further and further back...  I don't like it!


                          I'm with Sandy.  I would love to be able to gain 2000' feet in 5 miles.  Dang.


                          QOTD: Well, looks like I'm the only poor working schmuck on Monday around here so far.

                           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                          Queen of Nothing


                            Volunteer to take the Lady for a run and follow up with a walk for SirB...they'll appreciate it.  Oh and make dinner for your wife...that is if she still works.  It would be so nice to come home from work and have dinner prepared for me. 




                            QOTD: For the first time ever, yes we have the day off as a holiday. I am a bit perplexed as to what I should do with a day off in January. I guess the thing to do is volunteer for something but I have never been that PC. I will probably sleep in, lounge over coffee and breakfast, go to the gym, trail run with the Lady, and nap!

                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                            running under the BigSky

                              I'm making supper tonight for DW who's working




















                              Taco Johns six pack and a pound 


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                              Queen of Nothing


                                I had to google that and ummm no that's not making dinner!!


                                I'm making supper tonight for DW who's working




















                                Taco Johns six pack and a pound 

                                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





