Trailer Trash


April Fools Mondaily (Read 48 times)


Le professeur de trail

    It is a rest day just like yesterday and probably like tomorrow.  Good news is I had a good long run on Saturday.  Bad news is I did somethig to the outside of my achilles area on my left foot - maybe an internal bruise? Unsure how long that will take to heal - hurts to wear shoes and can't feel anything  without shoes.  Race in less than 3 weeks.  Should be interesting.


    QOTD: (1) Mileage check for March?? (2) Any good April Fools jokes for you this year?


    (1) 136.7 - which was up from Feb which was up from Jan which was....(you get the point).


    (2) Nothing yet but I will try and get my kids later.



    Have a great day!

    My favorite day of the week is RUNday




      6.5 on the road/rail trail this a.m.  Beautiful spring weather in CT.


      QOTD:  111, lower than my 130-140 target due to one off week, but I'm happy with it.  For April Fools, I put green food coloring in the milk before breakfast - my 10-year-old wasn't fazed by it at all, said it tasted fine so he poured it on his cereal and chowed down.  My other kids freaked out.

      Occasional Runner

        A very speedy 6 miles this morning and a great core workout at the gym. I'm very pleased with my turnover today. It feels good to run fast again.


        QOTD: 311 miles for March. No jokes or pranks...

          Today I'm sore, still some DOMS from this weekend's 22 miler and dealing with a couple annoying pains on my right foot that don't want to go away. I think yoga is in the cards for me tonight. 




          1)  March mileage:  201.5  *new monthly mileage PR*


          2) This one got me this morning, I was about to tweet about it before I read the comments at the bottom.



            Good morning!


            SRD for me and the dog today.


            QOTD: 231 miles for March. I think that might be a new monthly record for me.


            (2)Nope, no jokes here. yet....

              SRD for us today.


              QOTD 1: 162 miles.  I am pretty sure that is a PR.

              QOTD 2: No none yet.


              Tallahassee, Florida


              Refurbished Hip

                SRD for me.  I had a decent weekend of biking and running and hiking.


                QOTD: 63 miles for the month of March, which is a far cry from where I used to be, but considering November, December, January and February combined was probably less than 20, I'll take it.


                Oh, and yeah, I got nothing for jokes today.

                Running is dumb.


                Faster Than Your Couch!

                  A short run with the family biking along planned for later today. It's the last day of our visit to my in-laws in MD, and I have to take advantage of the nice weather. In PA, it's raining, of course, and I don't like the idea of having to go back this afternoon, sigh. QOTD: (1) 167 miles, no record, but ok.about the same as last year in March. (2) I might add some of the canned crickets that we have at home for our lizard to the turkey DH is planning to serve for dinner - a thin, invisible layer if GladWrap between the turkey and the crickets, of course...

                  Run for fun.


                    SRD for me too


                    QOTD I had 129 miles for march ( wish I had just 1 more mile) would guess that's a monthly record for me!

                    trails and cocktails, liked that link for western states. No jokes for me yet.

                    Occasional Runner




                      I actually wish this wasn't a joke. I would support all of these changes. I would even add one more....To qualify for the Western States lottery, you need to complete a 100 mile trail race in under 24 hours.


                        Today is the start of my semi-official training plan. Since my surgery and rehab I've now had about 6 months of running at an average slightly over 30mpw. Making progress so now I'll start following a loose 2 week template to hopefully get further back to my former self. Just have to remind myself to keep the miles in check, no need for big miles for me anymore. Focus on the workouts and not the totals. So today will be an easy session of hills. I like it.


                        QOTD 1-- keep my mileage totals by the week so I'm guessing about 130-134.


                        QOTD 2-Nope


                          1) According to my log on here 97.8 in the month of March.  It did not help that I missed 11 days sick in the beginning of the month.


                          2) None yet and I hope none happen...


                          Easy run tonight 3-4miles tops,




                            Nice 16 mile run through the Malibu hills yesterday, got it done right before the rain started coming down. I will probably get in 5-6 miles at lunch then another 7-8 miles tonight when I get home.


                            QOTD: My week capped off at a 65 miles bringing my monthly total up to 215 miles..


                            QOTD: No joke but it is my parents 36th anniversary today!


                              Hello trailers! Not sure of the plan today. Might take a day off, or might do a short run on the trail after work.




                              1) 260 miles. That's not a record but good volume for me, a number I haven't seen in a few years. The pointer probably had 150 mi or more, not counting her off trail wanderings.


                              2) No fools yet.

                              In dog beers, I've only had one.



                                I actually wish this wasn't a joke. I would support all of these changes. I would even add one more....To qualify for the Western States lottery, you need to complete a 100 mile trail race in under 24 hours.


                                So Lace, you think someone who runs 24-30 hours at MMT, Pinhoti, Virgil Crest, Leadville, Cascade, etc. should be kept out of the lottery? Everyone should go to the fast loop courses to qualify?

                                In dog beers, I've only had one.
