Trailer Trash


Holiday hangover Wednesdaily (Read 18 times)


    Happy post-Christmas (if you celebrate).  Holiday hike with the kids in the morning, cooking and then a 3 mile run in an inadequate attempt to counter-balance the endless calories consumed. Was surprised by the number of folks out at dusk, getting in a walk by the creek. It was a good day.  Sun is back out today and I'll get a run in at some point.


    qotd: Leftovers-- are you a fan or not? Our household- big fans  Except when we get to the third time or so. I like cooking, but not everyday. DH is really good at reinventing leftovers to something else completely. We have lots of prime rib leftover. He's making ramen later. I found a recipe for thai beef salad that will be for later this week. It if freezing easily, I also portion stuff out to consume later. That's one of my favorite times, pulling a stew or chili out for dinner and having to do minimal prep.



      Morning. It's raining here and supposed to all day and into tomorrow.  Then it gets cold.  I got 6 in yesterday on the TM, going to try for another 6.  Doc said it's ok but not to the point it hurts and lots of gentle stretching and heat.  I do yoga stretches every night before bed and the stretches AT recommended in the am after my hot shower.  So far so good.


      QOTD: I'll eat leftovers once but DH likes them.  I tend to only cook on the weekends or on my rest days since I do my walks in the evening after work and by the time I'm done neither one of us wants a cooked meal.


      It sounded like everyone had a good Christmas.  Ours was quiet...just us two and I made scrambled eggs and ham for dinner. We are living the high


      Are we there, yet?

        Spent Christmas Eve, when we opened presents, and Christmas Day with my DD and granddaughter.  Rack of lamb for the big dinner on Christmas Eve,  Christmas breakfast of pancakes, sausage, bacon, and my first mimosa (not a drinker, so I'd never tried one before).  Lunch of what my DD calls heart attack soup: pound of chopped bacon, pound of Velveeta, wild rice, half and half and who knows what else.  After that and adding cookies, chocolate, and other assorted goodies, I have a few extra miles I need to run.


        qotd: Fan of leftovers or not, I eat a lot simply because packaging is geared for families, so cooking just for myself always leaves me with leftovers.  The key is to find different ways to prepare them so dinners aren't monotonous.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




        Queen of Nothing


          Heading to beach so maybe a run when we get there...have a little 4 mike out and back we do ever day.


          qotd:  leftovers are great for lunch the next day...or two depending what it is.  Made lasagna last night...that’s always good the next few days.

           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








            Taking a rest day today.  This will probably be a cut back week. I'm ready for one of those.


            Add me to the Ate-Too-Much group. 3 big meals in 3 days plus appetizers and deserts. Maybe I picked a bad week to cut back my mileage.


            QOTD:  Leftovers go quickly in our house.  Had ham for Christmas eve, so I'm sure ham and bean soup is in our future. Sunday's meal was beef tenderloin, so I'll have a sandwich or put t on a salad at lunch.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            running under the BigSky

              today is my Friday- don’t hate 


              not sure how many calories consumed, but a lot- good thing I work out Smile


              will get a few miles in after work w/ DW and Tiny E; Tiny E is at t-minus and 8.5 miles to reach a 1000- think he has it


              qotd: leftovers = good usually- almost always our packed lunches; we have a couple of pounds of king crab left- crab patties, crab bisque, maybe more???  Also a wonderful ham- I know tomorrow morning ham is on the breakfast menu, beyond that DW is in charge and usually does pretty good


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Thread killer ..

                I did run the last 4 days but no enough to run off the food . I felt so sick last night I couldn't sleep . I think it was the candy that sent me over , I don't normally eat it at all but a friend makes special candy at Christmas …….


                QOTD: Yes, we will live on leftovers this week . I sent the rest of the candy and sweet stuff to work with my husband , the guys will finish it today .


                  Looks like fun was had by all.  We had a nice two days with the kids and partners both days.  Lots of eating... and a few adult beverages.   Also lots of hot water.   We even squeezed in a little football catch.  Also fun was the running commentary on the cheesy-classic Godzilla movie we watched at the end of the evening.


                  I ran 5 miles on both days, yesterday it was warm, mid-70s. I just finished installing a new faucet in the powder room and now I’m gonna do 5 more miles today before the rain hits. I’m hoping for a nap later while listening to the rain.


                  qotd: we had an amazing dinner yesterday, roast beef tenderloin, scalloped potatoes, vegetables, popovers, creame brûlée (DD with the blow torch was just a little scary).  Leftovers would be great... but alas we sent them home with the kids.



                  Are we there, yet?

                    After two days off accumulating calories, ran 11 miles today in an attempt to burn off a few.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.