Trailer Trash


Manic Monday (Read 19 times)



    I have 4 meetings all before noon today, it's 5 days now until Outlaw, I'm doing the Trail Marathon, the 5 person 100 mile relay and the 5k.  Weather was looking nice but not so much now, at least not for warm, sunny weather loving me.  I need to pack, have a chiro appt on's taper madness.


    qotd: multi event or multi day events, how do you recover in between?  I'm staying in the bunkhouse and will rest all I can with feet up if possible and eat everything I can get my hands on.


      Some light snow here overnight, maybe 1-2". More forecast for tonight, but a similar amount I think, maybe with some sleet and ice. Crap, I should be down in FL visiting the folks where is sunny and warm. Anyway, plan for today is usual gym routine at lunch with a short snowy run with the Lady after work.


      QOTD: I've done road relays (Reach the Beach) a few times, and 100 milers. Those are the only multi-day events. For 100 milers you just keep going obviously. The road relays were trickier as you'd run balls to the wall (fast I mean) and then have to sit around in a cramped van waiting for the rest of the team to run. I found that bad snack food (pop tarts, M&M's) and keeping hydrated worked the best. Oh, plus a real meal or two. Stay away from the beer until the last run is done.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        We're getting every facet of wet weather here today. Started as snow, then some sleet, rain and seemingly moving back to sleet.  An outside run is doubtful today so I'm glad I got out for 6.5 yesterday before the weather moved in. Did not have a high mileage week last week, but they were harder miles than recently, plus some rowing, so my legs felt a bit fried yesterday. Today's plan is for the gym.


        qotd: I've done  Reach the Beach a couple of times. Both times, our team was a hodge-podge of runners, very back of the pack. But it was a lot of fun. For that type of event, it was the sleep deprivation that got to me. The second time around, I made sure to fit in power naps. And real meals. Which also were hard to do once exhaustion set in.


        running under the BigSky

          it was only -11 this morning, must be a warming trend 


          it supposedly is going to break 0 today, if true I’ll take Tiny E out for a few miles in the snow


          qotd: the only multi-day event I do is the Bob Marshall Open, there is no rest until you’re done 


          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            Quick loop in the foggy mist this morning. Nothing special.



            QOTD: I don't know. I have never done a multi day event unless you count a 100 mile run that has a 30 hour cutoff. And as Xtreme said, you just keep going on that. I think doing back to back long runs in training is the best way to condition for something like that. Of course, it is too late to do that now if you didn't earlier. Otherwise, I have no idea.


            Queen of Nothing


              Another Puerta VAllarta run....finally made it to the cross and lookout on top if the hill.  Saw it from iur condo but coukdn’t find on foot.



              Qotd: I did a ragner once so was an all nighter.  Missing a night of sleep wasn’t that bad... the longest run was 11 miles...the biggest issue is how to time your beer drinking between runs.


               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








                No run today, but will hit the bike trainer for some miles. Office closed this afternoon. 4-5" of snow so far and supposed to snow more and at some point change over to ice and sleet with freezing temperatures tonight.


                Legs feel pretty good after yesterdays long run. The continuous flat running makes my hips hurt, but cleared up after a good nights sleep.


                QOTD:  3 days of racing at Trail Fest made for a stiff morning on day 3.  Slept in a tent on the ground, so that added to the stiffness.  Walking around helped a lot.  After walking, things loosened up and of course staying well hydrated at night didn't hurt either .  48hr race running I had trained to run back to back to back., and that helped.  Start off slow until you feel all the kinks loosen up and then you should be good to go.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                Are we there, yet?

                  Surprised myself with a quick (for me) 3 mile progression (11:46, 11:15, 10:35).


                  qotd: I've run some multi-event days, but not multi-day events.  I think the closest I've come to that was a 24-hour relay, but we ran only a mile at a time with about 45 minutes rest between miles so there wasn't much to do except snack and drink.  Then I've run 3 shorter races on back-to-back-to-back days, a couple 5 milers and a 3 miler. I didn't do anything special.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                  Queen of Nothing


                    Fogot about that   i thought it was the dancbg that saved us!



                    No run today, but will hit the bike trainer for some miles. Office closed this afternoon. 4-5" of snow so far and supposed to snow more and at some point change over to ice and sleet with freezing temperatures tonight.


                    Legs feel pretty good after yesterdays long run. The continuous flat running makes my hips hurt, but cleared up after a good nights sleep.


                    QOTD:  3 days of racing at Trail Fest made for a stiff morning on day 3.  Slept in a tent on the ground, so that added to the stiffness.  Walking around helped a lot.  After walking, things loosened up and of course staying well hydrated at night didn't hurt either .  48hr race running I had trained to run back to back to back., and that helped.  Start off slow until you feel all the kinks loosen up and then you should be good to go.

                     05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                     08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








                      Fogot about that   i thought it was the dancbg that saved us!




                      Yes, dancing counts as active recovery.  That group "National Parks" is getting pretty popular. They travel all over now. I'd see them again.

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        STD today.


                        qotd: haven’t done any multi-day events but like others indicate I think putting the priority on rest and sleep between is the most important. Even if it’s done in a moving vehicle.



                        running under the BigSky

                          STD today.




                          that’s bad news dude! 


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √