Trailer Trash

Confess your road runner sins here... (Read 82 times)


    Man, I ran road marathons for over 12 years....


    I peed in a Gatorade bottle - while wearing the trash bag - while lined up in a coral (DC, NY, Chicago, Baltimore etc).Big grin


    ewww...If your goal is to make me never want to get in a corral again, you've succeeded!

    Queen of Nothing



      Were you wearing leg-warmers too?


      She's waaaayy too young for leg warmers.  Rollerblades are too young for leg warmers.







      under a rock


        She's waaaayy too young for leg warmers.  Rollerblades are too young for leg warmers.


        Leg warmers go best with roller skates and some music from Xanadu.


          OK, I've got a few:


          1. I've signed up for a marathon training class with over 200 other people.

          2. I've worried about my foot strike as in heel vs. forefoot.

          3. I have (a LONG time ago) jogged in place at a red light.

          4. I've worried that my running shoes would get dirty during a very brief stretch of a road race that went over grass.

          5. I've looked at my reflection in storefront windows as I ran downtown.

          Occasional Runner

            I used to be a frequent participant in the Marathon Forums on RWOL.


            I am ashamed.


            Eat to run, Run to eat

              I used to be a frequent participant in the Marathon Forums on RWOL.


              I am ashamed.


              The horror!!.. wait.. um...I still am posting there...Some one push me down in the mud, QUICK!...

              Stone Mill 50m 11/16/13  12:42

              Febapple Frozen 50k 2/22/14  9:20:55

              DIrty German 50m 5/18/14 12:06:16



                I used to be a frequent participant in the Marathon Forums on RWOL.


                I am ashamed.


                19. I once held a subscription to Runner's World.


                20. Then I became a serious runner and subscribed to Running Times.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.


                  I used to carbo-load on pasta and marinara and not drink beer the night before a race. Now I eat pizza and chicken wings and drink 'til I pass out the night before  Smile

                  Occasional Runner

                    I used to carbo-load on pasta and marinara and not drink beer the night before a race. Now I eat pizza and chicken wings and drink 'til I pass out the night before  Smile


                    This is one of my secrets to proper pre-race preparation.


                    flashlight and sidewalk

                      - I "earned" a RnR Encore medal, which was shipped to me for completing 2 RnR events in a year...I really tried to find time in my schedule for another one so that I could get the "Triple Crown" medal, but it wasn't to be.


                      **Ask me about streaking**


                      Queen of Nothing


                        I used to carbo-load on pasta and marinara and not drink beer the night before a race. Now I eat pizza and chicken wings and drink 'til I pass out the night before  Smile


                        Well not quite passing out but feeling pretty good....








                        Le professeur de trail

                          I used to be a frequent participant in the Marathon Forums on RWOL.


                          I am ashamed.


                          Some sins just are not forgivable.

                          My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                          Faster Than Your Couch!

                            I did run in place at a red light. If I remember correctly, this happened just this past winter, but it was on a road run.


                            Still guilty of running with a fuel belt occasionally. But at least I refill my bottles myself.


                            And - tatamm - I ran with legwarmers, scrunched around my ankles. In deep snow, more than 25 years ago. And, most embarrassing, this was on trail runs! (But maybe this can be counted as gaiters?)

                            Run for fun.



                               I peed in a Gatorade bottle - while wearing the trash bag - while lined up in a coral 


                              +1 (at the NYC marathon)


                              Irish Luck

                                What about pace bands? I never did do that one but it seems a bit sinful.


                                I purchased a pace "tattoo" for my first half.  Black eye Just shameful!


                                I, too, have had a subscription to Runner's World.


                                My first pair of running sneakers that I purchased at my LRS were Nikes.

                                BT survivor since 2003. Trail runner since 2009.

                                I think brain surgery stimulated my running nerve and made me into a trail runner. I'm grateful for both.