Trailer Trash


Oil the Monster Grindstone Fridaily (Read 22 times)


    At the "very exciting" Grindstone race meeting, Bryan (Keystonerunner) and Sandy.





      Nice TT photo OP.  Had to fix my original post because I thought Bryan was running Oil Creek for some reason.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        Guide my feet while I run this race

        Guide my feet as I run this race

        Guide my feet while I run this race, for I don't want to run this race in vain.

        Guide my feet while I run this race, for I don't want to run this race in vain.

        I'm your child while I run this race,

        for I don't want to run this race in vain.

        Search my heart while I run this race,

        for I don't want to run this race in vain.

        Stand by me while I run this race,

        for I don't want to run this race in vain.

        Hold my hand while I run this race,

        for I don't want to run this race in vain.

        Guide my feet while I run this race,

        for I don't want to run this race in vain.

        author unknown


        Faster Than Your Couch!

          Good luck Jamie, Sandy, Bryan and Tim! I'll be following you through the night.


          DD1: Terry Jacks' Seasons in the Sun actually has a tragic background: it was his childhood friend who passed away from some illness (cancer?) right after high school graduation, and the song was written in memory of him.


          QOTD1: In school, we not only read poetry, we also had to memorize lots of really long classic poems, some hundreds of lines long. And not only in German, but also in Latin (some of Ovid's "Metamorphoses", for example). Now when I am running and getting bored, I sometimes recite these poems. I can still remember most of them.

          I have not read any English poetry recently, though.


          QOTD2: Football weekend at PSU. Aka Work, crazy.

          Run for fun.


            I was tied up on Friday. Thursday night my laundry room flooded, so I spent all day Friday getting a new washing machine, etc. I hope everyone had great luck in their respective races.


            QOTD: I don't sit around reading poetry, but yes, I read some. W.B. Yeats is my favorite poet. My favorite thing about Yeats is his use of imagery. He was a master. But I like Frost and Kipling, too. I check out music lyrics more than read poetry.


            QOTD: I will run.

