Trailer Trash


WakeupWednesdaily (Read 32 times)

some call me Tim

    Haha, well played warden!


    i got 3 yesterday before we hit the road. Now in this monstrous Gaylord resort just south of dc while my wife does the work convention thing and thI doe kids and I check out the town. I may be able to run along the river in a bit here but otherwise it's the hotel tm after everyone hits te sack.


    qQOTD: I do the Shredmill (and will here if I have to) but otherwise no tunes. I love music so much and it has such an integral role in my life, but I don't want it on trails and on the road I usually run it's downright dangerous!




      I kept looking over my shoulder and could see they were gaining on me, they had fresh legs and I didn't.  There was no way I was going to outrun them and there were too many to try to overpower them, so I decided to just accept my fate. They surrounded me and no one said a word, they seemed like they could communicate without speaking. They all unlaced their shoes and handed them over to a short brunette who quickly wove the laces into a sturdy looking rope. Before I could react, my hands were bound, this wasn't looking good. I thought the worst and then had another thought. How does an all female tribe continue to survive into the future....


      No truer words ever spoken here.


      Classic. Now we have a better visual.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        I just worked out in the basement.  This "Iton Strength" workout which kicks my butt.


        nice story there mtwarden.  I was thinking the first part started off like trail porn.


        qotd:  rarely listen to music while running.  I'll bust out the tunes in a hundo sometimes to distract my mind from the pain.
