Trailer Trash


Martin Mondailies (Read 20 times)

Queen of Nothing


    after 5 hours in the rain I wasn’t too excited to get going in the snow this morning.  Rain 8.5 was pretty but cold being the slushy kind.



    Qotd:  Next exciting thing on your radar?  I am going to Mexico in two weeks to visit visit the parents for 2 weeks.  One week my sister will be there.  Mom was sick the first two weeks they were there and niw Dad is sick.  Hope they are healthy when I get there.


    Sandy:  I DNF’d on that long chire list. 








    Are we there, yet?

      Been preoccupied with minor computer problems and prepping for Tideland 24 on Saturday.  Rest day today because it's too freaking cold out.


      DD1 - nice weight loss.


      Sandy - congrats on Houston.  Heard it was one of the coldest ever.


      qotd: Tideland 24 on Saturday in NC.  Temps a little colder than I like.  Plan on pushing it a little farther than I did at Crooked Road, maybe 16-18 hours.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





      running under the BigSky

        strength trained at the gym this morning, will get out for a few miles this afternoon


        qotd: we have a Forest Service cabin for rent next weekend, we'll (DW and Tiny E) ski in/out- well Tiny E won't ski 


        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √



          Day off here (first time ever getting MLK day off) but it's the coldest day we've had here this year, heck maybe in a few years, topped off with gusty NW winds. So I believe I will take a pass on any outdoor activities. It was about 5 earlier today, maybe low teens now but gusting NW wind is making real feel to be somewhere between -15 and way too fucking cold.


          So no outdoor run today, but I did hit the planet of fitness for weights and stretching earlier

          I did get in 4-5 miles yesterday on the trail with the Lady. Cold and wind hadn't hit yet, but it was a mega mess out there with slush and standing water. Slippery and slow was the order of the day. I did 2+ hours on the trails of Nolde Forest on Saturday on the perfect winter day with lightly snow covered trails.


          I wonder if moonlight ran last night? I saw the eclipse but before it started I went out to glance at the moon. Clouds were racing across the sky and it looked like the moon was moving. I knew that was a trick, but then the sky cleared again and I looked at it several more times and the moon still appeared to be moving. Rapidly too. I actually freaked out but just slightly as I knew it was an illusion, plus I had been enjoying a few pints during the NFL games but I was not lit or dizzy. So I called my wife down, asked her to go look at the moon (I did not tell her my moving moon theory) and she went out on the back deck, looked up and told me the moon was moving! Crazy. About a half hour later the eclipse started.


          QOTD: No plans yet. I started looking at Bora Bora yesterday. My wife turns 60 this year. I think it will be costly, but who knows. Not sure if I will pull the plug on a trip like that. The long flight would be the worst part, so maybe do something closer.



          Sandy - Congrats on that road race thing. In my previous life I could run those decently.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.



            Walked a few miles on the TM over lunch while watching TV.  There's some really crappy TV on during the day, and the commercials are all for retired or unemployed people.


            Cold run tomorrow morning planned looks like it will be 5-6° with less wind when I start.


            XT - yes, it was a beautiful moon last night. I was able to see it from inside while looking out a window.  We had no clouds at all, so was nice to see moon every 10-15 minutes how it changed with eclipse.


            QOTD:  Got a couple of shows coming up. Jersey Boys at the Hershey Theater and then a Celtic group the week before St. Patrick's Day at the Majestic Theater (Gettysburg).

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


              Is anybody having some enjoyable weather?  I ran today on the roads. It was sucky.   10 miles with crappy traction, temps around 12F and a brutal wind wherever it was somewhat open. Not too often I say my run kinda sucked but today qualified. Think I'll hop on the elliptical this evening as I feel I just need it.


              QOTD-- Exciting?? Not anything too special yet but I have had my maps and a calendar spread out on the kitchen table for a few weeks. Lots of things bouncing around in the brain. Just snowshoe races the next two weekends and then 4 days in Tennessee camping doing some trail exploration Feb 7-11. Some chilly camping.


                SRD today.  I feel very good today, hardly any soreness.  Thanks xc and XT.  My theory is that it was so cold yesterday that I was running and icing at the same time. 


                Qon - I'm really sorry about your chore DNF...  not.


                qotd: Nothing planned.  But my DD and I are talking about updating our training plan and she is trying to talk me into trying for an unsupported  FKT on a local trail and doing a r2r2r this spring. Either way, we're not going to do Rocky 50 next month.  Stay tuned.
