Trailer Trash


Screw the Fridaily (Read 18 times)


    Wussed out yesterday and hit the gym for some weights and stretching and 4 miles on the treadmill. Kept with AT's treadmill trash theme at least. Funny, it was like I was going back in time to my fitness days of running. I actually had an ok run on the treadmill, averaged about 8:10 pace which is fast for my creaky legs and time did not drag on too bad. I kept flipping the pace though every 1/4 mile so that helped.


    Run out by the lake planned for today. Upper teens I think, no wind. Should be nice. The snow we have, might be hard crunchy and slick from the deep freeze. I think I will screw an older pair of my trail shoes today.


    QOTD: Watching the Super Bowl? Should it be a Saturday game or earlier on Sunday? Super Bowl eats?


    Yes, I always watch. Of course rooting against the Pats but would not bet against them and hope for a decent close game. Chili and snacks will be food of the day on Super Bowl Sunday. I am not sure I like how they've pushed it back to 6pm over the years. Prime time $$$ wins out though. I think I'd like an earlier game on Sunday.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.



      We are finally leaving here around noon.  I'm so tired of being in a hotel, tired of eating out 3 meals a day, tired of not seeing my dogs.  But I'm trying to think of it as ultra mental training.  If I can smile my way through today then it's all good.


      I really enjoyed all the warm sunny pictures yesterday.  There is sunshine here today and it's supposed to be in the 60s this weekend...too bad there will be 25 mph winds.  I have the farrier coming sat. and if it's not too awful windy I'll get out on the road.  I can't remember how many miles maybe 14 or 12.


      qotd: No, I don't care much for televised sports except the Triple Crown.



        SRD today. We got a surprise 2" of snow this morning. Weather dude said "may be a few squalls around mid day". He was wrong...again.


        Feeling better today, so going ahead with the 2 longish runs for the weekend. Not sure if I'll nee spikes for the first one or not, but I'll bring them along tomorrow.


        Texted with Jamie and surgery went well. He's in pain but walking around.


        QOTD:  We'll watch, but if it gets boring, I'll switch it off.  Not thrilled about either team, so meh. Would love for it to be earlier on Sunday. They would not loose viewership, people will still party, just earlier.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        running under the BigSky

          a tough 7 miles yesterday with Tiny E- snow wasn't quite deep enough for snowshoes, but deep enough to make the going tough- felt like 14 miles instead of 7


          will get out on the trails here pretty soon, going to try and hit a more popular loop with the hope of it being semi-packed down


          qotd: will likely watch (hoping for a close game w/ the Rams victorious), the start time isn't too bad for us here (MST), but damn that's awfully late for a drawn out game in Central and Eastern times zones imo; but I like to go to bed early too 


          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


          Queen of Nothing


            We ran 6 this morning..beautiful sunrise...


            QOTD:  I will be flying to Puerto Vallarta on Sunday looks like I will get there on time...I wouldn't mind watching it, but would like it better if the Saints were playing.  It should be at 2 PM on Sunday so everyone can watch, party and be in bed in time for work.   Beer and wings.  Wait...with Wardens comment I now have no idea what time it will be on in PV....whatever...


            AT:  Thanks for letting us know about Jamie...glad he is up.


            Warden:  You feel short on the I am guessing Elk Chili.

             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






              Rest day today. Working from home and stalling on getting anything productive done.


              AT thx for the update. Heal up soon Dr J!


              QOTD: although it goes against my principles to root for any team from Los Angeles, I’m making an exception on Sunday.  Not only bc NE is on the other side but also bc Jarred Goff (Rams QB) is a local boy, went to Marin Catholic HS and Cal. I Hope he has a good day and surprises NE.  I’ll have the game on at home but will be doing chores too, no notable snacks planned.

              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


              running under the BigSky



                Warden:  You feel short on the I am guessing Elk Chili.


                whoops- reading comprehension Smile  if I can convince DW- yes; fall back option pizza/wings/beer 


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  I actually got up this morning and did a slow and easy 3 miles. One of my “instant runs”.


                  Dr J - hope you bounce back quick.


                  dhuff, I feel your pain just be glad it wasn’t like one of my 3 week jaunts.


                  DD and I will be at the Damnation aid station for Rocky Raccoon 100 mi / 100k tomorrow. Always a fun time. Then we’ll run a few miles on the trails afterwards. There will be a little mud in spots, but mostly ok, I’ll let ya know on Sunday.


                  qotd:  I’ve been saying for years that the SB should be on Saturday night. Beer and food spending would go even higher than they already are. Plus, and more importantly, we’d all have Sunday to sleep it off.  No one listens to me though......


                  I’ll be rooting against the Pats, even though it’ll probably be futile. Nothing too special in the food department, I guess chips and salsa will be involved though.



                  I lost my rama

                    It will be a balmy 20 deg today, so heading outside for 8 or so after work.


                    AT - Glad to hear the update on Dr. J.  Hope he recovers well and will be running again soon.


                    QOTD:  Rams -0 and Pats -1, or Rams -7 and Pats -9.  Just want to win some $$.  If the Pats lose, then that's a bonus.  No special plans.  Probably just watch from the couch.

                    3/17 - NYC Half

                    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                    Refurbished Hip

                      I actually got up this morning and did a slow and easy 3 miles. One of my “instant runs”.


                      I'm pretty sure I have thought of you and your instant runs every time I have only gone out 3 miles or so.  


                      Thanks for the news from Jamie, AT.  Glad to hear he came out the other side!


                      QOTD: I'll be watching and rooting for the Rams.  I can't stand the Patriots.  Or Tom Brady.  Or Bill Belichick.  FFS, I want to see those cheating assholes lose.  One of my greatest Super Bowl memories was watching the Giants beat the Pats back in...2008, I think?  Somewhere around there.  God, that was great.  Food?  I haven't thought that far ahead.  I'll be dog sitting for my BFF and her husband all week, so I'll be at their house.  Maybe one of those fancier frozen pizzas.  Keeping it classy!

                      Running is dumb.


                        Oh FFS, I haven't run yet today and it's looking less and less likely.  Low motivation week paired with crappy weather. Actually, that was my excuse all last month. Our rower has been fixed and is great shape, so I will hop on that for awhile, and get some yoga in, too.


                        qotd: I could care less. And until yesterday, I couldn't tell you who was playing. But for those watching, I hope it is an enjoyable game that results in your desired outcome. So the food side of it is irrelevant. However, Asian new year's is next week (or for members of my household, Tet). Maybe we'll head out for dinner when everyone is home watching the game.

                        Queen of Nothing


                          If you see her....say hi Abby...she's a little thing and fairly fast.  Smile


                          Image may contain: Abby Petersen McKee, smiling, outdoor and closeup




                          DD and I will be at the Damnation aid station for Rocky Raccoon 100 mi / 100k tomorrow. Always a fun time. Then we’ll run a few miles on the trails afterwards. There will be a little mud in spots, but mostly ok, I’ll let ya know on Sunday.



                           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                            MM - .


                            QoN - Is she in the mile or Km? Do ya know her bib number? It'll be fun to surprise her.



                              I ran my 5 mile country road loop Friday afternoon. We just finished wrapping up the enrollment cleanup for the spring semester, always a hectic time. So, took Friday off to just recharge mentally. I saw 4 deer and 8 turkeys, not bad for a mid day run.


                              QOTD: No special plans. I doubt I will watch the whole thing if I watch any at all. I have very little interest in the game, but I do hope the Rams lose. I was initially upset about the NFC championship game, but I got over it in about 5 minutes. The Saints has an opportunity to win the game after that fiasco, but they blew it. Then, they blew it again in OT. Of course, with that call, the game would have been over right there. I guess that is why they say, "It ain't over til its over."
