Trailer Trash


Some Good News Wednesday (Read 24 times)



    Got an update from Hao last last night.


    Bert is doing better, they just moved him to a Step-down unit and out of the ICU. Now he needs to be able to take food via tube and some physical therapy to move around more and then good to go.  I'm OK. I can Face Time him now, so it's so much better.I can see him and see how his face looks, and I can tell whether he's feeling good or not. Tell his running friends Hi. 


    Though we could all use use some good news.


    Not sure if I'll run today over lunch. Need to stop by my Mom's and have her place laptop outside so I can set up Zoom for her. We plan on an Easter Brunch Family Zoom this Sunday.


    QOTD:  pass.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Thanks for the update on Berto. Encouraging. Sounds like he has turned the corner, and great that his wife can "see" him again.


      Not much yet today. Total of 10 miles yesterday in a mix of runs and wogs but only count 8 of them as running. Very mild this morning for our 2 mile dog wog. I should have skipped the jacket. Way too hot during the jogging section. Will do some weights and stretching this afternoon and hit the trails for 5-6 miles later.


      QOTD: How is the yard/gardens these days?


      Daffodils, spring bulbs are all in bloom as are the weeds. Grass is green and lush and I will now be on a regular mowing schedule. I had a big pile of mulch delivered for this weekend's enjoyment. Only 9 yards. I will need another load of that size to do the beds in the back yard but that is phase 2 late this month after I plant the canna bulbs.


      Here is the Lady posing in front of the front bed this weekend. Baker refused to sit still for a pose.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        ugh, did not run yesterday. Seems I'm in a rut of running, then taking two days 'rest'. I'll get out later, I promise. I did do my tabata day challenge. These are hard, and I'm in the easy week where I have just one exercise per interval a day.


        qotd: Not great quality pic, but took this while grilling the other night. The redbuds have started and dogwoods are emerging. Daffodils are fading, but loads of blossoms on one of the blueberry shrubs. I put out the tomato starts this morning so they can get real sunshine.



        running under the BigSky

          great news on bert-o, thanks for posting AT


          DW, Tiny Elvis and I decided to hit the Helena Ridge trail last night with the chance to glance the super moon.  It's 9 miles, mostly right on top of the ridge, it does require a vehicle shuttle, which is a bit of a pain, but worth it.


          The moon was supposed to rise at 7:30 so we started about 7:00 hoping to watch the sunset to the west and the moonrise to the east, unfortunately clouds to the east so the moon didn't rise until we were almost finished up.  Still some great views and got to see a dozen elk about 150 yards above us.


          Will get out today sometime for a few miles.


          qotd: our lawn just got rid of the last snow, but calling for more Friday and Saturday Smile






          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            AT - thanks for passing along the update on Bert.  Glad to hear that there are some good news and positive progress. Fingers still crossed though.


            XT - nice photo of the "pup".


            mt - great photos, it looks nice and cool.


            We are currently in the south wind muggy weather from the Gulf of Mexico phase, so yesterday's afternoon 4 mi was hot (upper 80s) and this morning's 6 mi was dripping wet (75 deg). Today it'll be around 90 deg.  We're headed for some rainy days and weekend and then early next week it'll be north winds and cooler air from Colorado and Oklahoma phase, so that'll be better.


            By the way, due to the current mugginess and rain I couldn't see the moon last night or this morning (if it was still up).


            qotd: We have grass and some plants, and we pay some guys to take care of cutting it and once in a while pruning stuff, so it's really their lawn.  We have a sprinkler system for water (we get a lot of rain, but it get so hot here you also have to water or it'll all burn away).  Anyway, I only look at it from time-to-time, and it pretty much looks the same all the time.




              So good to hear about Berto.


              I can tell it's spring cause I can't breathe due to my allergies.  If I take a pill at night when I get up I'm groggy, if I don't I spend the day blowing my nose.  It's lovely outside and I'd so much rather be there than stuck working inside.


              qotd: yard guy just got done mowing/weed eating.  Blueberries and apple trees have blooms.


              Le professeur de trail

                Sucky run at lunch just now.  Felt good for 2 miles and then the wheels came off. It's a mystery to me.  But it's beautiful out here.  Near 70, sunshine, light breeze.

                Great to hear about Bert!


                QOTD: I have been working on the yard when I can.  I need to move some plants around, sort of rearranging the yard like you would a room in the house.


                Have a great day!

                My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                  Drove down to the Madison area yesterday afternoon. No traffic all the way and then went over to the Arb around the afternoon/evening rush hour except there was no traffic. However got into the Arb and it was an 'effin' circus with people all over including many first timers as they were looking at the maps at trail intersections. Managed to run my interval course w/o too much problem at least. Wow!

                  Did a short recovery trail run this morning and then it's been busy times with chores and running to Menards. Busy there too.

                  The plan tomorrow will be a longish run and then head back north.


                  Oh and it's raining off and on so I never saw this moon you guys speak of. 


                  QOTD--Up north it's all snow or mud. Down here it looks to be greening up nicely. DW will have to get down here to get her gardens ready.


                  AT--so sorry to read about your daughter's nightmare. And least some good news re Bert


                  dhuff--Not sure what type of allergies you're dealing with but I do a daily zyrtec and a shot or two of flonase  year 'round. No major probs and doesn't leave me drowsy fwiw.


                  Faster Than Your Couch!

                    AT: Thanks for the news on Berto, I have been thinking about him, hoping he would recover from the surgery and get off the ventilator. Praying he will make further progress and be able to go home again.

                    No run today, although the weather is wonderful. But I am a little I’ll (nothing CoVid related), so I called off work, picked up my meds (doctors are very willing to do prescriptions for minor stuff over the phone these days, which saved me a trip into the Corona Den (aka doctors office). Stay around the house/in bed today. 

                    AT: Absolutely terrible and shocking what happened to your DD. I am so sorry this happened to her. I hope she will be able to leave this ER soon. Nothing worse than having to work again at a place where you got attacked and nobody came to your help quickly. 

                    Last night, I was awoken by a loud bump, followed by crying. I had no idea what had happened, and assumed either DD or DS had fallen off their loft bed and got hurt. 
                    So I jumped out of my bed to investigate, from deep sleep right into the 200+ heart rate.  I think this might have broken something. Right away, it felt as if I was going to faint, but I recovered enough to find out that the bonk had just been DD falling over in her (broken) chair while reading, nothing bad, rather funny.
                    But  ever since, I am dizzy and very weak as soon as I get up, all day. Maybe it’s because of my illness which might have just been starting up then, who knows, but it is disabling. I hope it will fix itself soon.


                    QOTD: I am eyeing at all your wonderful yards and gardening progress reports. I am so behind this year. Hyacinths (grape and regular) are just beginning to fade, and nothing has come in to fill the gap yet. Not even weeds, lucky for me. 
                    i am waiting for the huge bearded irises to come along, maybe I’ll cut the ornamental grasses soon to make room for new greens. Not much motivation now.

                    Run for fun.



                      NH...seems like every living thing is what I'm allergic to.  I was tested several years ago and trees are a big contributor but also mold and mildew.  I think my issue with Zyrtek which I also have is my size and weight.  I'm down to 95 lbs and most prescriptions are for people around the 150 mark.  I had some reactions to Flonase too.  I'm beginning to think I'll be a bubble person soon.  I never had issues until we moved to OK.  I would love to get back to the desert or the beach but not happening right now.

                      Queen of Nothing


                        No run in 3 days much for making goals.  Working our asses off in the park so extremely sore in upper body and hands.


                        Qotd:  The oark has been beautiful for days...lot’s of wild flowers.  The CALIFORNIA POPPIES are just starting...unfortunately the maintenance girl just mowed down some of these beautiful flowers.

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                        Are we there, yet?

                          Great news about Bert!


                          Crashed trying to do a 2 x 12:30 tempo run.  Warmest day of the year I think.


                          3DATF was finally postponed.  I've been expecting that, but it's still a disappointment.  New date is Oct 3 for the 50K, just a week after Beebe Farm which I had been thinking about as my fall goal race.


                          qotd: No garden.  Yard is half underbrush and trees, the rest grass. Landlord maintains it.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K
                                05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.