Trailer Trash


Stinky Saturdailies (Read 33 times)

    The pooch and I had a nice 8 mile trail run again this morning. Marley rolled in something especially fragrant. I think she will need a real bath since the hose rinse just didn't cut it.


    QOTD: Pass


    Tallahassee, Florida


      The weather for now is not the greatest and I'm feeling like slug so we'll have to see yet. I'd like to get out on some single track later. Until then some weights, etc. Have to run to the lumber yard and hardware store so I won't be bored. Smile


      QOTD--Favorite running event of your life?


        Morning folks!

        got in 12 this morning, With a little mountain in the middle (2200' gain in about 3.75 miles) My mountain trail is 99.9% free of snow!

        I had a nice fitness evaluation as I was slogging the big uphill. I'm not where I want to be, but better than I used to be, and not too far from where I need to be to finish my upcoming 50, if that makes sense.


        QOTD: not much experience to choose from, but my first (and only) 10K was a really good experience. I ran a really good race, finished strong, and beat my friend Big grin

          Resting up for my 50k tomorrow.  Predicting an 8 hour Wog


          QOTD:  Not a race, but one of my most memorable was a spur of the moment 14 mile trail run the Monday of Memorial day a couple of years ago.  Felt really good to go out with out a plan and improvise at each intersection.




            Happy Saturday all!


            Got in 10 miles and ~1700ft elev gain with the dog this morning on the foothills trails. I'm in taper mode so I was wanting to continue farther up the mountain, but decided to stick to my plan. Felt great except for my dang calf. That thing has been super tight for weeks now and is starting to get pretty annoying!


            Qotd: That's a tough one. All of my races have been a lot of fun and I've had some great wilderness runs. But I suppose if I had to pick one so far it would be last years Pikes Peak Ascent. I love to run at high altitude, so the run up to14,000ft+ was pretty awesome.


            Hope everyone has a good weekend!


              Good afternoon all!


              Just 7 miles today on the super hilly trails at Coventry Woods. I had planned to get in maybe 10 but SirB the spaniel is a weekend warrior and wanted to go for a run today so I kept it a bit shorter for the old man. Of course it's a hard 7 up and down and up and down the hill leading to the top of the ridge. Eventually you get up there, then we go down and up and down and up the other side before running around on the ridge and then finally going down for good again on the north side with a little detour to run the love valley loop for an extra mile and finally a stop at the pigeon creek for water. Got it?!


              QOTD: Lots of favorites, good memories. The Laurel Highlands Ultra sticks out as one of my favorites though. The first year I ran (2008) it was very memorable and felt like a step up for me in the ultra world. The following year I ran it again pacing a friend and providing morale support for the entire 70.5 miles. That was dang near impossible to forget too. Meltdown in the woods! Cripes after I promised her there would be soup at mile 55 I started to worry  that maybe there wouldn't be and I was going to be in trouble. It is pretty amazing to watch someone bounce out of the funk, recover, and get to the finish. Last year I only did a section in the relay but it was enough to whet my appetite to go back one more time.


              Tromper - Our old spaniel MissB (rest in peace) loved rolling in the horse poop, cow poop, etc. Trail perfume.

              In dog beers, I've only had one.


                Afternoon Trailers!


                Ran a nice 9+ miles today. Met up with a new coworker and ran with him for a bit. I think I pushed him a bit considering we ended up walking home. Smile I kept making sure he was doing okay and tried to let him set the pace, but it's easy to forget how hard it is being a new runner.


                QOTD: Haven't been in a running event yet, but my favorite run has been on the snow filled trails where I broke trail in 6+ inches of snow and was loving every minute of it.



                  Qotd: That's a tough one. All of my races have been a lot of fun and I've had some great wilderness runs. But I suppose if I had to pick one so far it would be last years Pikes Peak Ascent. I love to run at high altitude, so the run up to14,000ft+ was pretty awesome.



                  That's awesome that you've run the Pikes Peak Ascent. Colorado Springs is where I call home and I've always been in awe at those who can run it.


                    I guess running event is kind of general. Could be the first time you ran a mile straight or the first run with your kid or a PR for a marathon or whatever. Have a hard time myself picking out a favorite. It's been a good ride so far. Smile


                    Snowden-- Colorado Springs brings a sweet event to my mind from just last summer as I ran/hiked the incline last summer with my daughter so that ranks right up there. Ever do that one?


                    Others for me would be my first mountain run with my BIL in Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park back in '87. About 8 miles of oxygen deprived running on the trails.. Sweet and memorable

                    Doing Big Sur road marathon and then two days later running the Dipsea trail was a pretty cool event sequence.


                    And I guess lastly was my finest road race- a 5k I had a breakthrough in and busted a 17:20. Seems like a lifetime ago now.


                    Who knows-- next week could be another epic event.


                    flashlight and sidewalk

                      Happy weekend all,


                      I did a 10 mile trail race this AM.  It was a blast.  I'll put together a race report once they post the times.


                      QOTD: I think my favorite run wasn't really an event...I had myself an adventure in LA over the winter, which involved navigating the public transportation system and about 14 miles of running.  Most of it was at Will Roger's ranch on some single track trails.  I would love to repeat it.


                      **Ask me about streaking**


                      Occasional Runner

                        Ran 50 miles today in California. That is all.


                        QOTD: I don't know but it's not a race in California.


                          NorthernHarrier- I ran/hiked the incline last summer too with my Mom and friends. We plan on hiking it and camping at Barr Camp with I visit this May.