Trailer Trash


TGIFridaily (Read 19 times)


running under the BigSky

    Happy Friday Smile


    strength trained yesterday evening, SRD for Tiny E 


    we'll hit the trails sometime today for a few snowy miles


    qotd: weekend?  we're skiing (DW, Tiny Elvis) into a Forest Service cabin tomorrow and spending the night; it's about a 6 mile ski, gaining almost the whole way in, but it's pretty gradual- makes the trip out a little quicker Smile


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      Did a 5 mile run in the hood this morning. It was 8 below.    Did some core and weights and now loading up to head north.  We are now in  brutal cold stretch.


      QOTD--Tomorrow morning will be a snowshoe race. It is forecast to be about -12 to -15 below at the start. This will certainly be my coldest event ever.  I'll just head home from there and probably lay low the rest of the weekend as the temps up north will make doing about anything outside problematic.

      Queen of Nothing


        Hello hello echo echo...guess we have a busy group this morning.  We ran 7 miles this morning...My watch had stopped so I added the miles (and not the stopped time) and was like WOW  we did 10 minute miles.......but they were still 10:54s which is pretty good for us...this is a hilly run.


        QOTD:  I am going to get a long run in tomorrow and than chores chores is going up for sale March first.

         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








          Was only able to get the 2 in yesterday.  Doctor appt this morning...will be getting an MRI and depending on that will do PT.  We're also testing for RA.  Since I already have Graves which is an autoimmune disease it's possible to pick up another, RA, Lupus, Diabetes.  This is getting to be tiresome.  I'm not going to do the 50 at Prairie Spirit just the 50k.  I may try for it at the Lhotse 24 hour but that all depends.  It doesn't hurt to walk but after 15 miles it's very painful to bend over or to sit.  I can't sit for more than an hour without having to get up and then here it is again. I want to start with some body weight core type exercises but I'm concerned about my back.  Argh.  End of rant.


          It was 12 degrees here this morning, not sure what the "feels like" was but at least there was sun.



            SRD today. Still fighting a cold and my throat is raw, so tomorrow TBD.


            Warden - have fun. Sounds like a blast.


            NH - I guess no shorts tomorrow.


            Sue - Is this time for real with house?


            dhuff - good luck with MRI results. Doing hip or LB (or both)?


            QOTD:  Bachelor this weekend as DW is at a conference in DC.  Thought of going and hanging out there and going to dinner in the city, but not feeling great, so staying home. Down week this week, so run will depend o how I feel and trail conditions.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

            Queen of Nothing




              SRD today. Still fighting a cold and my throat is raw, so tomorrow TBD.


              Warden - have fun. Sounds like a blast.


              NH - I guess no shorts tomorrow.


              Sue - Is this time for real with house?


              dhuff - good luck with MRI results. Doing hip or LB (or both)?


              QOTD:  Bachelor this weekend as DW is at a conference in DC.  Thought of going and hanging out there and going to dinner in the city, but not feeling great, so staying home. Down week this week, so run will depend o how I feel and trail conditions.

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








                Tim, it's both. She understands that while I may never be able to do a 100 that I have to be active so we are also doing a bunch of blood work to rule out as best as possible any further autoimmune diseases.  The one I have has wreaked enough havoc.  It's caused kidney damage, I have to take a beta blocker which has killed my energy levels stopping me from actually running but as long as I can continue my "adventures" I'm okay.

                  5 miles plus kettlebell class this morning.  A beautiful sunny day and I’m stuck inside doing irksome work.   Guess I should be glad I’m getting paid...


                  QOTD: WS meeting tomorrow for AS captains so probably no run. Hopefully I’ll manage something long-ish on Sunday after KB class.  Since the classes make my booty hurt, they must be doing some good. 

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                  Refurbished Hip

                    Good luck on the MRI, dhuffman.  I've had 3 in total...they're never very much fun.  I really hope you get good news.

                    Running is dumb.


                      No run today, and none yesterday.


                      Dhuff: I hope you get good news from all your testing!


                      AT: hope you feel better.


                      Warden: you live a fantastic life!


                      Queen: nice miles


                      Harrier: good luck


                      Gatsby: sounds like a great volunteer opportunity.


                      Todayay  I turned 61.  Went out to dinner  with my parents. Tomorrow I am going with a friend to a state park up north. They have snowshoes available, and we will go on a guided tour in the park. I think it will be fun, but I am not sure how long it will last. I hope it will at least a couple hours long. It will take place during the heat of the day, with a "feels like temp" of -1. I am looking forward to it. I have not gone snowshoeing in years.


                      I did come up with some running goals for my 61st year:


                      Train for my races ...rather than just planning to train and end up gutting it out, putting in a poor performance.


                      Continue to enjoy my runs, but strike a good balance between sight seeing and training. I tend to lolly gag.


                      Write a book about my friend, The Old Woman. She has lived so long I want her to live forever. I've been researching her, she has lived in interesting times, yards away from an Indian trail that became a main east to west road.

                      January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                      running under the BigSky

                        ^  Happy Birthday Cindy!  I know someone else who recently turned 61 too 


                        2024 goal 2024 miles

                        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                        2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                          Happy birthday Moonlight


                          (and to the other unnamed 61 y/o).

                          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                            SRD again.  Yes, I am milking the recovery week, thanks for asking.


                            dhuff, good luck on the tests.


                            Happy B'day moonlight ! That makes three of us who are the same age, but at least you're the youngest. 


                            qotd: Nothing exciting, DW is still a little fragile so we'll take it slow for another weekend.  We will do some walking between the raindrops tomorrow.




                              Happy belated birthday, Cindy.


                              Nothing wrong with lolly gagging around. I need to do more of those John M moments.

                              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway!