Barefoot Runners

Progress report. (Read 880 times)


Barefoot and happy

    I think I landed bad on a stone/rock a couple weeks ago. My left foot has pain in the heel/arch area. Researching / reading it may be PF.
    You don't get PF from stepping on a rock. It sounds like you have a bruise. If it's deep it can take a long time to fully heal.
    Curious about running barefoot? Visit the new barefoot running group.
      You don't get PF from stepping on a rock. It sounds like you have a bruise. If it's deep it can take a long time to fully heal.

      That sounds right. This is the year of bruises for me as last February I slipped and landed hard on my left knee. Sort of interesting - I felt the most pain and discomfort on the back of the leg, behind the knee - especially when the leg is bent. It still isn't 100%.


      Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.


        Completed my first all barefoot running session this morning--2.8 miles.  The balls of my feet are tender where the skin hasn't yet thickened, and I feel a small blister on the ball of my left foot.


        The main obstacle to running more barefoot mileage is my sensitive feet.  They're getting better but still feels like I have a while to go.


        Also I haven't found a comfortable foot strike.  If I let my feet land where they will, I see hit a little too hard on the heel.  Sometimes I concentrate on foot strike and attempt to land a little more flat-footed or slightly ball first.


        Tomorrow's a running rest day and hopefully my feet will feel well enough to at least do a little bit of barefooting on Wednesday or Thursday.


          6.2 miles in VFF. I think I could have run more but thought it would not be wise. I think it will be better to build up my mileage slowly.

          My total for last week in VFF is over 20 miles and my feet are doing great.

          I would rather wear out than rust out. - Helen Klein You create your own universe as you go along. - Winston Churchill
          Eustace Tierney


            6.2 miles in VFF. I think I could have run more but thought it would not be wise. I think it will be better to build up my mileage slowly.

            My total for last week in VFF is over 20 miles and my feet are doing great.



            "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." Goals: Keep on running!


              I've been in lurk mode for some time and mostly running barefoot or VFFs on my treadmill.


              Last night I decided to take the VFF for a real spin. Ran 8.5 at a good clip over varied terrain including concrete, grass and asphalt. Stepped on a couple of major rocks which did not feel so good but managed to keep going. The best part of this run was the grass portion. Felt like I was hardly landing at all. Very comfortable except getting the clovers stuck between the toes on the VFFs. The grass does need to be cut on the local XC course.


              Overall a great experience which I will match again this week. I will try to get two runs per week on VFFs and hopefully some barefoot will follow. The rocks from last night still have me concerned.

              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



              Barefoot and happy

                "Also I haven't found a comfortable foot strike.  If I let my feet land where they will, I see hit a little too hard on the heel.  Sometimes I concentrate on foot strike and attempt to land a little more flat-footed or slightly ball first.

                How do you know you're landing too hard on your heel?  Does it actually hurt?  If not, I wouldn't worry so much about it. 

                Curious about running barefoot? Visit the new barefoot running group.
                  7miles in my VFF today,  30miles this week. Bigger increase I planned but it just felt so good.
                  I would rather wear out than rust out. - Helen Klein You create your own universe as you go along. - Winston Churchill

                  Beware, batbear...

                    1.4 miles walking today BF.  Have done a lot of walking, swimming, and elliptical for two weeks.  Will be back at it Wednesday but taking it slow. 

                    2014 Goal -- Run 5X per week, pain-free (relatively) by end of summer.

                    Certainly Something...

                      4.9 in vibrams.  Well, stupid inside seam started rubbing again, and I ran the last half mile barefoot. Seem to have avoided blisters.
                        4.9 in vibrams.  Well, stupid inside seam started rubbing again, and I ran the last half mile barefoot. Seem to have avoided blisters.

                         I sweat a lot and that icludes my feet so I wear injinji socks with my VFF. No blisters so far.

                        I would rather wear out than rust out. - Helen Klein You create your own universe as you go along. - Winston Churchill

                          Hi everybody,

                          I'm just starting to get my feet wet with barefoot running. Literally! Today on my lunch-hour run I went to a big park near my office and did about 2/3 mile barefoot on the cool, wet grass. It felt great. I've done this a few times now. When I put my shoes back on and continue running through the neighborhood, I try to pretend I'm still barefoot and carry my body accordingly. I think it's made a real difference for my running.

                          I've ordered a pair of VFF KSOs and can't wait 'til they come in. I'm a new runner with a history of knee trouble, and I've come to believe that barefooting/minimalism is going to be my ticket to a lifetime of injury-free running. And there's something so life-affirming about running barefoot--but that's not news to anyone here!

                          Imminent Catastrophe

                             I sweat a lot and that icluded my feet so I wear injinji socks with my VFF. No blisters so far.


                            Is there really room in the toes for the socks? They seem snug to me, without socks.

                            "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                             "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                            "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                            √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                            Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                            Western States 100 June 2016

                              At first I thought my toes felt tight but that does not seem to bother me on my runs. The longest I ran in VFF is 7miles and my toes were fine. True, my shoes are one size larger than the suggested size I got from FF  website. The first pair I got (classic - now my son is wearing those) was what they recommended and it made my Achilles tendons suffer after just a couple of miles of easy hiking. Larger size Sprints solved that problem.


                              I would rather wear out than rust out. - Helen Klein You create your own universe as you go along. - Winston Churchill

                              Barefoot and happy

                                Welcome to all the new people who have been sharing their progress.  I was in your (lack of) shoes almost two years ago.


                                My progress report: 56 barefoot miles last week, a new personal best. 

                                Curious about running barefoot? Visit the new barefoot running group.