Circle North

Log comments for Cuch (Read 27 times)

    I need to wait for the cliff notes, I don't have 43 minutes to spend on it, which I imagine the reason for is covered some where in there.  Maybe if Fro shows up for a group run he can summarize it for me.


    Don't leave cuch.  This place would be a snoozefest without you.  And Fro can't leave either because he's a good sport.


    I thought this video would be something very different.  Now I want to quit my job



    I always want to quit my job and go live in a tent, but my wife and kids are soft.

    What was I chasing again?


      Don't leave - this video was very interesting - being a marketing guy, his perception of our craft is very interesting... Besides, I learn way too much from u Cuch!

        i forgot wat 10 dgrs feels like. i cudent warm up durin my unrun 2day. it took a 40 min showr 2 warm myslf. so snowy beautifl here. thnk ull c snow 2morro in the distrct. b safe

        In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










          Shoot - does that mean you heard me yesterday jamming out to the Noise Boys? Hope I wasn't off key - guess it doesn't matter since I couldn't hear myself anyway....

            Shoot - does that mean you heard me yesterday jamming out to the Noise Boys? Hope I wasn't off key - guess it doesn't matter since I couldn't hear myself anyway....

            you you you it's all about you...


            i have my own egofestation going on man. that' me me it's all about me...and my demonizing of my own justificational inflatatble dick deflation. c'mon...stay with me.

            In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











              Ha... well the good news is we couldn't hear each other.

                Ha... well the good news is we couldn't hear each other.

                i want to be heard...if i think i'm not being heard then what is the point of the exercise?


                you see, it's about being comfortable with the uncomfortable...not just physically but mentally as well. it's all connected fro. and it ALL needs practice so you can balance no matter the how many balls are thrown at you or how thin the line your on is.

                In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                  A strange phenomenon I seem to be stuck in - I know when I do it, I get whacked for it, but I can't help but come back to it.... kinda like a dog to it's vomit.


                  Cuch - I continue to be both entertained and amazed by your log posts. In some strange way I think we are all kinda out there - you just seem to embrace it. Others, like myself at times, tend to let it out at select moments in time (good or bad). But, when we truly do step back, we can realize that our lives are pretty damn awesome (even with all the crap that threatens to overwhelm)!


                  I didn't really know CN in the "good ol days", but I know it now - this group is what it is - and is still pretty damn awesome - even if it isn't "what it was" - it is what it is - I for one am glad for that - and have been changed for that! Here's to today!


                  Thanks for being you and for challenging all of us to see things differently and to embrace our true selves - Hazzah! Great entry as usual!

                    embrace our true selves 

                    #1 this is an illusion...on a few levels.


                    that may be impossible for you to see and that is ok. so i won't shove your nose in puke even though my illusivitory ego would take pleasure in it.


                    #2 cn "back then" was a collection of perspectives...stories that one percieved. there was nothing truely great or not truely great about any of it. only what one saw and built up in ones mind. to me none of it even existed in reality...which, may also be impossible for you to see.


                    but...i have got you thinkin.

                    In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                      A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                      L Train



                          that was funny! haha. thank you.

                          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                            my log entry for yesterday's unrun was...being what is. then when isn't, did it happen? i don't know.


                            so now looking at it....and according to the reports page, no, it did not.


                            thank you.

                            In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                              all this boston talk has got me remniscing of boston lookin at my log notes and issues that led up to it was strange. had to give it a chuckle as i sound like someone else completely...anyways, this part here? i don't even remember that girl. she writes as a child feels in a toy store...however a touching perception.


                              limped through the sea of recovery and finally found c,m,a and bren came...yay! called the boys but i couldn't hear good and i had no voice and cell phones suck. anyways, congrats were exchanged but i wouldn't see em and i'm sorry about that. found a good chinc place real close, had some good food and took the T to grace then back to mikes.

                              i told someone just recently that this is the race that will define you as a runnah...for me it not only defines me as a runnah but as a person. i now realize how strong i am and there is nothin on this planet that is gonna stop me from doin what i want to do....ever! this marathon just took all the self-doubt i evah had about myself and threw it right out the fuckin window.

                              i can only hope my friends can find a little of this in themselves and walk away as proud as i am of them.
                              che-ahs guys.


                              anyways, i would like to pass that hope to the bostonians this year...if i may.

                              In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                                Nice run - I'll assume you are feeling more like yourself? Oh, and shut the hell up about getting bronzed - especially from us German fair-skinned people that are getting our red on these days....