Circle North

Group runs (Read 975 times)

L Train


    Just quoted this part because I'm hypnotized. 


    I'm a firm maybe, and I apologize for that.  There's a 50/50 chance that I will be headed back from Foxboro that morning and be too late for 10:00.  If not, I'm there for sure for one of the shorter loops.  I'll know by Weds or so for sure. 



       quoted to annoy.


      gonna try for both of these invites...that's all i can give.

      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










        On Sunday, Jan. 8'th at 9 a.m. , I will be running from the Y out to the end of Gebung, going out easy, coming back fast(ish). All are welcome. There will be water planted at the magic tree.

         I should be there and I think Shell is coming


          You guys are running now, so this is a belated response to Lance's email inquiry as to whether I was running today.  I'm battling a cold and getting some much needed rest.  I've decided not to train for Boston or run outside this winter unless conditions warrant (70 degrees, sunshine, and no wind).  Well, I can bend a little on that, but not until I'm fully well and rested.  Hopefully that will be by next weekend, but I'm doubtful that I'll make Dave's MLK run.  I'll miss the great spread afterwards, not to mention your good company.  Jim, this Tuesday at the Y is equally doubtful for the same reason.  Take care, and good luck to you all.

          Older, slower, and trying to keep up with Tall Dave.

             I've decided not to train for Boston or run outside this winter

             what the hell?

            In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










              Well, I can bend a little on that, but not until I'm fully well and rested.


              Rest up and get well.  Hope to see you back out there soon.

              What was I chasing again?

              My salty dogs

                I could really use some company on a 20+ miler tomorrow.  I was good for 18 last week and then practically walked the last 2 which really killed my time.   Any one going to be in the Dallas area?? Undecided

                  After skating on the side of the road over the past hour in the bitter cold (which will be worse tomorrow) Dallas is sounding pretty good.

                  What was I chasing again?

                    WCRC Long run Jan 29th 40 Main. st York Beach 17.44 mi.

                    for us normal people , You freaks can add on 10 more if you need to .

                    Last one from here . moving to Hampton Nh. in March .

                    "Beep, Beep!"

                      Circle North - MLK Training Run - January 15, 2012

                      18 Hardy souls braved the frigid remperature (7 degrees)

                      Pictures: Front Row 1 - Doug Beaulieu, Jimbo MacPhee, Robin (Cuch). Ricky Reynolds; Row 2 - Elyse, Greg Gaudreau, Becky Harkema, Noel Leigh, Laurie Gaudreau; Row 3 - Mark (Heidi's Dad), Dick L'Heureux, Michelle Sherman, Heidi Brennan; Top Row - Dave Theoharides, Mike Leigh, Greg Cremer, Tom Gadbois, Rob Kaberle

                      Life's journey is not to arrive safely to the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!

                      "Beep, Beep!"

                        Gadman (Tom Gadbois) grew some impressive icicles at the MLK Run. Even Jimbo (Jim MacPhee) sprouted some.

                        Life's journey is not to arrive safely to the grave in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!


                          You have to work a little harder Jimbo if you want to get one like mine


                            I could really use some company on a 20+ miler tomorrow.  I was good for 18 last week and then practically walked the last 2 which really killed my time.   Any one going to be in the Dallas area?? Undecided


                             Let's see, Dallas at 72 degrees (today) vs. Maine at 7 degrees (yesterday).  Count your blessing, Salty.  Wish it were easier to get to your area from here. 

                            Older, slower, and trying to keep up with Tall Dave.

                            My salty dogs

                              Circle North - MLK Training Run - January 15, 2012

                              18 Hardy souls braved the frigid remperature (7 degrees)

                              Pictures: Front Row 1 - Doug Beaulieu, Jimbo MacPhee, Robin (Cuch). Ricky Reynolds; Row 2 - Elyse, Greg Gaudreau, Becky Harkema, Noel Leigh, Laurie Gaudreau; Row 3 - Mark (Heidi's Dad), Dick L'Heureux, Michelle Sherman, Heidi Brennan; Top Row - Dave Theoharides, Mike Leigh, Greg Cremer, Tom Gadbois, Rob Kaberle

                               Great to see you all -- if only in a picture. Wow -- 18 even Lance, McCullough, and Sailor  missing.

                              L Train

                                All are invited to run Sunday from our house at 11:00.  Relative to the Theoharides run, the invitation is lamer, the hosts aren't as nice, our house is under construction, the route will be suckish hills and poorly marked and the food might not be as good. 


                                16 miles is what's planned because that's what I promised Greg C.  Take it up with him. 


                                However, we do now have a hot tub, and the Pats game is on at 3. 


                                So, if that all sounds perfectly good to you, let me know if you are in so I know how poorly to plan the route and so we can buy cheap beer and some pretzels or something.  And bring a bathing suit, you aren't getting in nekkid. 


                                Kids are welcome (sorry, Jimbo).