Circle North

today's *sus* (Read 291 times)

    i don't know...i don't have time for this shit. no...i have time, just no desire to fuck with it.


    are YOU ALL yawning yet?

    In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









      it's like september 10th...there are only a handful of "good" days left to ride.


      soon means never around here. i knew that and i don't care. i'm going. guess what you lose means?

      In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









      L Train

        " ligntning"


          " ligntning"


          and this is mis-spelled....or do i need glasses!?

          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









            i don't know what it's doing "down there" but up here, the sun is out.

            In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










              " ligntning"


              I believe it's French for lightning....or in Sanford.  I forget.


                French for lightning.

                good...i wouldn't want to change my look to hot librarian.


                oh and thank-you dick minion for telling me. god forbid the star answer his own fucking questions.

                In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                  i don't know what it's doing "down there" but up here, the sun is out.


                  nevermind. in closing, there's this;


                  In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                    oh and so because i seem to have desensitized myself in here i am not going to be posting in cn's forums till my name is off the last post on page 1.

                    In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                    L Train



                        In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                          while driving to this mornings appointment, i almost got hit head on by an oncoming car that was driving in my lane...completely in my lane. my fast acting survival skills of steering and swerving way off the right to avoid this asshole saved me once again from his obliviatic duh. seriously....i could be fucking dead right now and my son motherless.


                 the place a leashless dog came flying out into the parking lot as i was pulling in and i almost killed it. the owner was walking waaay up ahead and never saw this fucking almost tragic scene unfold because of obliviatic duh.


                          obliviatic duh; the comatosed state one sustains to whilst under the influence of an inability to connect and/or react with the real world and can only function through the use of a handheld life evolver.

                          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                            this reminds me.........i don't understand what the fuck is going on with the human race.


                            now i'm at the track this w/e. watching a friend race. i take my bike and ride to turn 1a where there are bleaches and other's are gathering to watch. waiting for the start...everyone is watching and waiting. race starts and 8 people out of a small crowd of like 20 pull out their phones and start tracking their people of interest. one girl blurts out, "oh no my battery is almost dead! i'm not going to be able to see what place "jared's" in!!!!" i sooo just wanted to yell and say to her and everyone else. LOOK UP YOU IDIOT!!!! CAN YOU COUNT?????! LOOK, there he is! he's in 1..2..3..4...5!!! he's in 5th place!!!!!!!! oh my head!!!!!!!!


                            i'm all for tracking people.......WHEN YOU'RE NOT RIGHT THERE TO WATCH THE FUCKING THING LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            seriously folks i am afraid for all of you.

                            In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                               obliviatic duh; the comatosed state one sustains to whilst under the influence of an inability to connect and/or react with the real world and can only function through the use of a handheld life evolver.

                              need further clarification?


                              obliviatic duh = total as a whole cell phone dependency.

                              In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                              L Train

                                If some dude's phone's dead on the weekend it's a big problem because he won't be able to see if follow his fantasy FB team named "Show me your TDs".  Maybe this will get better in the spring because fantasy basketball is not nearly as popular.