Half Marathon Trainers

redleaf's training thread (Read 83 times)


    Better today - did a 2k warm up.  Ended up going faster than last week. Not sure I can keep that pace as the intervals get longer but I'll do my best Smile


    (oh and HappyFeat the warm up is logged separately but I did do it!)

    First or last...it's the same finish line

    HF #4362


      Good workout, Lisa. I think you'll surprise yourself with the faster paces you can achieve.

      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


        I agree with HappyFeat on the 5K race.  Do it.  Use it to test your legs.  Pick a target pace per mile (or km) about 10% harder than your target HM pace and run each split rock solid on that pace.  It will show you that your planned HM pace is comfortable and well within reach.


        (After re-reading...I think this is really my attempt at being polite and not saying -- don't do what you did in your last 5K which was jog, jog, jog, jog, sprint like holly hell...finish!)


        Yea, and then I realised we'll be away for that weekend and the next. Sigh. No races I can find on PEI while we're there. So I am stuck with finding a race 4 or 5 Saturdays before the half. (August 24/25 or Labour Day weekend)


        Which would be fine except that the 15k is on August 17. Maybe move that one around? It's already been paid for BUT it's also the same day as a family barbeque. I think maybe I can defer it to next year though. ARGH too much to think about.

        First or last...it's the same finish line

        HF #4362

        an amazing likeness

          Looking through your plan again, I think the 15K you have on the calendar for Aug 17 is perfect -- a great opportunity to run hard for 75% of your target race distance, and then have tons of time to recover.


          If you're open to advice....I'd revisit all those planned long runs, especially the Sept 22nd one, you'll be hard pressed to show up with fresh legs 6 days later.


          Then for more races, look to maybe substitute a few 5K and/or 10K for some of your weekend short runs in early August heading into the 15K.

          Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


            Ha! Can I just somehow open my training log and you mess with it?


            I found a 5k on July 14 I can sign up for.


            And I'm keeping the August race and asking my husband to take Q to the barbeque. Smile He'll have my parents' help too.

            First or last...it's the same finish line

            HF #4362


              Weekly blog update.

              First or last...it's the same finish line

              HF #4362


                weekly blog update here


                I actually didn't add much to the race report but you can see a pic of my treadmill set up Smile

                First or last...it's the same finish line

                HF #4362


                  Three for three so far this week. (well, Sunday counts as last week for me usually)


                  I still have to fight off the "lazies" but even just knowing how ridiculous that must sound to you all is enough for me to go "ha! I have to go run today"


                  Plus the weather broke and it's been amazing all week - never above 25c (77f) during a run and no humidity to speak of at all.


                  I haven't gone over 10km in weeks though so I'll be going for a nice long easy run on Sunday. I have a tempo run on Friday that is scheduled for about 12-13km too. That'll be nice.


                  At some point should I re-assess the speeds I am doing by runs at? Or just keep plodding along? I know there was the interval thread in the GSP talking about making it a game to run "on time." I've been approaching my intervals more on feel keeping with the idea that intervals should be pushing me a little such that I need to dig a little to finish the running part and the walking seems long. So my intervals on Monday should have been 7:15 min/km and none were over 7:00 min/km


                  My "moderate tempo" on Friday should be at half-marathon pace for example. This is about 7:55 min/km for 9.5 km. I ran 10km on Sunday at a 7:07 min/km pace.


                  maybe I'm overthinking Wink

                  First or last...it's the same finish line

                  HF #4362


                    I think you should keep running most of your runs at a comfortable pace - run by "effort" rather than what pace your watch says - and not worry about speed workouts yet. Really, you're still base-building and easy running gives the most gains there. Since you have goal races coming up, a weekly "speed" workout like a tempo or intervals is a good idea. In my experience, it's harder on you than running long or running lots, so monitor how it affects the rest of your week. You're in this for the long haul; so build gradually and back off on the intensity if the rest of your week's training suffers.

                    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                      Thanks HappyFeat - I've had to add a few rest days as I try to shake this cold (ran Saturday but not since). I think I'll be good to try a nice easy run tomorrow though Smile

                      First or last...it's the same finish line

                      HF #4362

                      an amazing likeness

                        I hope this doesn't come across as harsh or pushy, because that is 100% not the intent....but I'm worried that you're not running regularly enough.


                        Even "junk miles" when you don't feel like executing the training plan for the day. Sept 28th is coming, and you've worked so hard to get to all the gains you've made....I want you to have a great run on 9/28.  I'm worried that you're at the precipice where the training plan is daunting and it gets overwhelming.  Personally, I know regular easy, fun running will help you get back into the groove.

                        Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                          Not at all MT - my first response, honestly, was "aww shucks dad, thanks"


                          Seriously though - I'm sick with a chest cough. Better enough today thouh that I'm going out tomorrow for sure. I'm also ignoring all the "other stuff" that I've been feeling guilty about (i.e. missing spinning) until after the halves and only going to worry about get more runs in.


                          Thanks again!

                          First or last...it's the same finish line

                          HF #4362


                            Blog post.

                            Doing well today - ankle is still a bit tender and I am definitely looking forward to my massage tomorrow and PT appointment on Tuesday. BUT it hardly bothered me at all during the race past the first couple of kilometres.

                            First or last...it's the same finish line

                            HF #4362


                              Sigh, wrenched ankle, cramps, generally crappiness means my log is a scary place lately. a pr is definitely not in the cards for next Saturday but what would you do if you were me? I don't doubt I can finish but would rather not die.


                              thanks for any and all help although I am feels a lot like I don't deserve it :/

                              First or last...it's the same finish line

                              HF #4362

                                Well, I had a pretty spotty training schedule for my last race in May. Life got in the way...


                                If i were you, This weekend,  I would run a long run of 8-10 miles - still haven't converted fully to km - and evaluate conservatively what your race pace should be.  Run your planned easy runs for thevlast week. Then just do it.

                                For my May race, I set a goal of running at pace for 10 miles, which I did, and then slowed down as expected. I still had a great time. You will too!




                                MTA - whoops - if your ankle is still injured skip the LR and slowly test it out. be careful!
