Half Marathon Trainers


What, No June Thread Yet? Here It Is! (Read 40 times)



    Z, you will figure this out yet. I tend to get sore knees more with treadmill running than outside. For me, I think I stride differently inside. Keep trying! You will get back to good runs.

    Half Fanatic #9292. 

    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


      I got in 2 runs today, 4 miles this morning that felt awful, then 3.5 this evening that felt very good. I was able to get down into the low 8's and finished with a stride maybe at 7:20ish. I start night shift tomorrow for 4 nights, bleh!


      redleaf, I got a tip on some orthotics that I bought for about $8.00 and have been wearing them in my regular shoes a few times per day, plus rolling a golf ball, rolling a frozen water bottle, and stretching multiple times per day, and my PF is seeming to fade away.

        Glad your foot problems are fading, Mitch.


        I have had a couple of tough runs recently, just felt tired and legs rubbery for no particular reason, perhaps just one of those things.

        I did pass 1,000kms (625 miles) for the year, though.


        Good runs to all!

        PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                            10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


        an amazing likeness

          Hi HM'ers.  Going to try an evening HM on July 20th, but we will hold off registering until last few days, to make sure weather is okay.   It's a small suburban one.  the Chicago Rock n Roll is the next day, so Its a lot more convenient than going into the city at 4:00 am with 50,000 runners, and a lot cheaper.   Going to try to extend LR's over 13 and hope this make the HM a little easier.  I was  really struggling to keep up with DW last few miles of the North Shore HM 2 weeks ago.  Doing more speedwork too.


          Evening race = envy.  Wish more races were 9 - 10AM or 6PM starts. I dont begrudge bright morning folks their 7AM starts, but it takes me a couple hours to get un-creaked  in the AM.


          MT, it's Andy, right? Thank you very much for your opinion. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I believe using that more relaxed approach will make both races more successful.


          Yep, my name is Andy.  Just to offer some background on your question on training plan dilemma...it seems to me that there are 2 choices --- (1) is to focus on the HM PR as your goal and let that fitness carry you into the full; or (2) focus on training for the full and using that fitness to run the HM.  Pick one.  Since your goal was to PR the HM and 'just' run the full to get your first done under 4hr...that's what guided me in recommending option 1.


          What did the data tell you, MT?


          In no particular order Simon, my takeaways from my hour spent log mulling were:  (1) I need to mentally harden up and get out there run some 2 hour weekend runs rather than depending on two 1.5 hour runs 'stacked' on Sat/Sun; (2) where are the 8 - 10 mile tempo / cruise (80% hm effort) runs? Need to bring those back; (3) I've been letting my goal of 2013 miles for the year -- which is going to be stretch since I was down with injury Jan - Apr, dominate, and getting back to good HM prep got shunted aside.   These 3 are probably the key to why my race time on June 2nd was nearly a PW.


          I think I'll run a 10K on Saturday as a fitness test. Its on a hilly course w/constant up & down, uses some bark chip paths and some single-track through the woods.

          Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

          an amazing likeness

             I think I'll run a 10K on Saturday as a fitness test. Its on a hilly course w/constant up & down, uses some bark chip paths and some single-track through the woods.


            That was work with a capital W. Ran a 45:59 which is a PB on this course for me and got some good insights on where I am heading into a goal 10K on July 4th. (need more speedwork....there's mile intervals in my future)



            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

            an amazing likeness

              So...two RA members ran in the USA Half Marathon championships yesterday (6/22)...stop before you read on and think 'how fast can someone run a HM?'....


              runwietecha posted a 1:03 and schneidr posted a 1:08


              Holy...carp...that is simply unfathomable.

              Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.



                Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                  So...two RA members ran in the USA Half Marathon championships yesterday (6/22)...stop before you read on and think 'how fast can someone run a HM?'....


                  runwietecha posted a 1:03 and schneidr posted a 1:08


                  Holy...carp...that is simply unfathomable.



                  First or last...it's the same finish line

                  HF #4362


                    Meg- How is the training plan going?


                    Mitch- Glad things are improving for you this month!


                    Simon- Congrats on the 1000 km!  Do you have a goal for the year?


                    Andy- Good luck on the mile intervals!  They have earned their reputation, I think, at least judging by the couple of times I've tried them.  Good luck on the 4th!


                    We do have some speedy RA members here, wow!


                    Me- We seem to be closing in on what works for the knee.  The patella strap didn't do the trick, in fact I had a couple of weeks of backsliding, and the knee was swelling and angry even after short runs.  Then last week, he taped my kneecap back into place, and that did the trick!  I've had all good runs since then, and got back to 5 miles and over 20 MPW for the first time since my half.  Plus knowing what helps means my PT can start to focus in on what the problem is.  And I am happy as long as I can keep running. Smile

                      Wow! Those times are crazy times! I knew Schneidr was fast,( so is his wife) but 1:03 is amazing!


                      Andy getting under 46 minutes on a hilly course sounds very good to me, so your training must have been effective.

                      I am sure the surface is much slower than a road, too. You should be in good shape for future races.


                      Zelanie I am hoping for 2400kms which is about 1500 miles. Nice round 200km per month, which is more than I have ever done before.

                      Take care of your knee!

                      PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                          10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.




                        Z, great to hear you've found something that works.


                        Training has been getting a little derailed by lightning which delays runs, a couple of times by up to a day, but I'm trying to get my mileage. i had a really good run yesterday in strong wind. I'm debating registering for a second half this fall instead of the half-10k combo I usually do 3 weeks apart (10k race has a half option), but I haven't been able to pull the trigger yet and register. I've never done two halfs in a year. I tried slowing down my long run last weekend to the slower end of the easy range, but didn't quite hit where I wanted so I'll aim for that again this weekend with even pacing. Really starting to heat up here too.

                        Half Fanatic #9292. 

                        Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

                        an amazing likeness

                          Hi all - things have been a tad quiet here, so just a drive- by post from tablet...My wife and I are on the road for a few days so I'm picking up runs when and where I can. 14 miles today in rain/drizzle on the VT City Marathon course, then steamy as the sun came out. Legs ran out of stem at the end, but with HappyFeat's advice in my mind, I focused on enjoying the beauty of the trail.  Not many people out and about on the trailstoday, butThor few I passed all were Quebec aad only spoke French...my French isn't good and comsists mainly of me flailing my arms.  Comical.

                          Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                            I'll be up early tomorrow for an EZ 12-miler on the bike trail before it gets "hot."  Heat wave predicted for the West this weekend means only about high 70's here. Still I'm not used to running that warm; it'll be a long one, I've been tired all week, and my back has been a bit tweaked for the last two weeks....so I'll be up and out early to take the worry about overheating out of the picture. I'll be taking my time, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and just appreciating being outdoors.


                            What's your planned run for the weekend?


                            MTA:  MT, rain/drizzle = IRC Big grin  No worries about overheating then!

                            Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                            Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                              I have been pretty lazy this week though also busy at work. Not many miles logged, and I will probably cut back my long run tomorrow.

                              I have Monday off for Canada Day, so will pick up a few miles then.

                              Family gathering on Sunday should be nice.

                              Good runs to you all.

                              PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                                  10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                              an amazing likeness

                                We'll close this June topic with Happy Canada Day! wishes to our friendly neighbors to the north....Meg, Simon, Redleaf, and all.


                                Thank you for....hockey (in general) and the Canadians, cool looking money, Red Green Show, Neil Young, Kathleen Edwards, Bombardier (snowmobiles, jet skis and regional jets...all from the same company!), taking care of polar bears and the arctic region, Vancouver...Montreal & Halifax.

                                Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.
