A Mile A Day


Ten (Read 6 times)


not bad for mile 25


    Today Smile




      That is amazing - did you celebrate with a nice 10 mile run??


      not bad for mile 25



        That is amazing - did you celebrate with a nice 10 mile run??


        Shoulda, but no, being lazy and did only five.


          That is awesome. Congrats! I moved to an activity streak (including cycling and day hiking) rather than running exclusively so it'll take me a long time to see 10 years for the running streak (which I value more than the activity streak). Getting 10 years in is about consistency on many levels.



            Welcome to the decade! Smile

            Is your streak registered on Streak Runners International? (It's free to get your name on their list.)

            Half Fanatic #9292. 

            Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


            not bad for mile 25

              Thanks! I streak just because if I didn't, I would too easily find excuses not to run. An activity streak is a good idea, too. Meg - Evidently you think it's a good idea to register with SRI...Do you have any more on that? I just resist getting involved with any more websites.



                I registered a few years ago. I get an email close to my anniversary just asking me to let them know if I've stopped. I look occasionally to see where I am; I'm the top active woman for my province and I'm 11 months behind the lead in our province. I'm 13th in Canada for active streaks; the only woman ahead of me is one day longer. It's low involvement, low commitment but an occasional spot to compare my streak with other runners.

                Half Fanatic #9292. 

                Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


                not bad for mile 25

                  I registered, and then it brought me to the dues page, which I ignored. If the $20 is optional, I guess I'm good. If it's required, I'm still good.



                    I've never paid.

                    Half Fanatic #9292. 

                    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.