Running Readers


The Lore of Running by Timothy D. Noakes (Read 548 times)

    I just picked this one up on Amazon for $1.00. It's a big fat book on a lot of topics related to running and training. I've only read about a 1/4 of it so far and like what I've read. One of the few books I've seen that address the mental side of things. Right now, I'm enjoying reading about the different people and their training methods for the Comrades Marathon (sort of a misnomer as its actually a 56 mile ultra-marathon).

    When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

    Carl A

      I thought that this was a great book too, one in which the author tried to approach the sport scientifically. It is a tome, though--when I used to read my library copy during my boys' soccer practices, other parents would ask me how my class was going!

      Speed my steps along your path, according to your will.

        I just picked this one up on Amazon for $1.00. It's a big fat book on a lot of topics related to running and training. I've only read about a 1/4 of it so far and like what I've read. One of the few books I've seen that address the mental side of things. Right now, I'm enjoying reading about the different people and their training methods for the Comrades Marathon (sort of a misnomer as its actually a 56 mile ultra-marathon).
        I've been wanting to to pick this up as well. Might order it right now if it's that cheap!