Sub-4 Marathon Group

September 2013 (Read 44 times)

    DTF - bad ass race!!! I hope to match that someday.


    RVD - I agree with Damaris


    Hansons started for me this week. Wish me luck. Houston marathon is jan 19, which is also DW's birthday. I received clearance beefier signing up.

    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



      Roll - "beefier?"

      PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)

      Rusk Runner

        RVD - I might hold out and see if I could do it as a fun run.  Its kind of a destination thing as well anyway, isnt it?  You have another race soon after that for you to push a little harder dont you?


        DTF - IMO you should run a big protion of those longer runs on the slower end until you are better than half way through, and then pick up the pace in the latter half.  No need to pull all the way into GMP.  If you do get to GMP I would really not do more than a couple of miles.

        My .02 on GMP is a nice round, even 9:00.


        Ran the hills tonight as I really didnt want to do all out speedwork.  8 miles @ 8:00 avg pace, 1500 ft gain.

        PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

        Just Run!!!

        shadow runner

        The Shirtless Wonder

          Morning all.  Missed my run last night due to of those days.  So this morning got up early to do the 9 miles I was supposed to do yesterday.  Not sure if cooler temps or perhaps it was the MOON which was huge and bright, but one of my better runs.  Everything seemed to click.  Seemed to go really fast though I did run into a racoon around mile 6 something.  Actually almost stepped on it.  Anyway overall time was 1:15:01.99.


          Plan on making up todays scheduled 5 tomorrow.


          Have a good one.

          Joe Suder

          Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 



          Former Bad Ass

            Hi, guys.  I ended up taking an SRD yesterday but ran 3 with hubby.  His comeback is going well.  9 miles tonight.


            shadow, sorry about the missed run.  I hate when work interferes with running.


            indi, nice hilly workout.


            Have a great day!


            shadow runner

            The Shirtless Wonder


              shadow, sorry about the missed run.  I hate when work interferes with running.

              not a problem did my 9 this morning and will do my 5 tomorrow.  can't follow training plan too rigorously, need to be flexible.

              Joe Suder

              Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


                I don't check in here much now that we chat so easily on FB, but just read through the last few pages.


                DTF - holy cow!  Congrats on the awesome half and nailing that PR!!!!  It looks like that may be a good sign for your upcoming full.


                My training is going pretty well.  Crazy, one more full week of training before I start my taper for race on October 20.  I seem to be a tad slower this year vs. last year (following Pfitz 18/55 again).  I'm trying not to get too discouraged by that.  I suppose it might not be fair to compare one to one, as this year I have added a lot of hill work.  Unfortunately, I also weigh a few pounds more than I did last year.  I just hope this entire year of consistent training pays off...


                5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  10 miles done.



                    Good morning all - I finished 20 today at 9:44 ish - started at 10:00 and ended around 9:23. It was a tough run - sometimes it felt tougher than the 13 mile HM at 8:00, but I guess 20 is a different animal. I know a month ago I knocked out a 20 miler at 9:15 at the same avg heart rate as today, so who knows - i'm probably overthinking things as usual


                    Indy - I agree on my final long runs - I don't want to be a running hero these next few weeks. I just want to get em done, hit a reasonable time, have some fun, and finish strong. So, i'll probably do that 9:30-10:00 range, aiming to finish 9:40.  I hope my HM last week at 8:00's will give me some confidence for the big day


                    Nick - thanks for the thoughts - great idea on the 5 seconds faster - I wonder if I do the math on 4 hrs and 26.4 miles if that pace works out. Then if I run tangents better, maybe the extra seconds will be extra credit


                    Docket - nice run today. I'm sorry for your loss last week. I hope things are calming down a bit for you guys


                    Cbus - thanks ! - ps - hope you are recovering well - how have you been doing?


                    Shadow - I like your idea on breaking things into 8's, but I don't know if i'm strong enough of a runner to bank time. My training loop for 20 milers is a natural 8 miles so I tend to think of larger runs in 8's anyway.  To be honest during my HM last week, my watch has pace, total time and total distance on it.   Anyway, I only looked at current mile pace and focused on that and looked for the street signs showing distance.  I think if looked at total time it would distract me, but I guess its important those last few miles.


                    Paula - glad to hear training is going well.  I call this next week hell week since for both of us, its the last gigantic week before taper. I'm sure you and I are both looking forward to that ! My run next weekend I bumped to 22 miles, then I sync back up to Pfitz. PS - are you sick of running loops at the track yet with Pfitz?  those VO2 max seem to go all the way before the race - that's alot of time on that "record player" Smile

                    PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

                    Running Blog

                      DTF, I have had a few days here and there where I have felt a bit of mental burnout, but surprisingly, I'm not looking forward to cutting back on mileage.  As for V02 max intervals, I just do a warmup on the hilly pathway from my house until I get to a nice 2 mile stretch of relatively flat terrain and do my speedwork there.  Nice job on the 20 miles.  I agree - don't overthink it.  Just follow the plan as best you can.


                      5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)

                      Rusk Runner

                        Late check in for me.


                        You are doing well DTF!  Keep it up.  I am like Paula when it comes to speedwork.  I do virtually all of it out on the road with the Garmin as my guide.


                        Ran a cross country 5K event yesterday morning.  I learned that running a cross country course is alot more difficult than running on asphalt. Grass and uneven terrain can sure sap your energy quicker than the same pace on asphalt.  Anyway, I had a fantastic time and ended up not only getting a new 5K PR, but came in 1st overall in a small field.  Time was 20:36.


                        Tried on some Altra Torins yesterday, but they did not have my size.  Tried on some Altra Instincts and they were a little loose for me in the toe box.  I have to say though that the zero drop feels great.

                        PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                        Just Run!!!

                          Roll - "beefier?"


                          Ha -before. The auto correct on my iPhone has a sense of humor and constantly auto's without me noticing.

                          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                          Former Bad Ass

                            Great run, DTF!


                            Morning!.  I did 22 miles yesterday with the last 6 @ MP to HMP adjusted for weather because it was fucking hot and humid (pardon my French!)  8 miles tonight.


                            We'll see what my coach says about that run.  I don't feel confident about it but I'm sure I'm not looking at it objectively.


                              You are putting in some serious miles lately, Damaris.  Nice!


                              5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)

                              Rusk Runner

                                Damaris is a mileage beast!


                                8 miles this morning @ 7:46 avg pace.  Good run with little niggles here and there in the legs.  Will cancel speedwork tomorrow and  go easy for 8 to 10 miles.

                                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                                Just Run!!!