Sub-4 Marathon Group

December Donuts (Read 569 times)

    slymoon posted his report as a new forum thread

    PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


    Former Bad Ass

      I think I missed slymoons report.


      It's the thread below this one.  Dallas Marathon RR.




        Oh its MONDAY.  Smacked my knee into the spin bike this morning doing a now hurts to move it- its just a bruise, but literally right at the top of my knee cap so its basically affected every time I move my leg.


        Rest day for the rest of today.

        13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

          Hi everyone!

          Sorry to hear about all the injuries- I must be very lucky as other than minor aches and stiffness I have had no problems since shin splints 5 years ago. I am not sure if this is due to running only low miles, having good mechanics or something else. I will admit I do very little to no stretching, but I am sure this should make me more not less likely to pull a muscle.


          The only thing I can think of that I may do differently from some people is a proper warmup before intervals, sometimes as long as 10k, to make sure I don't get a tight hamstring.


          My son came to visit this weekend so I preferred spending time with him to running- call it a cutback week.

          PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                              10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.



            These are the same concerns I have with respect to Hudson.  You would need to hit the workout almost to the letter to maximize your results.  That is very hard to do.


            Wouldn't following a Hudson plan to the letter be not very Hudson-like at all?  He encourages you to adjust them based on your body and needs as you go through training, doesn't he?  After reading his book, I got the impression that the schedules were just shells for you to start and modify an individualized training plan.  I may need to revisit the book though.


            Thanks for your replies about the long run.  When you all speak of goal pace, are you speaking based on current fitness?  And if so, is it current marathon fitness?  Just curious.  I'm not actively training for anything, yet.


            Finished last week with 31 miles.  Hoping to do 6 tonight.


              Morning all.  Didn't feel like posting this weekend.  Won't be able to shout out everyone as you guys filled 5 pages while I was away!  Anyway, got in just over 44 miles last week.  Ran 16 on Saturday in rain, wind and with a feels like temp of 32.  I dressed well, so it wasn't too bad. SRD today, which is good as it is really windy.  Going to do some yoga and foam rolling tonight.


              Damaris - congrats on the PR.  I totally missed the BF drama, sorry about that.


              Sorry to hear about all the aches and pains.  Take it easy and heal up!  I'm still having a few calf issues myself, but I"m holding them at bay with the yoga and foam rolling - didn't bother me at all on yesterday's run which is good.  Booking a massage this week as well.

              PRs: 47:54 (10K); 1:46:36 (HM); 3:50:52 (FM)

              Recovering from injured knee (PCL/Lateral Meniscus)


              Former Bad Ass

                Ouch, Sprinkles! I've had that happened before and it hurts! Hope your knee feels better soon.


                Oh its MONDAY.  Smacked my knee into the spin bike this morning doing a now hurts to move it- its just a bruise, but literally right at the top of my knee cap so its basically affected every time I move my leg.


                Rest day for the rest of today.



                  Dreamn, yes, the GP is based on current fitness. 


                  Surfing around the Internet for info on Graston. And it looks like I'm in for a world of pain on Wed. Thanks Sprink! 

                  PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                    Wouldn't following a Hudson plan to the letter be not very Hudson-like at all?  He encourages you to adjust them based on your body and needs as you go through training, doesn't he?  After reading his book, I got the impression that the schedules were just shells for you to start and modify an individualized training plan.  I may need to revisit the book though.

                     No, Dreamn, I agree with you on Hudson.  I'm reading his book now and following his plans to the letter seems to me to be exactly what you are not supposed to be doing.  The plans, as far as I can tell, are just starting points or examples of how the elements might all work together.

                    Rusk Runner

                      Damaris, did you mean Hansons?

                      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                      Just Run!!!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Yes. I tend to confuse both a lot. Hanson.


                        Damaris, did you mean Hansons?



                          Man, I miss posting over the weekend, and 5 pages fill up!  


                          Congrats Slymoon on toughing out that marathon!  Congrats Docket on the 5 mile PR!


                          Holy ITBS, Batman.  It seems to be contagious around these parts.  I am (fingers crossed, knock on wood) not having any trouble with mine now.    Mine came right at the start of taper for my last marathon, but fortunately it wasn't too bad and I actually ran the marathon with it - it hurt a lot, but never stopped me in my tracks.  I didn't do much at all during my taper trying to get to run the marathon, and then basically took an entire month off of running post marathon, and with those combined 7 weeks managed to shake the inflammation.   Since then, I have been managing it with stretching/foam rolling with good success.  I can feel when it is getting tight, because it starts to pull on the insertion point below my knee and I get soreness there first.  When I feel it pulling there, I can give it some extra attention with the foam roller and nip it in the bud.


                          SRD today for me - 20 miles yesterday.  It was weird - some of you may have seen my thread in the BF, but I was stopped by excruciating pain in my ankle at mile 9, and thought I had really strained a tendon.  Called my husband for a rescue, got home, moved the elastic ankle band of my tights....and the ankle was better like magic.  It must have been smashing a tendon against my ankle bone, and as soon as I freed the poor tendon, the pain was gone.  I went back out and ran another 11 miles.  My legs also felt fantastic, and I was running 9:30-9:45 pace for the last 5 or so (as compared to the ~10:15 pace I was running for the first 15).  Don't know if that was due to the inadvertent 30 minute break, but the run overall just felt physically easy, which blew my mind since it was a 20 mile run at the end of the highest mileage week I've ever done (54), two days after a hard tempo.


                          I wonder what a half hour off in the middle of a long run does to its effectiveness?  It's not really spread out enough to be a double, but there has to be some benefit in the rest.  I'm not terribly stressed about it, because it is what it is, but I wonder how much the second half of the run was impacted by that break.


                          Re: Pfitz - I like the 5 day a week schedule, and have found thus far that I need the rest days when they arrive.  It hasn't felt like too much rest, and I find that my legs feel adequately rested to do my tempo run, but have enough fatigue for the LR that I can't go too fast.  I do find that his tempo paces are pretty aggressive for slower runners.  For me to do a tempo run that is 5,6,7 miles long at my 15k pace is just too fast - I can't maintain it.  I ran a 4 mile tempo run, on an easy week early in the program, at that pace, and thought my heart was going to explode by the end.  I have since been adjusting my paces to be slower, and wearing my HRM, and at the slower paces my HR is where it should be for a LT run (I only have a rough estimate of my max HR, but it's close enough that I know I'm in the correct range).  Granted, I have also been doing them on the treadmill, where it is hot, and I typically have to slow down easy runs to keep my HR in the right range (it is also not icy, wins for fast running).  I have wondered if I could speed them up a small bit outside if the footing was good.

                          My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                          5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                          10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                          HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                          Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Cmb, I must have missed that post. Ouch, but glad you found the cause and fixed it.



                              CMB, I definitely agree that the ankle area of tights can cause issues. For some reason, Nike makes the ankle opening big enough for a pencil to fit through. Whenever I zip them up fully, it makes me feel like I've got AT. So, I purposely don't zip them up all the way. My wife has Sugoi tights, and they look a lot more functionally constructed. As far as the 30 minute break. It definitely played a role in how you felt at the end of the LR. I'd still consider it a LR, but you definitely benefited from the break. Think of it this way, what if half way through your marathon you were allowed a 30 minute rest--would it improve your time? 

                              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                                Since there seem to be a lot of ITB issues going around, I'll reiterate the advice that a PT gave me years ago when my ITB swelled up like a marble right near my knee:  shorten your stride, even just a little.  There's no reason to have a really long stretch of a stride to do endurance running.  Its that big full stretch that can rub your ITB raw.  Of course, some persistent ITB issues can be resolved with foam rolling.  But its nice to have options.  Worked for me.  Just passing it along.