Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)

    On hills I keep the cadence the same and aim for even effort.  That translates to going up the hill slower and coming down the hill faster.  In this way the hill takes the same effort as the flats.


      Actually, I forgot about that one. Will check it out.



      Have you looked into the Racing Weight book that Josh and I have been using?  I highly recommend it.  Specifically written for endurance athletes.  I've had plenty of energy using that method and have also been training pretty hard.



        Just popping in to answer the hills question - they don't slow me down at all, and I don't train them that often.  I will say that taking spin classes and doing uphills on the bike has made a huge difference.  If you have access to a bike but not much access to hills, it might really help!

        13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


        Run Strider Run!



          I'm sure to have missed the reference to this book earlier; would you please repost (or PM me) the title/author?


          Thank you.



          Have you looked into the Racing Weight book that Josh and I have been using?  I highly recommend it.  Specifically written for endurance athletes.  I've had plenty of energy using that method and have also been training pretty hard.

          PR:  47:52 (10K), 1:48:17 (HM), 4:01:42 (FM)

          Rusk Runner

            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

            Just Run!!!


              Does the book have a lot of charts and stuff? Would it the Kindle edition be ok?



                On hills I keep the cadence the same and aim for even effort.  That translates to going up the hill slower and coming down the hill faster.  In this way the hill takes the same effort as the flats.



                PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                Up Next:


                White Lightning

                  I'm still not a fan of hills, not because I don't like them, its just I suck at them, going up and down


                  Onemile - I have the kindle of Racing Weight and wish I had a hard copy.  Something about running books I need to be able to flip through.  I have a hard copy of his "New Rules of Marathon Nutrition".  Both books are must haves, in my opinion.


                  Bit frustrating with the wind here.  Took the day off yesterday so I didn't have to run in it and its still windy today.  Too windy to run, too windy to fish, guess I should get some real work done

                  Play the Game Hard!


                    I'm still not a fan of hills, not because I don't like them, its just I suck at them, going up and down


                    Onemile - I have the kindle of Racing Weight and wish I had a hard copy.  Something about running books I need to be able to flip through.  I have a hard copy of his "New Rules of Marathon Nutrition".  Both books are must haves, in my opinion.


                    Bit frustrating with the wind here.  Took the day off yesterday so I didn't have to run in it and its still windy today.  Too windy to run, too windy to fish, guess I should get some real work done


                    onemile:   This.  I've flipped back through the book often to reference something.  And yes, there are charts and graphs.  I'd second getting a hard copy.


                    strider:  Indy put the link up but just in case you need it the book is by Matt Fitzgerald and is titled "Racing Weight".

                    PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                      Also, question for everyone.  Considering signing up for the Philly Half in November.  What has anyone's experience been with the Philly Marathon and Half weekend?  Is it a "must-do" event?


                      I did the HM there in 2009 as my first HM ever - I liked it a lot (OMG the grammar checker wants to change "a lot" to "alot".  "Alot" is not a word, grammar checker. That is one of my grammar pet peeves.  I refuse to listen to your squiggly green line).  Great weather for running that time of year.  Not too hilly - one kind of nasty hill at mile 9, but other than that nothing to write home about.  I'd actually really like to do it again some day, but if they don't move it back to being on the weekend before Thanksgiving, I probably won't get a chance - if it's right before Thanksgiving, I can take the whole week off of work, and just go straight from the marathon in Philly to my parents' house in NJ for the holiday.  If they keep it where they have it this year, it gets a little bit silly (and expensive) to fly to Philadelphia twice in two weeks.  


                      Re: hills - The terrain around here tends to be pretty rolling, so I run on hilly roads pretty regularly.  I am with everyone else, where I slow down on the uphill and speed up on the downhill.  I want to make sure that when I crest the hill, I feel like I can pick up the pace because the effort level drops, rather than feeling like I just spent all of my energy making it up the hill and I have to recover before I can resume my faster running.  I think I lose less time by just slowing down on the hill.  Usually, I try to keep my breathing steady as an indicator.


                      My boot is now officially off (*does happy dance*)!  Going swimming tonight with the husband, who is triathlon training right now.  I think I will try the elliptical and/or stationary bike later this week if the PT okays it.  Just so glad to be finally getting back to normal.

                      My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                      5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                      10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                      HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                      Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 



                        I want to make sure that when I crest the hill, I feel like I can pick up the pace because the effort level drops, rather than feeling like I just spent all of my energy making it up the hill and I have to recover before I can resume my faster running.


                        Exactly.  You want to feel that release when you hit the top.


                        Run Strider Run!

                          Thank you, Mdawg, Indi.


                          I've reserved it from my library for now and in addition found others from this site that look appealing.  Have heard about the 'run by feel' from other strong runners, so curious about that one too.

                          PR:  47:52 (10K), 1:48:17 (HM), 4:01:42 (FM)


                            I'm full of questions today, but I have one more.  I'm finally going to invest in a heart rate monitor, but I have no idea how much to spend/what to get.  Suggestions?

                            My PR's! 5K: 21:54 | 10M: 1:16:55 | HM: 1:43:40 | Full: 3:51:56

                            2013: BQ or bust!


                              I'm full of questions today, but I have one more.  I'm finally going to invest in a heart rate monitor, but I have no idea how much to spend/what to get.  Suggestions?


                              Don't you already have a Garmin?

                                akalei - I have just the standard Garmin HR monitor. I had to replace mine about a year ago and did some research to find the best one. I was replacing a lost standard Garmin HR monitor, and assumed there must be some way better one out there (I just recently found the HR monitor I thought I lost, the mother in law decided she was going to clean and put it in a box I never look in).  What I found is that there really wasn't anything new and better than what I already had. There were a lot of complaints about the Garmin Comfort Strap (that costs more and so is supposedly better) that it would just stop working and many had to get replaced, so I decided that it wasn't worth the possible hassle. Of course that was a year ago, and maybe things have changed since then.

                                PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)