Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)


    I did all mine by feel.  In the beginning of the plan the days after the SOS workouts would be the slow end of the range.  On the easy weekends, sometimes I would be near the fast end of the range.  But as it got closer to race day, my easy pace got faster and I did them all at the fast end of the range or a little faster.  But the most important part is to do them slow and easy enough that you can hit the next workout. I wouldn't worry about being too slow and make sure you're not trying to push the pace on them.


    I really started looking at Hanson plan yesterday just to lock in what my paces should be. 3;15 is my BQ time, but a 3:14:59 won't get me in I know, so targeting a 3:12-3:13 and 7:20 as my MP is right where that falls and what I'll use in training. For those of you who have done Hanson how did you do your easy runs? A mid-point between easy 1 & 2 or some days 1 and some days 2? Figured my easy paces to be 8:19 (Easy #1) and 8:55 (Easy#2). Easy pace is 8:15-8:25 most days right now for me so I am in ballpark right now. LR pace will be 8:00. So stoked to get this going and once I get going again here probably run these paces pre-plan.



      Jedi:  I've not added in the 6th day yet, but will in a couple of weeks.  That'll give me a couple of weeks of 6 day running before the quality work starts.  I'm erring on the side of caution with the build up.  I'm going to go with middle of the range for my easy pace days for now.  We'll see how that feels deeper into the program.  Out of necessity, probably 2 of those easy runs will be done on the TM each week.  That will ensure I lock into the pace if nothing else!


      Sprinkles:  I think your classic taper symptoms are going to translate into a good race.  Looking forward to you "smashing it" as cbus says!


      Docket:  I'm going to see how this Hansons thing works out and if it does, I'm going to try and up my base mileage.  I'd love to be a higher mileage runner.  I enjoy it so much, plus I really think that's what's going to help me get significantly faster.


      Bago:  At least you still have a hockey team.  Ours moved to Winnipeg, ON!


      Josh:  Stunning pics!

      PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)



        akalei - no, I don't remember those hills at all?Smile lol 81 is closed that is a headache. What exit? I'll be down in hancock, MD for dance competition with my daughter so glad i will be missing that.


        Jedi: Up in Harrisburg.  The park I'm talking about is Wildwood--remember the hills from the marathon?  That's my park.  I guess about 2000 gallons of diesel from the truck exploding got into the creek and lake, but DEP and some other groups were quick to respond so cleanup is going well.  It's closed through at least the weekend, though.  And if you have any intention of heading north this weekend, 81 is shut down in both directions and part of 22/322 as well.  What a headache.

        PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


        Up Next:




          Jenny - that's exactly what happened this cycle for me this spring. My ease pace definitely improved from Dec to now. I'm really excited about plan even if all the 80mpw weeks at end seem a little daunting right now.


          I did all mine by feel.  In the beginning of the plan the days after the SOS workouts would be the slow end of the range.  On the easy weekends, sometimes I would be near the fast end of the range.  But as it got closer to race day, my easy pace got faster and I did them all at the fast end of the range or a little faster.  But the most important part is to do them slow and easy enough that you can hit the next workout. I wouldn't worry about being too slow and make sure you're not trying to push the pace on them.


          PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


          Up Next:



          Former Bad Ass

            LOL.  I read that too!


            For some reasons, when I initially read your post, I thought you said that as a New Yorker you love your "gonads."



            Former Bad Ass

              Talking about plans, I just talked to my coach and my Chicago training plan starts July 1.  I cannot wait; getting antsy not following a plan for anything.


              Plus, one more marathon and I can rest for a couple of weeks before I get abused.


              mdawg, more miles usually allow you to get faster but I also love it because it helps you recover faster.  I am a great example of not getting any faster, though, LOL.  But I do have an excuse....



                All the farmboys up here love NASCAR too. That and the Steelers. I'm a New Yawker and love my GInats and my Metsies.Smile



                Hey, another NY'er!  I grew up on the Island.  Didn't care much for the NFL, but still carry the torch for the Mets and Islanders.  So torn on Matt Harvey.  Being a Duke alum, it just pains me to root for an ex-Tar Heel, but, after that near-perfect game, I think I'm over it.


                MDawg, sorry about the Thrashers.  I used to go to Philips at least once a season.


                  All the farmboys up here love NASCAR too. That and the Steelers. I'm a New Yawker and love my GInats and my Metsies.Smile



                  My dad is a Steelers/Pens fan (he's from Pittsburgh) and I was at Penn State for 4 years for grad school, so I have spent much time surrounded by Pittsburgh fans.  The Pittsburgh fans seem to be more widespread in PA than do the Philly fans.


                  Now I'm surrounded by all Vikings/Packers fans - surprisingly an equal split, since the Vikings actually play here, but the Twin Cities are probably only 10 miles from Wisconsin.  I'm very "meh" about both teams here.

                  My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                  5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                  10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                  HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                  Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


                    Did my 4.25 miles in the rain, and got caught in a thunderstorm. I got absolutely soaked--so much fun!

                    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                    Rusk Runner

                      Morning, Uh, Evening all.


                      Cooked b-fast for the kids this morning saw the wife and kids off to school and got out for my run.  10.3 easy in light rain.  Felt really good, and I went ahead and skipped the big hills today.

                      Off to PT after the run and got completely re-abused with the saston tools.  She really had me wincing today.

                      Off the the shop after that for the van to get new tires, rotors, pads, oil, and alignment.  900 bucks later I could take a rest.


                      Cant wait to get on the road tomorrow to forget all parts of today that dont concern my family or my run.  I look to finish the week out with about 47 or 48 miles.  I am thinking about making next week a cutback week but adding a quality day in there.  My legs have forgotten what a 6:30 pace feels like.  Do yall think its too soon to do some intervals?

                      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                      Just Run!!!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        For the first time in a month, I have internet at night, woot!


                        indiana, good luck with PT.


                        I went to the chiro and he adjusted my hip which was a bit funky.  I feel much better now....


                          cbus and jag - jealous of running in the rain.  I had one of those a couple weeks back.  Gets all the frogs singing - wonderful.


                          Just did 20 miles this afternoon.  Running in the sun and sweating buckets, but it was the only time I could do my long run this week.  I really want to hit the 55 mile peak this time, since I missed it in my last cycle.  I kept the hills that I sometimes skip on the long runs - it was not pleasant.


                            7 miles at an 8:30 pace.


                            Indi - something tells me you may want to wait a week before adding quality in.


                            CBus - on my run tonight along a busy road, I ran my usual route down a sidewalk. As I eased my pace to let a car make the light and continued as another car came from behind the first car an darted for a turn with me directly in his path. The reason I told you that story was to tell you that for some odd but funny reason the phrase "go kings go" flashed into my mind as clearly as reading the text on a computer screen. Instead of thinking holy $#_£ I almost died, I thought....????.CBus???? . Weird. But all is well that ends not run over.

                            PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                            Former Bad Ass

                              Ouch.  But great job!


                              cbus and jag - jealous of running in the rain.  I had one of those a couple weeks back.  Gets all the frogs singing - wonderful.


                              Just did 20 miles this afternoon.  Running in the sun and sweating buckets, but it was the only time I could do my long run this week.  I really want to hit the 55 mile peak this time, since I missed it in my last cycle.  I kept the hills that I sometimes skip on the long runs - it was not pleasant.


                              Rusk Runner

                                Good job on the 20 darkstreets!  I dont know what it is about those LRs, but it is always my favorite run on the schedule.


                                Roll - Glad to hear you can make light of the situation and you are okay.  Maybe I will just try some short strides or something.  Ughhh.  I have a 5K coming in July that I would like to be somewhat prepared for.


                                Docket - PT has been great for me.  Painful at times, but great.  The two therapists that I see cannot believe the adhesions in my ITB.  It cracks me up because when they run the tools down my thigh, it sounds like a freakin washerboard.


                                Started reading "The Cool Impossible".  Its really about perfect timing to be reading a book like this as I have not been please with my stride/form on a run or two lately.  I do know that I have slacked off on supporting exercises as well and I have to get back into getting everything done.  Life is busy this time of year and it is hard to get everything done.

                                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                                Just Run!!!