Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)

    from Meb's facebook page


    Meb Keflezighi

    Last week we talked about getting started.  This week I want to focus on training.  My routine can change from week to week but typically I’d run an easy 10 miles on Mondays, followed by intervals on Tuesday and a semi-long 15-20 mile run on Wednesday.  On Thursday it’s another easy 10 miles. Friday is my tempo day where I try to maintain 5-minute pace for 16 miles or so.  Saturday is another easy 10 mile day and finally Sunday is my long run up to marathon distance.  On the easy days, I do have a second run in the afternoon, ranging anywhere from 4-6 miles.  The speed of the second run is not as important, I usually just listen to my body and see how I feel and decided if that afternoon run is necessary or not.  The key is to stay healthy and train consistently. I use altitude to my advantage and of course a very extensive stretching program plus weights are part of my routine. My plan may not be right for you. There are many marathon training regiments out there, including customized training plans from  Find one that fits with your fitness and ability and expect realistic results. If you’re a couch potato at the start, you’ll probably need more than ten weeks to be in marathon shape. But that’s OK. You will get there and you’ll feel amazing when you cross that finish line.  Before you get back to training, don’t forget to check out the this month’s contest for another chance to gear up like me!

    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




      Afternoon donuts!


      Interesting about the Lululemon sizing being Canadian.  Didn't know it was any different.  They should change that for the U.S. - all of us women down here don't want to think we're wearing a bigger size than we do Joking.


      I could totally go vegetarian in general, or even vegan for short periods of time (I do not think I would enjoy a life without cheese.  Or ice cream.  Especially ice cream), but the fruitarian thing seems a little bit crazy to me.  I think I remember reading that Steve Jobs was a fruitarian.


      PT is coming along for me.  I have been going to the gym and using the elliptical and the bike and swimming.  I can walk pretty normally, but I can tell that I just don't have any spring in my step in that foot yet.  My PT is also a runner and does a lot of running analyses/PT for running injuries, so she seems pretty hell-bent on fixing (or at least building the strength to compensate for) my crazy ass running form while she rehabs my ankle, which hopefully ends up being a good thing.  This involves lots of squats where I don't let that dastardly right knee collapse inwards Smile

      My wildly inconsistent PRs:

      5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

      10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

      HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

      Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


        Hi all,

        Did 9.5 easy today. Was supposed to be 10, but the route was a bit short. Tomorrow's supposed to be a day off, but I'm flying out to LA on Thursday, so I might do some miles tomorrow and take Thursday off instead.


        You folks are cracking me up with all this shorts-talk. I'm sure you all look great in whatever clothing you wear. Lookin' great Donuts, lookin' great!

        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

          Eat bad run bad. I have eaten terribly the past few days and feel as if I am running heavy. 7 easy miles tonight. The first 3 or 4 were a struggle but ear bad run bad so, I should have expected it. i felt like a jelly donut.

          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




          Former Bad Ass

            Hi, guys.  Too busy at work. It's only Tuesday and I feel it's a Friday, I'm so tired!  Did 3.25 and weights, the run with hubby!


            RVD, I got into Corral E at Chicago, at least.


            And my Ft. Myers Beach marathon changed dates so I'm eyeing Philly again.


              RVD, I got into Corral E at Chicago, at least.


              Just checked and I'm in E also.

                Good morning donuts. The coffee is on the burner.

                PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                  Good morning!  7 more easy TM miles and stretching at the gym.  Meeting DH for lunch today on his way to the airport.  That is a nice treat as we never see each other during the work day.  Weather is spectacular today.  I love spring/summer!


                  Well, I fully committed to the 3:45 goal last night.  DH asked me what my training paces were going to be this weekend and I told him the 3:45 paces so I'm jumping in with both feet.  We also decided to book Boston accomodations this week.  Nothing like putting the cart before the horse.  Although in the case of hotel reservations, it's necessary to do it early and just cancel if you don't qualify.


                  cmb:  Good to hear you're progressing!  I'm sure it's a relief to be moving normally and exercising.  How long before you can attempt any running?


                  cbus:  Please change my goal time to 3:45 in the Big Board thread.  Also include a BQ as a goal.  I'll post it in that thread as well.  Go Kings go!  They looked good last night.  Quick is playing out of his mind right now.


                  roll:  100% agree on the eat bad run bad philosophy.  Heavy food makes me feel so sluggish.  Good luck to the Blackhawks tonight.  I'll be watching!

                  PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

                    Good morning!  7 more easy TM miles and stretching at the gym.  Meeting DH for lunch today on his way to the airport.  That is a nice treat as we never see each other during the work day.  Weather is spectacular today.  I love spring/summer!





                    M - you have said this a few times and it makes me smile every time because there is no such thing as 7 "EASY" treadmill miles.


                    Blackhawks have to be on their game, especially int he first game agianst those veterans.


                    Quick is the best goalie in the NHL right now IMO.

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                      Hey all,

                      I'm planning on doing a little recovery run tonight--but may cancel it if I feel too tired. Tomorrow's a travel day, and travel is always tough for me. But if I feel good, I may do a little run when I get to CA.


                      I'll update the Big Board today, promise!


                      Mdawg, Go Kings Go! Yes, Quick is the difference. He was the difference in the two losses to StL. And he's been the difference ever since. I think the Kings go only as far as Quick takes them--actually, I think that's the case always in the playoffs. Fortunately, he was our worst player for most of the season and into the playoffs. And now he's becoming our best player. But until we win a road game, this is still any team's series.

                      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                        Mdawg et al., Big Board is all updated. Go get that BQ, Mdawg!

                        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                          Mdawg - I think you will do it!  Not sure how much under 3:45 you'll need to actually get to RUN Boston though.


                          cmb - sounds like you're making some good progress


                          cbus - feeling better I take it?


                          I ran 12 last night. At my new Hansons LR pace. Felt alright.  Will probably do 6 or so tonight.


                            The illness is gone, but I'm still lacking endurance. I'm just gonna keep plugging away, and hopefully I'll get back to where I was before everything fell apart.


                            Mdawg - I think you will do it!  Not sure how much under 3:45 you'll need to actually get to RUN Boston though.


                            cmb - sounds like you're making some good progress


                            cbus - feeling better I take it?


                            I ran 12 last night. At my new Hansons LR pace. Felt alright.  Will probably do 6 or so tonight.

                            PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)



                              Mdawg : Go for it!

                              Docket: I loved Philly - I definitely think its a bucket-list worthy marathon - then again, I haven't run NY or Big Sur or Boston or anything yet.

                              Rollcast: Watch out with those donuts or you wont' fit in your lululemon shorts.

                              Cbus: glad to hear you are feeling better and the LR paces are going well


                              Me: Ran 4 this morning, 9:30 w/u; 8:35; 8:35; 9:30 c/d...DONE until my shakeout before the race.

                              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55




                                Rollcast: Watch out with those donuts or you wont' fit in your lululemon shorts.



                                So Sprinkles, do we get to track you?