Sub-4 Marathon Group

January 2013 (Read 482 times)


    Banshee, hope you're OK.


    Well, I did run my last 20 miler before Berlin during a hurricane, so.....Big grin



    Running during a hurricane is pretty bad ass Big grin


    For all the nasty winter weather Minnesota has to deal with, hurricanes are not an issue Joking.  Maybe massive snowstorms, but no tropical storms.


    I nearly had to run in one once - I was in NJ and ran a 20 miler the day before Hurricane Irene hit in 2011.  I ran 6 recovery the day it hit but it wasn't windy yet, and I came in the door literally 5 minutes before it started raining.

    My wildly inconsistent PRs:

    5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

    10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

    HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

    Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


      Woah, Banshee!  That scared me just reading it.  Hope you're ok.


      Indi - Enjoy the 18 miler and thanks for the well wishes/sentiments.  I love tracking your progress as you hunt down that BQ.


      Did a 3mi recovery run this morning at 9:10/mi.  Going to shoot for 9-10 tomorrow or Sunday, depending on when I can steal some free time.


      I apologize in advance since I think the board may have recently covered this, but anyone have any recommendations for a HM training program?  I'm about 14 weeks out from my Spring HM, and would like to get in 1:40 shape by then (think I'm about a week or two from running a 1:45 despite being 12 lbs overweight at the moment).  Not looking for the most advanced plan.  Just something that will get me reasonably trained without killing me.  Smile


      Former Bad Ass

        Well, to be fair, it was entering but not completely inside the state so I can say I ran in an almost hurricane, right?  Wind gusts were at 35-40mph at least.  I think my shorts fell off as I was entering the house (from them being so wet).Big grin



          Banshee - glad to hear you're okay.


          Josh - sounds like your chiro is helping you - glad it wasn't too painful.


          akalei - love it!!


          zoekat - oh I love the "handlebars".  Makes me shudder just to think about it.


          nachos - I mentioned this the other day, but I really liked the Pfitz 15k to HM plan B. I used that for my fall half and it worked really well for me.  It's flexible but at the same time, you get the speedwork, LR, MLR and weekly mileage to make you well prepared for your race.  It's in his 'Road Racing for Serious Runners' book.


          I am feeling less than tough after looking at the weather forecast for this weekend.  20+ mpw winds pretty much all weekend and then single digit temps on Monday and Tuesday.  Ugh.

          White Lightning

            Ugh, wind here as well, about 18 mph sustained but nice and warm so was able to wear shorts and show these pasty white legs off.  5.4 miles @ 10:03, so much faster when I'm not wearing my tights.  Right hip where she did most of the work is very sore though.  Yoga later tonight after I take a nap.  Had three beer last night and feel like I drank a keg, not what I used to be that's for sure.

            Play the Game Hard!

            Joann Y

              Thank you all for the welcomes and the great advice!


              There is only so much you can get out of books and I really appreciate your responses. You have confirmed my feeling that Pfitz 12/55 is too much for HM training, particularly at my level/base. I'll give the MLR and speedwork a try as suggested by cmb4314, onemile, and zoekat and build up to get my overall mileage into the 40s. I've been doing strides 1-2x a week so I'll keep that going and then slowly add in some speedwork. Needed to be reminded that a slow conservative approach works best Big grin


              banshee - Thanks for the reminder! That is scary! Get chased by dogs when I visit family in the rural south and go for runs on country roads there. Like every third house. Sometimes I'll carry a rock or stick, like that's gonna help.


              cbus - I'm a sucker for, this is great! Now I can get my daily dose, calorie free!





              Morning all.  Sorry for the lack of posting, but it has been a busy week and I've also been feeling crappy - not a cold or flu, just a bad case of (avert your eyes guys) PMS.  Super tired and also eating crap.  I actually lay down for a short nap after work on Tuesday and woke up at 10:30 pm - whoops!  Went back to bed at 11:30 and slept until 7, so probably about 12.5 hours total.  Guess I needed it.  Had another Graston session on Wednesday, he really went to town on my calves, broke out the "handlebars".  They were still sore on my run yesterday, I had to bail on the MP miles and just run easy.  Made sure to ice and wear my compression socks to bed last night.  Easy 7 on tap after work today.


              Banshee - yikes, glad the dog didn't get you too badly.


              Joann - welcome.  I'd echo some of the comments here that Pfitz 12/55 is probably too challenging for HM training, given that your base isn't that high.  If you want to combine base building with preparing for the HM, I would work on increasing your mileage into the low- mid 40s, and adding in a bit of speed work.  You don't need a lot, the biggest improvement will come from the increased weekly mileage.  You could alternate a tempo one week and then some VO2 max intervals the next week, with strides after a couple of easy runs.  That, plus adding in the weekly MLR of 10-12 miles will give you some amazing improvements.  You don't need 18-21 mile long runs for HM training, a few 14-16 milers plus lots of 10-12 milers would be plenty.  Over the course of marathon training last year, I improved my HM PR by 14 minutes and I did very little speed work, just the occasional tempo run plus some races.  The improvement was virtually all just more miles.  A program like this will have you prepared to tackle 18/55 in June.


                Chuck Norris once farted, and the National Weather Service called it a Category 4 hurricane...and Docket ran 20 miles in it.


                Nachos, I'm currently using the Hansons Half plan. It's available on the web, but you need the book for specific paces and workouts.

                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                  Jyocom- I have the same advice regarding building up your mid week run.  That's what I have been doing for the last month. I've gotten pretty used to doing 8 Monday, 10 Wednesday, and 12 Saturday. I add mileage to the rest of my week around that. I have seen dramatic improvements just from adding a 10 miler midweek. It did take some getting used to but I really enjoy it now. Good luck! Pfitz does have half mile plans as well and I'm pretty sure onemile used one although I'm not sure what the mileage is on them. good luck!




                  26:32 - 5k

                  53:16 - 10k

                  1:58:47 - HM



                    Late check in for me.  Strength training, cycling, and stretching at the gym this morning.  Sports doc visit went well.  I am improving.  Just have to heal the muscle tissue that is damaged.  My new hobby is to strengthen my hip flexors and glutes.  They're not quite where they need to be for proper muscle recruitment during running...aka one cause of the calf issues.  I have a few exercises for those two areas and a couple of new calf stretches.  Got more Graston and ART too.  More painful this time as he really got in there to try and get the last of the adhesions.  Another test jog on Sunday.  Keep your fingers crossed.


                    No time to read the 4-5 pages I missed, but will try for some shout outs and catch up tonight.  I'm still at the office and trying to wrap things up.  I need a donut!

                    PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                    Former Bad Ass

                      I never heard of Hurricane Chuck but it figures....


                      Chuck Norris once farted, and the National Weather Service called it a Category 4 hurricane...and Docket ran 20 miles in it.


                      Nachos, I'm currently using the Hansons Half plan. It's available on the web, but you need the book for specific paces and workouts.


                      Trail Monster

                        Thanks for the concern all. I'm fine and the whole story is on my blog now if you care to read it. It's really just a rant of how stupid some dog owners are (turns out this dog has been running loose a lot recently) and how I'll be carrying a weapon of some sort from now on.


                        In the end, I jumped on the treadmill and tried to finish my run but my heart was pounding and I kept feeling like I needed to look over my shoulder and/or protect my back (which is stupid in my own basement). I guess I just wasn't over the adrenaline rush or something. I made it an even 3 miles for the day and called it quits. First run I cut short in 8 weeks.... all because of some idiot who can't control their dog.

                        2013 races:

                        3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                        4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                        7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                        8/24 Baker 50M

                        10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                        My Blog


                        Brands I Heart:



                        Altra Zero Drop

                          Hi All,

                          Been AWOL for a while due to work and Las Vegas break. Running is going well, with 2 40-45 miles weeks. Particularly pleased with a 5 mile tempo @8:21 and 150 AHR: that's down on my AHR for tempo runs, which was previously 154; I've been noticing at toher paces as well, my HR is going down, so I guess that is a good sign

                          By the way, LV was freezing: temps in mid 20s, and wind chill in the teens. OK, it's now Wyoming, but you don't expect that at Vegas, even at this time of year. 

                          Personal bests (bold = this year): 5K - 23:27 / 5M - 38:42 / 10K - 49:31 (track) / 10M - 1:24:26 / HM - 1:51:17 / M - 3:58:58

                          Next races: NYC Marathon, Nov 2014 


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Cbus has talked about bad dog owners before.  I hate them.  Not only because they make our lives harder, but also because they are risking the dog's lives.  Once this happens more often, the dog will be picked up and put down, and it's not fair to the dog that's not at fault when the owner is an asshole.




                            Thanks for the concern all. I'm fine and the whole story is on my blog now if you care to read it. It's really just a rant of how stupid some dog owners are (turns out this dog has been running loose a lot recently) and how I'll be carrying a weapon of some sort from now on.


                            In the end, I jumped on the treadmill and tried to finish my run but my heart was pounding and I kept feeling like I needed to look over my shoulder and/or protect my back (which is stupid in my own basement). I guess I just wasn't over the adrenaline rush or something. I made it an even 3 miles for the day and called it quits. First run I cut short in 8 weeks.... all because of some idiot who can't control their dog.



                              Banshee - glad your ok!


                              9 miles at 8:40/mi this morning.  Cool



                                Banshee- I put you in my google reader Smile A legit running blog to read! I Love it!


                                Docket- I agree wholeheartedly with this- I see people letting dogs off leash in the park all the time- they could easily run and jump off a pier into the water...the HUDSON RIVER water - or they chase the runners and get lost  It's really unfortunate there isn't an "asshole test" for dog ownership.  Unfortunately with the rampant breeding of animals these days it doesn't seem like its going to get much better in terms of decreasing the number who need homes...and thus the number of animals accessible to assholes.


                                Twofoot- Nice tempo.  I've never been to Vegas, but I imagine that it gets cold in the desert in the evening- one of my best friends lives in the Utah valley and its FREEZING there- same type of dry desert air, just colder.


                                Jyocorn- I don't know much about your running hx but I didn't do Pfitz for ANY of my races until having two fulls behind me.  I'm now only doing 18/55.  I did do the first half of HH intermediate I marathon plan to run my PR in May- I went from a 1:58 to a 1:53 on that race.  Half-assing HH novice 2 got me to a 1:49 in the fall after I got back from a two week Hawaiian vacation.  I did no tempos.  I spent 3 weeks injured and 2 weeks slacking I guess my advice is just run and run farther and evetually do Pfitz but not now!  Midweek buildup wil happen on HH Intermediate plans too, liek Tricia says.


                                Me- 12 miles - @ 9:06 average pace- log is up, you can see that I run too damn fast.  I;m sure that will slow down as my legs die mid-pfitz or whatever ... I've been grouchy all week so it felt good to just go out and run.  I brought Clif shot blocks with me at the request of my nutrition guru, and I took them at the 6th mile and I think they helped (1.5 blocks).  Unfortunately they froze!  It was THAT cold out but I didn't notice because I was sweating so much.  I am now frozen through and drinking coffee.  Trying to eat some more protein even if it means eating yogurt (I can't find unsweetened nondairy yogurt right now, so Chobani it is). I have been such a GROUCH lately- time to stop!


                                XOXO happy running all!

                                13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55