The League of Extraordinary Runners

Upcoming Races (Read 1665 times)

    DR, I think that sounds like a decent strategy for running 41:00. What if it turns out you're in good enough shape to run faster than 41:00, can you really hope to make up much time in your final 5k? At what point would you alter your pace? A mile left? Two miles left? Turn off your targeting computer. Use the Force!

      That's a tough call to make. It's always easy to say "I could've gone faster during the first 5k," but one almost has to err on the side of conservative caution in the first half lest the second half be deprived of crucial energy. And to me the five-mile mark will be the most crucial point of the course. I need to make it there by 33:00, and after that it'll just be a matter of running as fast as I can.

      Diesel Power

        Here’s something Joe and I were just discussing. Considering most of you have at least seen the course, perhaps you can offer insight. Where can we reasonably expect water tables to be on the course? I just looked at the course map, and I can see a table probably going on mile 1-1.5 or so. However, the course appears to go scenic after that. DR mentioned a solid chunk not even having a shoulder for runners, so I can’t see a table there. Also, I don’t think they would put a table along Rte 5, due to traffic. Finally, I don’t remember a second water table as you make a turn and (I think) get back along the 5K course. Is it possible that there will be one water table near the beginning, and that’s all? I wouldn’t be concerned about this, but the warmer weather could be an issue considering I/we have had several days of running in the lower-to-mid 40s in recent days.

          I seem to remember hearing last year that there were two water stations on the 10k course. The most logical two places to put them would be in the parking lot (of the old McKay's building) where St. John's Rd makes a slight right off Hollywood Rd (the parking lot is in the armpit of the forked road) and then atop the hill where Cedar Lane Rd runs down to Rt. 5. That way the stations would be just before miles two and five, respectively. Perry might be a better source on this matter.

            If there is a water mark at the 2 mile mark I may skip it, especially if its at McKays which would put it more like the 1.5 mile mark (I think, I drive the course once more to figure this stuff out more closely).

     puts the turnoff for Cedar Lane Rd at mile 2.3, so the St. John's slight right should be at least 1.8 or 1.9, as the St. John's Rd stretch is fairly brief. And one thing marathon training teaches is to always utilize the early water stations, as that helps the body maintain hydration much later in the race.

                could you post the link of the course you are referring to.

         The only apparent inaccuracy is that, after turning onto Rt. 5, the course turns right on College Circle rather than going all the way up to the big intersection.

                  Options,Account, Forums

                    I don't have any idea where water stations might be. I do know the 10K was originally as that map shows; later they rerouted it around the college to avoid the intersection.

                    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                      I think that reroute would add a few meters to the course, but we are talking a few meters, not many at all

                        By's reckoning, there's a distinct difference. College Circle is 0.37 miles long, whereas running from its Rt. 5 junction to its Hollywood Rd. junction (by continuing up the hill and turning right at the intersection) is 0.29 miles. Thus the course might actually be 6.33 miles long.

                          You are probably right, I measured the course in my car and I got about 6.3. Though I wasn't sure on the starting point (I saw the banner for what was probably the ending point). I am definitely psyched for tomorrow.

                          Options,Account, Forums

                            I know Liza says she certified the original course is 10K, and doesn't believe it is the same distance after they added the detour. Just got back from a long day in DC area; need to catch a bit of sleep. Have great races tomorrow all.

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                            Diesel Power

                              First look at the weather for Sunday, May 3 in Frederick... Mostly cloudy. High of 75, low of 53. Chance of precipitation is 20%. While the weather on race day is currently being forecasted as being favorable to running, the weather leading up to the race (4 days with a good chance of rain???) could make for a very slick surface. I'm hoping that Saturday will be very dry, so that the road on Sunday will be good to go.
                                I do believe there is a 5k upcoming in Hughesville on Saturday, May 30th. The registration information is not yet clear on exactly how runners are being scored, but there is a team entry. I am intrigued as to whether prizes go along with that or if it is simply a mechanism for registering multiple people at a group rate. Here is a flyer for the race: At the rate I'm going, I will not run a 5k until later this fall. I would like to do one during the summer so that it can help me estimate some goals for the fall, so May 30th seems like as good of a tentative day as any.