The League of Extraordinary Runners

Training (Read 5242 times)


    The most likely culprit for the difference is that RA rounds your mileage up and down to the nearest tenth of a mile.  So if Crystal had 18.45 miles that would go appear as 18.5 even though when RA figured out the pace it would use the 18.45.  That said Crystal usually rounds ot a round number so that may not the issue.


    Options,Account, Forums

      It sounds like a weird RA bug in pace computation.


      But now I understand how DR makes the tables without manually computing paces - he copies the rows from each person's screen. I never thought of that.

      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

        The most likely culprit for the difference is that RA rounds your mileage up and down to the nearest tenth of a mile.  So if Crystal had 18.45 miles that would go appear as 18.5 even though when RA figured out the pace it would use the 18.45.  That said Crystal usually rounds ot a round number so that may not the issue.


        Yes, most of the time I do try to "even up", but I'm not always persnickety.  I might let a few get by each week. 

        a nice tongue twister:  persnicketily paced perambulation.


        Options,Account, Forums

          We're probably running 3mi at sub-7 at the college this evening. Joe, are you running? B/c otherwise, we may do it later than 5:30.

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

            I don't think I'll make it over there. I didn't set out running clothes today.


            Options,Account, Forums

              It's raining in the north end of the county, but, apparently we're heading down there in a few minutes anyway.

              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


              Options,Account, Forums

                We ran some fast tempo running tonight, when the lightning finally was over.


                I hope to run around Leonardtown tomorrow, after the race.

                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                  I found a great online calculator (never mind that it seems to be geared toward race walkers) for determining the distance of track runs involving outside lanes. Perry posted a tempo entry that said 1.98 miles in 11:41 (5:55/mi). Considering all the outside lane running and way wide turns he described taking, however, I'm going to assume that that run was closer to 7 laps than 8. So let's say that he ran 7.25 laps in lane 4 (Perry obviously ran in various lanes, but let's just assume that lane 4 was the average). According to the "convert laps to distance" section of the calculator, that's 1.893 miles, which would bring the pace for 11:41 up a bit to 6:11/mi. Then again, I'm sure that drifting wide positively befuddles the Forerunner, so Perry's Garmin could perhaps have underestimated his distance just as well as it might've overestimated.


                  Options,Account, Forums

                    Yeah, and I tend to go to the outside on the turns, then come back in the straights sometimes, depending on which side I want to go by the stands on the backside. But it is the turns that matter more, and I was probably in lane 3 or 4 catching up to her (which was kind of hard work), and then after a bit I settled into the outside lanes, I think -- hard to remember now. I remember running right next to the fence, but that might have been in the tempo 1800. Also, I only ran 7 laps; I missed the first lap completely.


                    It's too bad my watch isn't more reliable. I'm pretty sure it is much more likely to overstate my distance on a track than understate it.


                    Anyway, I think both of us were down fairly close to our 5K racing speed.

                    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                    Options,Account, Forums

                      DR, did you do your 17mi run already?

                      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                        You've got to be kidding me:


                        NameDistance ▼Time
                        AmoresPerros 80.2 mi 10:41:16
                        Durrr 80 mi 9:44:49
                        philibusters 53.5 mi 9:41:58
                        Soprano 30.5 mi 4:04:01
                        rickschaffer83 0 mi 0:00
                        xenoplastic 0 mi 0:00


                        Darn that extra 0.2 Perry ran! If you were to go by the true Sun-Sat week count, this is the first time that Perry has cracked 80 miles since January --- so what were the chances that it would be the same week in which I hit 80 for the first time ever (I do have to note that the average pace of my 80-mile week was 7:19/mi, mainly thanks to yesterday morning's run --- the pace of which I dare anyone to try to match in next week's metric marathon, which is of course less than 17 miles). Meanwhile I'm curious whether Phil actually ran a 50k race or if he just happened to get the whim to go ridiculously long on his own. Must've been a grueling course, however, as one of his later miles took 22 minutes.


                          I did the Uber Rock 50K.  I mentioned it about six weeks ago when I signed up that I was going to use it as a training run.  I ran 6 hours and 51 minutes, though I lost two minutes at the end as two runners in front of me were stopped and walking back towards me because they thought they had gone the wrong way.  We then waited like two minutes for a car to come by to ask whether we were indeed going the right way which we were.


                          It was tough course.  My legs were very much my limiting factors.  Almost half the course was on road and I could handle that fine, it was the other half on trails, that completely destroyed my legs.  While the race was not especially hilly compared to some of the harder ultra marathons, by my standards is was hilly.  The last two and a half miles were largely uphill.


                          My dad had a heart attack yesterday.  My mom said he was dancing and just fell backwards.   He almost died and I think it was a massive heart attack because he was unconscious and not breathing.    My dad was very lucky he had a heart attack with a lot of people around.  Getting instant treatment is probably the biggest factor is surviving a heart attack especially if you stop breathing.  The majority of people who suffer heart attacks pass away often because they are outside in a garage working alone or some place else where people don't notice instantly and by the time they get help its too late.   I talked to my dad on the phone this morning.  Once they got his heart stable he was okay on that front, but they were worried about brain damage because he stopped breathing, but he seems okay.  He asked me how the job is going and when I told him I ran a 30 mile race yesterday he asked me if it was with the running group.   So that is encouraging.


                          Options,Account, Forums

                            DR - I expect my metric to be sub-7:19. Oh, you mean beat the pace of your run yesterday, which was something like 6:20. Not sure I can do that.


                            Phil, wow. Sorry to hear about that, but glad to hear he seems in good shape now. Also, congrats on the 50K!

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                            Options,Account, Forums

                              No, I can't race 16mi that fast. It was only last year that I finally managed to go sub-7 on metric. (MTA: Plus last year metric didn't have the traditional massive late hill, which it will have this year.)


                              However, I can run 80mi in a week. I did it last week, and have just done it again. Will paste in the stats after I upload my run (which tired me out).




                              week  mileage  time  pace
                              2012-09-24 — 2012-09-30:  81.3 mi  10:33:58  7:49 min/mi
                              2012-09-17 — 2012-09-23:  84.8 mi  11:57:59  8:29 min/mi
                              2012-09-10 — 2012-09-16:  75.6 mi  10:27:06  8:18 min/mi
                              2012-09-03 — 2012-09-09:  79.5 mi  11:50:28  8:56 min/mi

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                                Huh, one would think that weeks would work average out more or less the same whether they were regarded as Sun-Sat or Mon-Sun, but distinct differences arise. This is what I see on your log page:



                                Weekly Run stats  Minimize
                                9/30/2012 — 10/6/2012: 17.3 mi 2:16:14 7:52 / mi
                                9/23/2012 — 9/29/2012: 80.2 mi 10:41:17 8:00 / mi
                                9/16/2012 — 9/22/2012: 79.5 mi 11:17:26 8:32 / mi
                                9/9/2012 — 9/15/2012: 79.4 mi 11:05:47 8:24 / mi
                                9/2/2012 — 9/8/2012: 67.9 mi 9:53:33 8:45 / mi
                                8/26/2012 — 9/1/2012: 57.2 mi 8:16:22 8:41 / mi



                                Months, fortunately, are free from such debates (unless you were going to start saying that a month doesn't begin until the 2nd day of that month and doesn't end until the 1st day of the next month).


                                NameDistance ▼Time
                                AmoresPerros 336.1 mi 1d 23hr
                                Durrr 300 mi 1d 13hr
                                philibusters 173.2 mi 1d 3hr
                                Soprano 137 mi 18:58:55
                                rickschaffer83 0 mi 0:00
                                xenoplastic 0 mi 0:00


                                Sure enough, my first ever 300-mile month happened to coincide with Perry's first 300-mile + (way plus!) month since April --- though I suspect there was some motivation for this in the form of the looming Stone Mill 55.


                                Phil, keep us posted on the progress of Kirby's recovery. The fact that it happened to him while he was dancing is surely testament to his life-loving nature. Meanwhile that 50k was a pretty crazy mission to undertake considering your rather light volume of mileage in the past month or so. That is, you ran as much in one day as you did in either your previous two whole weeks of running.