The League of Extraordinary Runners

Training (Read 5242 times)

    Adubb: You're right on about the squat/deadlift/bench routine. I had not realized that deadlifts were so good for the midsection, it has been a long time since I have done them. I will have to try some today. I still rely on running for keeping a good stomach, and mostly lift for chest/arms. I roll my eyes whenever I see guys at my gym attempting squats or deadlifts. Mostly because these are privileged med students who put their back into it completely. It's repulsively dangerous. I don't have a lifting belt anymore though, have never deadlifted without a belt. Do you think it's safe to try?

    Diesel Power

      Alden - I've never deadlifted with a belt, but never have had any troubles. However, since I'm not sure what I could do right now, I would now start close to absurdly light and then build up over a few weeks. That way, I'd keep good form.

        Bench/squat/dead lift is important for if you want to develop power or build muscle, but doing lunges with a barbell or dumbbells might be as good for cross training for a runner as squats because it better mimics the runner's motion. You won't develop quite the same power so you won't be able to power up hills as well, but it could lead to better muscular endurance. It also probably won't quite get your heart rate as high or make your body generate as much testosterone so you won't burn as many calories or build near as much muscle. Last year, I thought I was doing the dead lift. They had a "hex bar", on the outside, it had the normal endings to put on weight, but in the inside it was a square that you could step into and it had handles...I linked to a picture below Anyway, after doing that for about three months, I found that the hex bar "deadlift" really was a cross between the squat and deadlift that was closer to a squat than deadlift in which muscles you work (though it does both legs and lower back). Just goes to show you should google a piece of equipment before you assume you know what it does.

          I'm glad I got in a moderately swift (8:11/mi) five-mile run last night, because tonight shall be a feast!
            I am also tweaking my running schedule around Bon Buffet tonight! I ran my long run on Saturday, which meant I should probably take Sunday off. I did take Sunday off, but knew I would take Tuesday off, which meant I needed to run a hard workout on Monday. So, I did 8 miles on Monday with some hard stuff thrown in. For the first time since returning to running this year, some of my joints downright ached from excessive use. It's very good that I'm taking today off. Having said that, I ran the fastest mile I've run this year on Monday. I will not tell you the actual time, because 1) it's not fast at all and 2) I wasn't even going 80%. Like Phil, I like to use the mile as an easy way to test my conditioning. I haven't decided, but I may or may not do a race before Hospice to better test my conditioning.

              You could try one of these: 14 (Sat) Patuxent Pi Mile Trail Run & One Mile Walk - Lusby, MD 28 (Sat) Keep Your Colon Rollin' 5K - Saint Leonard, MD (Jeff. Patt. Park) April 4 (Sat) Looking for Trouble 5K - Mechanicsville, MD (Three Notch Trail) I feel an obligation to run that last race, but I have three reasons not to participate: 1) I've had and will not have had any real 5k training; 2) that's the weekend I intend to perform my climactic 10k training workout; and 3) I may be going away that weekend. But you and Phil should totally be all over that race!

                Whoops, it may be a little to late to compete in the Pi Run. And the Son of Walser isn't becoming a Jedi any time soon: 7 David Walser Lusby MD 38 27 7 M 0-99 22:51.0

                Diesel Power

                  That was either a not-very-competitive race field, or a pretty tough course.

                    Well, being that it was a "pi" run, the course was measured to be exactly 3.14 miles, so it was approximately 25 meters longer than a standard 5k. And since the course was run over the grounds of Patuxent High School, I'd imagine that it's quite similar to the course we ran in high school --- which was one of the tougher courses in SMAC. I never ran faster than 19:20 on it.
                      Whoops, it may be a little to late to compete in the Pi Run. And the Son of Walser isn't becoming a Jedi any time soon: 7 David Walser Lusby MD 38 27 7 M 0-99 22:51.0
                      "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side." These people would probably be complimented (and insulted) to know that you've targeted them in your rise to the top. I think it's about time you and I started going to the meetings, DR, so you can meet your new rivals. I noticed the next meeting isn't for another 3 or so weeks, though. P.S. We aren't doing a very good job of staying on topic in these forum threads!

                      Options,Account, Forums

                        The Walsers don't go to the meetings, btw. MTA: I adjusted my running schedule also -- I was going to take Mon off, but then I ran Mon instead b/c I realized I'd not have a good chance today.

                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                          Joe and I did a workout at St. Mary's Track today. We started with a 1.5 mile warmup. Then we did a mile. I went all out and ran 5:55 (1:18, 1:30, 1:34, 1:32). I didn't bring my watch so I borrowed Joe's watch because he was not going to run all out. Joe ended up running 7:25 which was faster than he expected, but my first fast lap and the fact he didn't have a watch on because I was borrowing it made him think he was running slower than he was which caused him to run a little faster than he planned to (Joe thought he ran 8 flatish when he finished which was his original goal). After that we did 400's. Our rest time was when the other person was running. I lead off in 1:16, he then ran 1:37, I ran 1:21, he ran 1:40, I ran 1:26, he ran 1:37, I ran 1:25, he ran 1:31. That equals to 11:51 for two miles, our actual time was 11:54, the difference being the fractions of a second we didn't bother recording. We then did a 1.5 mile cooldown.

                          Diesel Power

                            Those are great splits, especially considering you both did a hard mile right before. Being that Val and I are meeting with the tax accountant tomorrow night, I moved the interval workout regularly scheduled for Thursdays to tonight (Wednesday, 3/18). The renovation at Goucher College (re-painting of the track, not repaving like I originally thought) forced me to move my workout to Perry Hall High School, which is 1-2 miles from my house (depending on the route taken). This was a "speed" workout, as opposed to the intervals I was supposed to run at 10k goal pace last week. The goal pace for tonight was 6:40/mi. The intervals were 2x1200, 1x800, 1x400, and 1x200 with a half-interval recovery jog after each. I warmed up 2 miles by running to the track. It was interesting to see the school grounds on spring break. The parking lot was packed, but that was in part due to the kid's soccer practice happening on one of the fields. According to the school website, there was some kind of "Meet the Coaches" event happening. Also, there was at least a dozen people walking dogs. However, only a couple of walkers were on the track. They weren't really an issue at all. Here's how things went: 2x1200 (4:47, 4:59) 1x800 (3:18) 1x400 (1:35) 1x200 (0:45) 6x100 strides (untimed) I went out and ran the first 1200 way too fast, but reigned in my pace after that. Of course, part of that could be attributed to the surprising wind. Nothing too violent, but consistently 10-15 mph. The cool down was 1.25 miles back to my house. The workout wasn't too bad. What's more interesting is the fact that I may have found a new training area for the summer. While the BRRC training groups have been nothing but courteous to me, some of the members can be somewhat absent-minded and wander into Lane 1 more often than I would like. However, I'm not sure if the track will be a good training area while school is in session, and certainly not after daylight savings ends. I'm somewhat worried about scheduling an interval workout, warming up over to the track, and then finding a game or practice happening on the track or infield. I'll likely use my easy runs over the next couple of weeks to scout out how the campus looks on nights when no athletic events are scheduled. However, if no games are scheduled, I can't imagine practice would still be happening when I would get to the track around 6:15. On that note, I'd like to re-address the issue of daylight savings time. I think it's incredible, and I would like to do away with the period of non daylight savings time. I have so much more motivation to run when the clock rolls around to 6pm and its not pitch black outside. Has anyone else found this has made much of a difference?

                              I've finally been able to cast aside my reflector vest! This afternoon I conducted a non-stop 6.5-mile run, incorporating a hard 800, a moderately hard mile, and another hard 800 at miles 1.5, 3, and 5, respectively, recovering in between the tempo/intervals. The first 800 left me with a bad shoulder cramp, but I had a one mile recuperation before the speed mile, which I pulled off in 6:27 before recovering for another mile prior to the second 800. Each speed interlude was somewhat impeded by hills, wind resistance, and ... saddle sting (that bicycle ride on Sunday was NOT in my best interest). I hit 6.25 miles just after 48:00, and finished the overall run in 50:26 (7:44/mi ... and that includes the brief jogging following each interval).

                                Any idea what you ran the 800's in DR?