The League of Extraordinary Runners

Banter (Read 1523 times)


    Phil, I hope you've been doing your important summer reading (or maybe you've already finished), because the film is coming out soon (any time now since 2007).



    (And apparently Peter Offenbacher has been cast as Quenton Cassidy.)


    Ah, and here Phil accepts his DNF with quiet dignity, then looks on stormily from the background as Noah gleefully seizes the 3200 lead.


       Two turtle tales:


      <h6>‎, whilst running at dawn, encountered the teeniest, tiniest turtle trying to cross the street. And though I'm reluctant to break the flow of a run, I paused for the sake of altruism and carried it along to the grass (as it instantly retreated into its shell) --- which was lucky for it, because a car came carelessly careening by five seconds later.</h6> <h6> </h6>


      I ran by a turtle in the street. It looked pointy in its face and edges, so I thought it might be of the snapping variety. I turned around on an out and back course and when I was passing back by it , a truck ran directly over it when I was exactly next to it. I witnessed it get crushed CRUNCH-crunch within literally 8 feet of me. Kind of depressing, as it was my worst fear realized 100%. I feel guilty, but not too guilty, because I don't know that I would still have all my fingers if I had attempted to move it.




      I suppose the moral here is that cute, harmless turtles get saved --- and ugly snappers get paved!


      MTA:  I should note that on Saturday morning I did not extend the same altruism to a mortally injured bat. The big, winged rodent was on the street, pitifully trying to pull and scrape itself across the pavement using its wings (thus, in the morning dark, I at first thought it was some kind of repulsive, lurching snake thing). "Should I try to euthanize the poor thing?" I pondered --- before deciding I didn't want to get anywhere near it, in the event that it were rabid/diseased.

        Alan Webb's wife ran a 37:33 10k over the weekend. If I'm ever in Charlottesville, VA, I know somebody I can train with.


          I believe that Ryan Hall's wife is faster.

            Which is why, if I ever visit the west coast, I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with her on a run.

              I'm having to catch up on the World Championships now due to missing all the action this weekend. Kenyan women dominating distance events! Bolt DQed in the final!


                I enjoy logging so much that I decided to retroactively log everything I've been doing this year --- all the "Cross Train" workouts I've done, in 5 categories:  Elliptical, Bicycle, Kayak, Ice Skate, and XC Ski.



                I still need to fill in all the many elliptical workouts between the first and last sessions this year, but the other activities are fairly well covered.


                  The American drought is over.  Jenny Simpson won Gold in the Women's 1500 today.  Thought it would be Uceny as she was probably considered a top 3 or 4 1500 runner in the world who would end the streak of an American not winning a Gold medal in a distance event in either the Olympics or World Championships since 1983, but Uceny was taken down when a runner in front of her tripped.  Simpson's time was not that great 4:05 (roughly a 4:21 mile) and was not even a PR for her she ran a 3:59 1500 at the Prefontaine Classic in 2009, but she won gold in the second most prestigious track meet (behind only the Olympics).

                    I'm hearing (reading) that the final 1500m of today's women's 5000 was covered in 4:02 or 4:03.



                      Options,Account, Forums

                        (Just curious to see)


                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                          The game must not be going well if you've already lost all your pawns.


                          Options,Account, Forums

                            At least I haven't had to castle.

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                              That is not a true type font.


                              Options,Account, Forums

                                I think this line


                                  font-family: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,Sans-Serif;




                                is specifying the font -- or, I guess, making the font family request to to the client browser, which probably gets to pick the final font.

                                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.