The League of Extraordinary Runners

Banter (Read 1523 times)


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    I think I heard a rumor that Mark Zuckerberg might have to shut the CBRC Facebook page down because the servers can't handle the influx of silly back and forth repartee comments coming in at the rate of one every 17 seconds.


    But it's all about running and training and stuff, so it's ok.

    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


      And kitten carnage and ponypoop?


      Oh no, now it's spreading to RA!


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        CSM southern MD originals has come 'round again -- in two weeks:


        We're hoping to make a weekday one.

        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


          As a relatively small guy with an occasionally big appetite, I'm very accustomed to feeling like a gorged python. I completely relate to the swelling of my body (a sort of inflammation) that can just result from eating a lot of certain foods. What's odd to me is that this study had to be done on snakes at all; they could have done it on guys like me and I think the results would have been more direct, though not as extreme.


          Here's my favorite quote from the article and something I've often wondered has a correlation or causation::


          "Hypertrophy of the human heart occurs in two types. One, from ailments like high blood pressure and heart attacks, is a leading predictor of death. The second type is beneficial and occurs from exercise in well-conditioned athletes."


          As an athlete, I'm also very accustomed with the swelling of my body in response to exercise-induced inflammation. It often does not feel that different from the way my body gets after eating a lot of food and, indeed, gorging poorly on a weekend after a hard workout is typically a recipe for disaster come Monday when my body is doubly swollen.


            This month I submitted a race report to the CBRC newsletter for the first time ever --- my account of the 10-miler, obviously. For one, it's something I feel is worth sharing. But perhaps moreso because I'm not sure anyone else will be sending in a report for this flagship CBRC event, being that we were missing masters like Perry, Paul, Vic, and Travis (could I possibly be the only one who's participated in all 4 editions of this event? I'd need to scour the yearly results to verify this). In fact, C. Staats specifically thanked me for covering LPR10. However, what you see in the newsletter will be greatly abbreviated and ... toned down from what you all read in this forum. Aside from cutting out all pre- and post-race reflections to trim the report's great length, I revised and euphemized some of the more ... colorful passages. Particularly in regard to my heated contest with Shane (I doubt he'd appreciate reading something like "... I couldn't help but wonder what the hell Shane was thinking going out so fast"). Basically, my unabridged race report as originally posted on this forum was just too hot for newsletter. Thus you should all feel priviledged knowing you got to read the real, raw deal. Wink 


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              Glad to me among the privileged few Smile  


              I'd like to do an MCM report, but not sure I'll get to it in time.

              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                What if one day Shane heeds the call to be Extraordinary and visits this forum? He'd probably be more flattered than offended that you mentioned him at all.

                  Ok, this is a little disturbing:  I did a search for the Vivian Ripple 5k results and guess what was on the google list first?  The League of Extraordinary Runners Forum Posts!  I did not think this forum was open to any public viewing.  ?????

                    My weekly run distance chart has also disappeared.


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                      Yes, this forum is public. Rick controls the settings -- he is the only admin.

                      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                        The charts have been intermittently loading or not for me for the last few weeks.


                          I think it's safe to say that our admin has checked out from administering this forum. And while I've not minded that this forum is public, my log is viewable only by LOER members.


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                            Why don't one of you guys try to convince Rick to make the rest of us Admins on this forum?

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                              Congrats on your 17:06 yesterday (Saturday). You continue to set the bar very high in our age group. I not sure if I will be running the Jingle Bell this year. I won't know until the week of the race. I closed my Facebook account because of security reasons due to my new job. Cya around. Shane


                                I'm getting torn a new one on the CBRC Facebook page for daring to insult the legacy of the 2003 Three Oaks EXTRA Mile "5k" (brought it up due to its apparent similarities to the equally disastrous Hot Chocolate 15k yesterday). Contrary to Liza's insistence, it really was a fiasco. So where are Joe and Phil to help me set the record straight?