Ultra Runners

RWOL Ultra marathon forum.... (Read 89 times)


    Hes with a pack at mile 99.  F1 is first overall by quite a bit.  Weather here is hard rain and flooding.  Did my first treadmill since last winter brutal.  Hope Skims weather just up north of me was better for his race.


    F1 (Courtney Dauwalter) set the American Record at 24-hour this spring, FYI. She is smart and tough and if she's leading now, I expect her to stay that way.




      F1 (Courtney Dauwalter) set the American Record at 24-hour this spring, FYI. She is smart and tough and if she's leading now, I expect her to stay that way.

      If Courtney's  leading, only an injury can derail her.


      Go Courtney!

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Running to eat

        A quick recap of my race today.  I finished in 6:53:02, which I'm very happy about because the race went about as well as I could have hoped.  There was rain off and on the whole time--sometimes pretty heavy--but I didn't really mind because it kept things cool (but not cold).  I wasn't sure up until this morning what I should wear because I wasn't sure if I'd get too cold, but running in shorts and singlet was perfect for the conditions (rainy but in the 60s).  Also, no chafing or blistering problems at all despite being wet the whole time.  And I didn't have to stop to take a dump.  I did stop to pee 4 times, though considering how wet I was from the rain I could have saved time by just peeing on the run.  I guess there are always things to improve for next time. 


        I felt quite good until about mile 35 when my legs began to fatigue and hurt, so I knew that I'd just have to endure the pain.  I don't think I slowed down too much towards the end, though, as I think I ran a pretty even split for the two halves (I can't be sure because due to running in a few tunnels, my watch got confused and only measured 49.2 miles).


        I carried a 10-oz Amphipod handheld which I filled up (actually, AS volunteers filled for me) every 5-6 miles or so at aid stations.  That worked well, and with the gels/granola bars I carried and the stuff they had at aid stations, I never felt like I ran out of calories.


        I ran in Asics Lyteracer RS 4 which were great, Patagonia Strider Pro 5-inch shorts which are my all-time favorite shorts, and some cheap Asics singlet.


        Finally, I'd highly recommend the Des Plaines River Trail Races.  The course is great, the event is well organized and cheap if you register early (I paid $80), the AS volunteers really try to be helpful, and it's all runnable (if that's important to you).  And it's easy for people to see you at various points; including the start and finish, my wife saw me 10 times by driving to various aid stations.


        I still want to do well in a longer mountainous ultra for a different experience and challenge, but that's for some other day.  For now, I'm going to put my sore legs up and enjoy this one for a while.


        I've learned a lot from all the good advice/input I've received from many of you in the past months, so thank you.

        Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

        Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

        Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

        Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

        Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)

          Well done SKim1124!  Sounds like a well executed race.


          Seattlemax is at mile 121.3 after 1 day, 15 hours. Looks like he's moving well.  MTA:  now 2 days into it, 136.8 miles done.  Only 101.2 to go!

          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



            Nice race Skim.  Impressive time!!!!   Might be trying some of that steak loading for my next one.


            Another great week for me with 55 miles, 9000 gain.  Long run of 25 miles with 7100 gain.  Weather has been great and work is slowing down.  "Hay is in the barn" and now it is time to play (after my hunny do's are done, of course).  Officially committed to the Zion 100 (gulp).

            12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

            2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

            4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

            5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




              WAY TO GO SKIM!!!! You must be so thrilled to get "redemption" from TNF. That's a great result.


              I recognize quite a few names on the Moab list. Courtney is amazing! Susan Donnelly, queen of the Midwest ultra running scene, is out there crushing it too. Go Seamax go!


              I have a cold (too much time on planes) so this week I'll likely only end up with around 20 miles. Racing next weekend! And maybe the weekend after.


                Congrats, Skim!  I forgot what distance you'd raced and when I read it was 50mi that's an incredible time.  Job well done.  


                Here's hoping Courtney pulls it out; I really think she's a lock for UROY, she's had an incredible 2017.

                Find me on Strava


                Running to eat

                  Congrats, Skim!  I forgot what distance you'd raced and when I read it was 50mi that's an incredible time.  Job well done.  


                  Here's hoping Courtney pulls it out; I really think she's a lock for UROY, she's had an incredible 2017.


                  Thanks.  The winning time was 6:05:31 by a 51-year old (Jean-Bernard Flanagan).  I don't know if he's widely known because he seems to race only in the Midwest, but he seems to win a lot of races he enters, including some famous ones like the Ice Age 50.  I won't ever be that fast, but I hope to be training/running well in my 50s and beyond.

                  Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

                  Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

                  Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

                  Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

                  Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)


                  Running to eat

                    Nice race Skim.  Impressive time!!!!   Might be trying some of that steak loading for my next one.



                    Thanks!  I did, in fact, eat a big steak with rice for lunch the day before the race, followed by lots of spaghetti for dinner.  Not saying it was the key to my performance, but I'm not not saying that either. 

                    Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

                    Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

                    Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

                    Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

                    Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)

                    a smith

                    king of the non-sequitur

                      Skim, amazing result! i dont even know what to say i cant imagine going that far that fast! thanks for all the training updates, it's been good to follow since the 100k in Thailand.


                      Seamax ~160m now running with Van. he is wise


                      i did 55.1 miles this week. a moody week for me with lots of work stress and just general fucked up shit (can i say that here?) but i got 2910' in there. if i want to do well at carkeek my training should be peak but it's not. i dns'ed a half today and then ran a half on my own just to spite myself. actually it was nice to be alone instead of in a crowd and zero driving!


                      Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                      Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                      Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                      Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


                        Here's hoping Courtney pulls it out; I really think she's a lock for UROY, she's had an incredible 2017.


                        That is true... but Ultrarunning Magazine's UROY awards are often based more on popularity than achievement. However, she is popular as well as accomplished, so certainly I expect her to be high in the rankings. Accomplishments are not always rewarded. Courtney's biggest achievement this year was setting the 24-hour American Record, smashing Sabrina Little's 152.03 miles with a stellar 155.39. But (1) last year, when Gina Slaby broke the 100-mile WORLD record -- formerly an Ann Trason record, that had stood for 25 years -- that netted her 10th place in the UROY voting. Because she was an unknown. Even though she had won ALL of her 13 ultras to that point in convincing fashion, often snagging the overall win. And (2) at the 24-hour World Championships this summer in Belfast, Katy Nagy ran even farther, 155.73 miles. (Because of the horrendous timing malfunctions at Worlds, unfortunately this does not meet the stringent standards for a new American Record.) Meanwhile Courtney ran 140.65 at Worlds; Gina ran 154.27, also beating the former AR.


                        All that is probably beside the point, because road & track performances mean little to the UROY voters. More equitable, perhaps, are the USATF ultra runner of the year awards. But they do not have an overall award, instead awarding it in several categories (mountain, sub-ultra trail, trail, road; open, masters).

                        T Hound

                        Slower but happier

                          A quick recap of my race today.  I finished in 6:53:02, which I'm very happy about because the race went about as well as I could have hoped.  There was rain off and on the whole time--.



                          Great job!  Nice time, that has to put you near the top.  If the rain was anything like it was down here, at times it was crazy.  Everywhere is flooded.  Yesterday was the first day since last winter I was on the treadmill, that is how bad it was.  Trails flooded all around today but at least the rain has stopped.

                          2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                          T Hound

                          Slower but happier

                            Weekly Summary
                            Monday, Oct 09, 2017 thru Sunday, Oct 15, 2017


                            Getting the hang of Strava.  Have to figure some of it out like editing and TM runs.  There has been times when I forget to turn my watch off and drive home.  Pace 2 min/mile.  Or left it on overnight.


                            Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Link
                            Mon       rest    
                            Tue 5.6      Easy    
                            Wed       rest    
                            Thu 9.0 9:22 1:24

                            Recovering from Hennepin 50

                            weird hip and IT pains

                            146 (73%) strava
                            Fri 7.4     Easy    
                            Sat 7.1 13:56 1:15 Bad rain=First treadmill since last winter☹️ 101 (51%) strava
                            Sun 14.0 8:57 2:05 14 mi, Tempo (7:50-8:17) x 6 mi, flooding everywhere (1/2Marathon time was 1:52) 156 (78%) strava


                            One training week left then start taper.  Not really enough time to do anything new really just maintain fitness.  I am going to start some focused walking at a faster pace because I have never really focused on that much.

                            2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block



                              She's done. A mere 28 miles ahead of second place!


                                Skim - congrats, that's an amazing time! More like a 50k time for me if it's not too hilly. Are you running the Thailand 100k again? A guy I work with won it a couple years ago, ran with him on Monday, he went slow for me, and ran way ahead to do an extra climb


                                Almost 70 miles of running this week, and another 4.6mi of walking. Did 2 long runs on the same course, one on Monday (holiday here) and one on Sunday. Did a virtual 8km race on Saturday, the Ghost Race on Strava, messed up the turnaround, so I'll probably do it again this Saturday, only ran it at steady state pace anyways. I think that might be a record week for me for elevation gain, with 9905'


                                Weekly Summary
                                Monday, Oct 09, 2017 thru Sunday, Oct 15, 2017

                                <tfoot> </tfoot>
                                Day Miles Pace Description Egain Link
                                Mon 3.3 15:44 5.2 — North Shore pt.1 — trail run 1879 strava
                                Mon 8.2 14:12 13.1km — North Shore pt. 2 — Trail Run 1151 strava
                                Mon 2.3 17:23 Missed mileage, stupid autopause, looked at an old run to figure out the difference 492 strava
                                Tue 5.1 10:30 8.2km — Mountainview — Recovery Run 291 strava
                                Tue 1.2 17:15 Lunch Walk - rainy 58 strava
                                Wed 7.7 10:17 12.4km — QE Park — Easy Run 498 strava
                                Wed 1.2 16:06 Lunch Walk 57 strava
                                Thu 7.8 9:26 12.5km — Mountainview — 6km @steady state 364 strava
                                Fri 5.7 10:28 9.1km — Mountainview — w/ 5x30s uphill sprints 364 strava
                                Fri 2.3 15:30 Lunch Walk 173 strava
                                Sat 13.9 9:26 22.3km — Ghost Run in the middle of a MLR — 8km steady state — Messed up the turnaround will have to do it again 383 strava
                                Sun 15.9 15:58 25.5km — Grouse Mountain/ Mt. Fromme — trail run 4195 strava
                                  74.6 12:31   9905  

                                Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

                                 First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

                                Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

                                Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

                                BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

                                 Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

                                 Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25