Ultra Runners

RWOL Ultra marathon forum.... (Read 89 times)

T Hound

Slower but happier

    Nice week.


    Almost 70 miles of running this week, and another 4.6mi of walking. Did 2 long runs on the same course, one on Monday (holiday here) and one on Sunday. Did a virtual 8km race on Saturday, the Ghost Race on Strava, messed up the turnaround, so I'll probably do it again this Saturday, only ran it at steady state pace anyways. I think that might be a record week for me for elevation gain, with 9905'

    2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block



    Running to eat


      Great job!  Nice time, that has to put you near the top.  If the rain was anything like it was down here, at times it was crazy.  Everywhere is flooded.  Yesterday was the first day since last winter I was on the treadmill, that is how bad it was.  Trails flooded all around today but at least the rain has stopped.


      Thanks.  I was third overall, though I felt a little bad because around mile 19 I passed the guy who was in third at the time when he went into a port-a-pottie.  Yeah, the rain was torrential at times, but no flooding, and I didn't really mind because it kept things cool.  There were several big puddles that were about ankle deep, but still easily runnable.  It was funny because my florescent yellow shoes kept getting cleaner and cleaner, brighter and brighter, as they got washed in the rain/puddles, so that at the finish it looked like I'd run in brand new shoes.

      Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

      Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

      Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

      Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

      Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)

        skim1124, never feel bad for passing someone in the john.  Sometimes potty breaks work for you, sometimes (usually) they're against you.


        Seattlemax has been running for 3 days, 6 hours, and 207.7 miles at Moab.  Go git that last 31!  Someone else that I know there got off course and did a bonus 12 miles, ugh.  He's still going to finish, I've no doubt.  Amazing what Courtney Dauwalter did.

        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


        Running to eat

          skim1124, never feel bad for passing someone in the john.  Sometimes potty breaks work for you, sometimes (usually) they're against you.


          Seattlemax has been running for 3 days, 6 hours, and 207.7 miles at Moab.  Go git that last 31!  Someone else that I know there got off course and did a bonus 12 miles, ugh.  He's still going to finish, I've no doubt.  Amazing what Courtney Dauwalter did.


          Well, I didn't feel nearly bad enough to consider stopping, but you're certainly right that sometimes factors unrelated to training/fitness can slow you down.


          I'm also sure that Seattlemax will finish.  As someone who's never going to attempt anything remotely like this, it's hard to relate to what he's doing, so what Dauwalter did (read somewhere that she only slept 21 minutes) is inconceivable (and yes, I do know what that word means ).

          Marathon PR: 2:52 (2006 Chicago)

          Ultra #1: DNF at The North Face Thailand 100K (Feb 4, 2017)

          Ultra #2: Finished in 6:53:03 at the Des Plaines River Trail Races 50M (Oct 14, 2017)

          Ultra #3: Finished in 12:55:04 at The North Face Thailand 100k (Feb 1, 2020)

          Ultra #4: Finished self-organized 100-miler in 19:28:53 (Oct 3, 2020)


            what Dauwalter did (read somewhere that she only slept 21 minutes) is inconceivable (and yes, I do know what that word means ).


            Daaaamn. I see the 48-hour AR falling soon. Sorry, Traci.


            MTA Traci Falbo has the 48-hour American Record, 242.35 miles. Courtney just ran 240 in about 57 hours. But... that was with 29,467 feet of gain and loss, and trails.


              Runners World forums are shutting down.


              There's a fairly active Ultra marathon forum there, and WCR suggested we might come here.  Figured I'd start a thread for us to use while we think about it...


              FWIW... as a long-time local... don't feel like you need to restrict yourselves to a single thread. If that's what's comfortable for you, great, but normally we have separate threads for separate races, topics, etc. Unfortunately the forum has gradually become less and less active of late. Sorry about that, and glad to see lots of new blood.

              a smith

              king of the non-sequitur

                Seattlemax at 215, stll close to Van. i think she might be his nemesis Smile

                Bhearn, we had a thread called "2017 ultra training thread" with a google sheet embedded that has everyone's upcoming races and past results for the year. that's where most of the ultra activity was. i think someone may start a 2018 one soon but im not sure how to embed a new sheet here. RW was updating the 2017 one. any volunteers for 2018? wouldnt it be cool if ultrasignup had forums?


                Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


                  Bhearn, we had a thread called "2017 ultra training thread" with a google sheet embedded that has everyone's upcoming races and past results for the year. that's where most of the ultra activity was. i think someone may start a 2018 one soon but im not sure how to embed a new sheet here. 


                  I don't know any way to embed a Google sheet here... I doubt it's possible, but I could be wrong. Of course you can always post a link.


                  Are we there, yet?

                    Seattlemax at 215, stll close to Van. i think she might be his nemesis Smile

                    Bhearn, we had a thread called "2017 ultra training thread" with a google sheet embedded that has everyone's upcoming races and past results for the year. that's where most of the ultra activity was. i think someone may start a 2018 one soon but im not sure how to embed a new sheet here. RW was updating the 2017 one. any volunteers for 2018? wouldnt it be cool if ultrasignup had forums?


                    I always thought the single thread for the whole year was a little awkward, though there didn't seem to be enough activity for a dailies thread. Maybe we could try a monthly so it wouldn't be so hard to look back to try to find a particular post.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                    a smith

                    king of the non-sequitur


                      I always thought the single thread for the whole year was a little awkward, though there didn't seem to be enough activity for a dailies thread. Maybe we could try a monthly so it wouldn't be so hard to look back to try to find a particular post.


                      that sounds good to me. we could post weeklies in the monthly and it would be easier to keep up with who's racing when. im on facebook now but talk about hard to find stuff. everything gets buried almost immediately and it's hard to navigate and annoying gifs all over the place.


                      Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                      Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                      Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                      Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 



                        I always thought the single thread for the whole year was a little awkward, though there didn't seem to be enough activity for a dailies thread. Maybe we could try a monthly so it wouldn't be so hard to look back to try to find a particular post.


                        I'm not a huge fan of dailies, especially with a small number of people. I know dailies were popular on other Runners World topics, but I never really got into them - I just don't have enough interesting runs to talk about what I do daily, and many people here don't participate every day, and they don't lend themselves to longer discussions about broader topics/strategies. Monthlies would be ok, or even seasons (maybe Dec/Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr/May, etc.).


                        I think a separate thread for races, like what WCR did for the end of this year, would be good given this format. Are there even mods around to sticky threads? It seems like a few could be unstuck.

                        T Hound

                        Slower but happier

                          I agree race reports, training questions, gear discussions, make sense as separate topic.  Day to day stuff could be monthly or weekly.

                          2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                          a smith

                          king of the non-sequitur

                            i liked the training thread because we could talk about anything with the group that was related to our training, be it a weekly, a race or a strategy. not enough of us to split it up too much. then it would be like fb and i get lost Smile


                            Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                            Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                            Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                            Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


                            Are we there, yet?


                              I think a separate thread for races, like what WCR did for the end of this year, would be good given this format. Are there even mods around to sticky threads? It seems like a few could be unstuck.


                              The group owner (creator) and any members designated by the owner as admins can sticky threads. I don't think Purdey (owner) or either of the two admins (fatozzig and Ultrachick) for this group have been active recently. Not sure what to do in this case.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                The group owner (creator) and any members designated by the owner as admins can sticky threads. I don't think Purdey (owner) or either of the two admins (fatozzig and Ultrachick) for this group have been active recently. Not sure what to do in this case.


                                I just PM'd Purdey and asked about adding admins.  Invited him back, too.

                                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR