Ultra Runners

August 2018 Ultra training thread (Read 40 times)

Pain is my friend

    I had lots of killer runs this week.

    Wednesday: 13 miles - 6 miles uphill Ave 8:20andthen 6 down ave 6:30
    Friday: 14 miles trail in the morning and 5 in the afternoon stashing water for my Saturday run

    Saturday: 35.4 miles on the Wasatch 100 course. 9 hours of trail time with 8,500 ft vert.

    86.8 miles with 15,000 ft vert this week. Most miles and vert in a week since earlier this year. Training has gone well for my 100 miler in 3 weeks.

    ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

    Bear 100 22:08 2021 

    Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


    Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

    Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

    Ute 100 Aug

    24 hour loop race?


    T Hound

    Slower but happier

      Krash.  Nice training.  Sounds like you’ll be ready


      ive decided to really polarize my training.  Get most aerobic endurance I can.    Did a 20 mile run thu kept hr < 70% super easy effort trail.  Today 10 mi  avg hr 66% max easy road. One thing was recovery from the 20 was nothing.  So then my plan for the hundred will be to really stick to that the first 50.  I will be interested to see what pace it is when it cools off.  Also, I’m hoping I’ll be able to do some better workouts, being less beat up or feeling like I’ll get injured ( my usual excuse).

      2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


      a smith

      king of the non-sequitur

        weekly: travelling but still got 46.3 with a smoky 20 today, and 5279' vert on the week. Dani thanks for the reminder that the base is there. i know i still have to maintain and still do long runs but i need to have confidence in that base most of all...and from here ill be trying to find time to get in easy-effort time on feet stuff (tough in summer when DD is out of school)

        it's weird that the weather was wet and everything was green in AZ and it's brown and dry here. the monsoons in az this year are gorgeous and so are the trails around prescott. i am grateful for everyone that works to maintain them incl my Dad who advocated for trails and wrote trail guides even. im not sure how many editions he did but they always sold out. https://www.amazon.com/Guide-Prescott-Central-Highlands-Trails/dp/0964030853


        Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

        Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

        Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

        Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


        Are we there, yet?

          I see that my friend Dennene from Edmonton finished the Squamish 50/50 so we will hopefully be hearing from Seattlemax and Drock soon.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            Fnky, I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing a bit about your dad - he sounds like what we in the Midwestern ultra community would call a "trail person."


            I was in New Hampshire/Maine all week for a work thing and then a quick day or so with my family. I got home yesterday and managed 14 today. I'm pretty freaking pumped I managed to get 41 miles this week while attending class all day (8-6), not having a car til Wednesday, and studying in the evenings. It was pretty intense but I did manage to get some GREAT runs in while in Portsmouth (in addition to some hotel treadmill misery) and one nice one in Maine. 3 weeks til Superior. I won't be tapering til the week of since it's not a goal race and I also had a couple low mileage weeks recently.


            Excited to hear about the 50/50 and any other races!


              Finished the Squamish 50/50, 15:38:56 for the 50 miler and 10:44:08 for the 50k. Took it easy during the 50 miler, was still a bit faster than last year though. Felt better than expected for the 50k. Tough race, really feeling it today. Will write up a full report, or reports I guess. That's the most running I've done in a week, mostly in 2 days

              Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

               First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

              Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

              Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

              BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

               Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

               Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25



                Congratulations drock!  Fantastic times.  I for one can't wait for the RR.  Epic shit!


                  You're killing it, D-Rock!!!


                  I signed up for a half marathon for this weekend, because I have never run a road half before and I haven't raced in 2 months. It's very close to where I live so it'll be super convenient.


                    Congrats Drock I bet you're a bit tired.

                    Istria 110k 4-6-2024

                    WS100 6-29-2024

                    UTMB 171k 8-30-2024

                    MCM 10-27-2024




                    T Hound

                    Slower but happier

                      Drock way to go.  Continuing an impressive season.


                      Berto- sorry to “clam chowder” you, but to answer your question (from 2 weeks ago on the other thread which I just saw) about ultra flasks 600 ml, they don’t fit in the little Salmon Adv 12 pockets, I put them in the side pocket and because they have straws there’s a loop that holds them in place,  so it works good, fortunately.  Those little bottles it came with would last me like 30 minutes!


                      Rwd.  Enjoy the half, glad mileage is going good


                      my week, taperish, 46 miles, this sat is race, had a good few runs at low effort/hr 65-70 max, gotta say having actual recovery runs is pretty nice.  This week is minimally running, then Saturday is the race.  Got a tent and stove to camp.  I haven’t been camping in years.  Almost more excited about that than the race.

                      2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                      T Hound

                      Slower but happier

                        Nooky just figured out you're JW from RW, glad to have u  back!

                        2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                        a smith

                        king of the non-sequitur

                          hmm. cant delete my double-post!


                          Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                          Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                          Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                          Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

                          a smith

                          king of the non-sequitur

                            congrats to Squamish runners! it's another kind of feat of endurance to go out there the next day. Drock i wonder that your time on feet in those other races must have helped. did you see any bears this time? your encounter last year was kind of scary


                            Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                            Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                            Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                            Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


                              Thanks everyone! Still working on the epic race report


                              FunkyHd - I didn't see any bears this year, one of the marshals warned me there was a bear, was close to where I saw the juvenile one charging last year. I was running alone, so hard to make noise


                              Seamax - after looking at your profile pic again, I think I did see you at the start on Sunday. I thought it was a blue shirt and cap. So many people, didn't find any of the people I was looking for. Looks like you did well in the 50/50!


                              Just over 85miles with 16,837' of elevation for me, mostly in the 2 days of the race. Record week for me, I don't think I've gone over about 70 miles, and no where near that elevation gain

                              Club Fat Ass New Years Day 50k - Jan 1 - 6h13m

                               First Half HM (road) - Feb. 9

                              Chuckanut 50k - Mar. 21

                              Sun Run 10k - Apr. 19

                              BMO Vancouver Marathon - May 3

                               Vancouver 100k (Club Fat Ass) - 32h07m 2 runs, pacing 100 miler friends

                               Whistler Alpine Meadows 100 miler - September 25


                              Duke Of Bad Judgment

                                Congratulations Drock!  You and I finished very close together in one race (the 50k I think).  We'd probably recognize each other, but I'm sorry I didn't actually find you at any point.  That was quite the 36 hours of non-stop activity.  Right now I'm pretty sure I will never do that again - did it once, I'm not good on those trails, life is short, so many races and so little time.  But great organization/volunteers and I can see the appeal for very agile (and possibly younger) runners who can handle the trails.  My wife saw a video of Courtney finishing, and supposedly she just bent over and said "that was really HARD!" with hands on knees.


                                My Squamish report in case anyone is interested...