Womens Running


Weekend dailies <3 (Read 16 times)

    Kilmisters, very interesting article about optic flow perception.  And supported by science and studies too. I don’t run in the dark very often but I’m going to pay attention to this next time. 

    Lori, sounds like a fun way to pass the time while doing your virtual marathon.


    Damaris, I got J&J booster since I had J&J first. My county has not approved mixing and matching yet.  No real side effects yesterday, yay.


    CC, don’t tell anyone, but I shower less often when I’m not running as much. Hopefully the pants situation yesterday wasn’t too much of an adjustment. 

    Karen, I’m not on Strava too much these days, but when I am, I’m impressed by all of your loopy loops. That’s commitment.  And hopefully it won’t be necessary much longer. 

    HCK, yes, I get credit for future racing by volunteering. I’ve earned at least one free race so far. Banking it until I decide want to do next. 

    LC, bittersweet about your sons last soccer game. The pics of him turned out great. That was your friend who took them?


    Fun day yesterday helping at the trail race. Really foggy and drizzly do it was a good day for running. I was glad to be under a canopy tent bc it would have been pretty wet and chilly otherwise.  Having coffee now, trying to convince my DH to go for a walk with me. Happy Halloween!

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

    LC Runs

      4.3 for me, I kind of struggled on this one.  I must have used up my legs yesterday LOL


      Lazy day here, I'm doing laundry and then going to do the dreaded summer to winter clothes switch and hopefully get a pile to donate.


      Lori - when you say 'write', are you going to run a route that spells out something?  I think those are cool, though no real idea how to do it. I guess running in a town where the roads are in a grid would be the easiest but for a marathon it would take several turns!  Great idea!


      Elina - I know I run slower in the dark/dusk yet it feels like I"m going the same or faster - interesting!


      Margaret - glad you had no side effects!  Yes, the pics are from my co worker, aren't they nice?  She wouldn't take any money, so I got her a gift card and a case of Angry Orchard.  Now I have to figure out what I want to order, what sizes, etc.  DS is better today, he went up to the HS with some teammates to put away the goals, etc.  He said it was good and he is feeling better,  Banquet coming up in a couple of weeks.

        Man! The weekend flies by!!


        Yesterday we rode 38 miles--wind was really blowing and we really worked. I was toast.


        Yesterday evening we went to the Witches Ride--fund raiser for the animal shelter. There were 250+ riders in costumes and we rode down the main street. It was lots of fun. We met at one of my friend's houses near the event, had snacks and then all went together. The guys walked down to meet us at the end.

        May be an image of 3 people, including Susan Melde Rademacher and Renee Easton Hill, people standing and bicycle


        After church we went to the annual Oktoberfest potluck. This evening we are trick or treating with the grands.


        Have a great Sunday!

        Anonymous Guest

          Back (but not yet to our house) from camping. At the RVpark until Wednesday, then camping close by until Friday. We are supposed to close Friday- the house is so close. I ran four MP miles before we left the campground, although with the hills I’m sure my pace was too fast. DH wanted to leave early so we could get back here and work out when it was warmer……um, no. I was only planning a short run, so I got my butt out the door before he tried harder to convince me. We had nowhere to go here until noon anyway, so no reason to get here sooner. And of course, once we got here he decided he didn’t want to ride today after all.


          Right as we got here DH got a text from the bank saying they declined a $2500 charge from Lowe’s, which was good since we didn’t try to buy anything there! He called them, there have been no other fraudulent charges, and they are sending us new cards. Of course we have no address to send them to. They said they’d UPS them to get here on Tuesday so we gave them the RV park address. Even if they don’t get here Tuesday, this place is pretty cool and it’s close by so we can just swing by and get them when they show up, but what a pain. We have some cash, our debit cards, and my Target card is also a MasterCard, but that’s it. We put everything on that card.


          Laura, the pics of DS looked great on fb. Sad high school soccer is over!


          Margaret, yay for no side effects! Glad you had fun yesterday.


          Susan, cute pic! I can’t believe you’re back on the bike so soon after your epic trip - I’m impressed!

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel


          Former Bad Ass

            I think you got hit with whatever hit others last week (including me). It was a lot of people that got fraudulent charges.

