Womens Running


Lotto TUESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 21 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    I hope everyone buys at least 1 ticket today!


    What would you do if you won 1.6 BILLION??



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      8.2 for me. Body Pump after work.


      Great run! It was in the low 40's - I wore shorts and a short sleeve with gloves Smile I almost regretted not wearing pants but I had my calf sleeves on so I was good after about 2 miles. Nice and crisp - no complaints here! Depending how I feel, I may do some speed work tomorrow. I like to wait 10-15 days post race before I incorporate that back in my training. My right achilles is really angry. I think the last time it was this angry was when I did marathons so close together last year. LOL.  I am going to wear calf sleeves for most of my runs up until race day. Going to try and get a massage next week, too. I have been foam rolling and stretching but I feel like that has been aggravating it more than anything.


      NO MAMMEL again today!! Is this a dream!?


      Oh, a billion dollars. Hmm, well I would do a lot of things! Donate a lot, write checks to all my friends...but the first thing I would do is send a picture of me rolling around in money to Mammel with my middle finger up. Too much? Wink



      Run4kupcakes – Nice 8 on the dreadmill!


      Lisa – Woohoo for double runs!


      Lori – 108 miles is pretty darn impressive!!


      Margaret – Fastest loop after 61 hours is just unreal. I don’t think these runners are human. LOL. Nice pun there Wink We have 10 tickets! I bet HCF buys more today.



      Happy Tuesday!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning. I have Pilates and either 7 or 0 miles tonight. Yesterday, I spent a total of 4 hours driving and 8 hours questioning someone, so I was pretty beat up for my run. Then I decided to do it outside in our summer weather and I've been coughing since then, lol.


        Liz, no idea what I would do with it.  Too large to fathom.  Jealous of your weather.




          I don't have a way to purchase a ticket unless I cross the border so I'm definitely not going to win. I should have bought one while at the race on Sunday. Oh well.  My brother and BIL probably bought some (they live on your side of the border) so if they win I hope they remember to send me a piece. Lol. I don't need anything but would help my kids out.  Charity.  Actually I'd hire a coach.  I broke the one I had last year. He quit coaching once he was through with me.


          Anyway today I'm hoping for 5k and then a massage.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


          Anonymous Guest

            No running for me until this evening. Speedwork with the kids - 6x400. Rainy morning, but should clear out and be nice and cool at the track. Should be fun, even if I'm no longer the fastest in the group. One of my toddler runners proved last Tuesday that he can now run 400s faster than me, something he couldn't do last year. One of the other guys is pretty fast too and will probably stay in from of me. This makes me happy.


            Taking Huckles to the vet this morning for his last (I think) set of puppy shots. Not much else planned. I guess I better buy a lottery ticket.


            What would I buy? Anything my parents or DH's mom wanted. College for all the nieces and nephews. Full ride. And maybe fancy new cars for their graduations. Gifts to my brother and sister so they could retire if they wanted. Houses for us in Colorado, Maine, maybe northern CA or Oregon, and a plane to get us from TX to those places. ALL the race entry fees and travel for everyone for all the FEs. Donate large sums of money to anyone I know running for charity. My grade school is having a fundraising drive so I'd give them enough to exceed their goal. Give to charities. The list goes on and on....I guess I better buy a ticket or two.


            Liz, nice run and nice weather! I hear ya on training/running on the edge of not getting injured. I'm running enough now that various body parts are starting to make themselves known. I need to start paying more attention to stretching and rolling, strength training and get some massages scheduled.


            Damaris, take care of yourself, girl. We have some serious running to do.

            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

            Check out my website and youtube channel


            Mighty Mouse

              No. No lottery ticket. I know I am weird, but I am happy with my life and don't want ANY drastic change. 


              Monday I awoke with a puffy feeling in my throat. There had been some smoke in the building the day before. It’s that feeling that sometime in the coming days one might get a cold. Anyway, I got some things done then went out for a 35 minute run. It was sunny and somewhat blustery and cold but the run felt good and it was easier to breathe. After several errands I went back home. It improved later in the day.

              Today I want to go down to the park to run. It’s like this congestion is allergy related. No pain. 

              Happy runs, All!

              Where is the "any" key?   




                Finally worked out this morning with trainer, Leg day .  It has been like 10 days since i did anything, and I got a little sick to my stomach, but that's okay, I like when he pushes me. Oh yeah, he has foam rollers now and we rolled some too!  Darn that hurts my calves!   I have been so lazy lately and the stupid back issues.  I am getting so I am afraid to do anything for fear something else is going to hurt.   Do you all think it is just from running and working out for over 40 years?  I thought exercise was supposed to help with these things.  What the heck would I feel like if I hadn't exercised????  Am I just wearing out???  Frustrating.I


                I did buy my lottery ticket this morning.  If I win, pay off all my children's loans and houses, new cars for all, grandchildren college education.  If someone wins the whole thing , all that wouldn't even put a dent in it would it?  I can't imagine that much ;money.  I told my trainer if I win I will buy him a gym.  It would be so much fun to treat all these people wouldn't it???


                Karen, how cool that some of your babies are faster than you now!  That's what you want , right??  You are apparently an amazing coach!


                I have not read any posts for days, so sorry I don't know what all has gone on.





                6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                Running with the Turtles

                  24 minute out and back run this morning, 8:39 goal pace.  I decided to do my run this morning instead of last night, since I should be used to running in the 30's for my upcoming races and not the 60's.      Besides, it would have thrown off the rest of my runs this week!  The Trail Series standings were posted last night, they ended up distributing the points for the "4K" and 5K races as if they were the same race, so DD ended up tied for first place.  But the way they listed it, the other girl was listed first, and it was not alphabetical.  So I am guessing some kind of tiebreaker was applied and DD ended up second.  We'll find out when we pick up the series award this week.  I warned DD though, and she was heartbroken.  She has a lot to be proud of, so I am hoping she feels better about it.  Interestingly, I was a point away from third place in my AG for the series, and that was without running 2 races in the series. 


                  Lizzie, I do not usually buy lottery tickets.  I may have to, but like Damaris, I can't even fathom that amount of money!  I LOVED the sneak peek previews of your engagement photos!  The one HCBF posted is so cute!  Your outfit choices are great.  I love that the photos were taken in Lizzie weather.     Great run, but ugh on that achilles!


                  Damaris, sounds like a busy day yesterday!  Hope you feel OK for tonight.


                  Lori, you broke your coach?  


                  Karen, enjoy the speedwork with the kiddos.    Cool that they are seeing improvement!


                  Judy, hope the puffy feeling goes away!  I also took a tea class when we went to China.  That was really interesting, particularly all the traditions around drinking tea.  At the end, the lady leading the class gave me a lot of tea to take home because she said that I looked like one of her best friends!  


                  Margaret, Courtney is pretty unreal.  Amazing.


                  Lisa, nice double for the day!  Gotta take advantage of the weather when you can!




                  WINE o'clock somewhere!

                    Lizzie, nice run.  Too funny about the pic you would send mammal.


                    Damaris, good luck with your run or rest.  Sounds like you need some of the latter.


                    Lori, do you guys have lotteries like we do in Canada?


                    Karen, awesome your baby runner has progressed!!


                    Judy, hope you feel better.


                    Sitting at the MSP airport waiting for my connection, in another 2 hours.  Possibly I am having a morning appropriate cocktail.   Who, me?



                    My guests are still at my place.  I do love them.  They are watching my dogs while I am gone.  At first it was just supposed to be my GF, but then her parents decided to make it a family trip.  They are sweet people.  My GF was going to take me to the airport leaving at 3:45am, both her parents got up for it.  Nice.  They certainly do bicker though.  Makes me feel more normal about how my Mom and I interact.


                    SOOOOOOO tired.  Will nap in Winnipeg if the hotel room is ready.  Tonight is on my own as my Mom's flight doesn't get in until after 11pm.  Found a good looking restaurant to go to.


                    Enough for now.



                    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                    Beast of Burden - August 2024

                    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                    Former Bad Ass

                      That is a nice way to pass the time, Kat!  Enjoy.


                      Lori, a massage sounds great.


                      Karen, good luck with the puppy vet visit.


                      Judy, glad you are feeling better.  My asthma is acting up and all I want to do is nap, lol.


                      Ginny, nice workout.

                      Cathy, nice run.



                      Former Bad Ass


                          Slept in. DH came home late yesterday, so we slept in this morning. Plus it was raining.  County fair tonight--gumbo for dinner. Several of the local churches have little kitchen buildings at the fair an make gumbo every year to sell. Best part of the fair. Sometimes I just drive over, pick up gumbo and leave. Free entrance and free parking. Wink


                          In the lab today spiking oysters with crude oil. Wish me luck.


                          OMG Damaris!!  How awful!!! At least they had video.


                          Kat--your liquid breakfast looks yummy!


                          Liz--enjoy another mammel free day



                            I'm not in the habit of buying tickets...the lottery is a tax on people who can't do math. That said, if I did happen to win, I'd probably keep my mouth very firmly closed for a while. Until I had talked to my accountant, anyway. I'd also wait until I found out how many other people had won before I started mentally spending anything. I will say, though, that I would need to clean out my car because that poor old beater would be replaced. (17 years old, 195K miles on it, driver's window held closed with duct tape, transmission is skipping when I go up a hill in second gear, battle-scarred sides...this is not a car that I worry about anyone stealing.) Lisa's been in it, so has Diana, I think that's it from this group. Some of the runango people have been in that car too.


                            Kat, safe travels and stay away from the bears! Not sure why someone would go to stay elsewhere and then not even leave the house. I would want to explore!


                            Damaris, too many not-good things happening. You are due for some good things.


                            Liz, cute with Ruger holding the "Save the Date"! Glad your work is a mammel free zone today. (I had to go back and correct that after autocorrect changed it to mammal. I don't think your work is staffed by giant lizards!)


                            Congratulations to Lori's DH, Shannon, and A for their performances on Sunday!


                            Judy, you sound like my mum. Very happy with what she has.


                            Sandy, being stood up is most annoying. Sorry that happened to you.


                            Diane, congratulations on the new dogs! Had to laugh at your description of the female being a bit of a bitch. Um...yes...aren't most female dogs described that way?


                            Karen, lots of good dreams. I do rather hope you win....


                            Ginny, we are all getting older, but exercise does help reduce the effects I believe. Good for you for keeping on. And yes foam rollers hurt but it feels so much better afterwards! I can't imagine that much money either.


                            Cathy, hope they have backup for why the standings are shown that way. There may be some reason for listing the girls in the order they are -- whose birthday is first in the year, for instance.


                            I did 3.6 this morning. RN is tapering for Javelina so she's not getting up early to run. I know I won't get to the gym because we have a client meeting at lunch. Working hard, too. As usual. It's cooling down at night but staying warm during the day.



                              Damaris, poor old woman. Did the "caretaker" know there was a video camera in the bedroom?


                              Running with the Turtles

                                Update on the Trail Series, I talked to the RD and he said that if there is a tie, then the older person wins.  But they have lots of first place medals.  At that age (14 and under), shouldn't the younger person win?    So I'll tell DD that she also won.  
