Womens Running


Hey Hey its the WEEKEND (DAILIES) (Read 27 times)


Run to live; live to run

    6.2 then walked Rockey. He did well. No barking but did walk into me a lot when he got scared


    Tessa mammograms have never bothered me. They’ve never hurt and never had any issues


    Lizzie I think 35 if you have a family history?


    After walking Rockey I cleaned off the siding around the front door. The bugs make it messy. We turn the porch light a lot so they needed removed. Cleaned some in the back to.


    Thanks for the comments on the garden. I love doing it.


    Lizzie our weather has been 80 and 90s.  This am was really nice for my run. I think it got around 80 today.


    Margaret I missed why you weren’t running


    travel this week. Then a church thing next weekend.


    Just finished making the desert for for tonight and got the chicken marinating.


    Anonymous Guest

      I had the best run this morning. 13.5 miles, ending up with 67 miles for the week. I was actually able to run at a decent pace that I haven't seen much of lately, and even got down to approximate marathon pace for the last three. Was 68 degrees at the start, probably low 80s at the finish. But dew point down around 60, so it felt much better than summer. Hot enough yet that I felt the need to jump in the pool post run - water temp is perfect right now so it felt amazing.


      Kupcakes, nice job on the 10K. Slower than you wanted sucks, but faster pace than the 5K rocks.


      Marjorie, garden looks nice.


      Gatsby, hooray on 20 minutes of running!


      Sandy, you sure have packed a lot into this weekend! I hope you are relaxing for the rest of the day. Reading about your long run, helping move stuff, volunteering in the rain, etc. is making me tired.


      Tessa, nice long run. Which marathon is coming up for you? On the group, yes, we keep moving the start back so that most people finish around 8. Nice especially for those with kids and soccer games and baseball games and gymnastics and so on. That won't change after the time change, we'll just be running in the dark longer. They all know to bring a headlamp or handheld flashlight or something, and I try to keep them as much off roads and on bike/walking paths as possible for the early part of the run. Down here people are used to starting runs at 4 or 5 o'clock year round to beat the heat, so the few drivers that are out don't seem surprised to see us, and the area is pretty safe plus there's all of us (and other random runners and walkers) out as well.


      Liz, I'm nonchalantly trying not to jump up and down over here. I am so happy you found somebody that you love so much, and that loves you so much as well. And if there is a ring in the near future, to be followed by some sort of celebration, I think you should plan it for something like, I don't know, the weekend of the Richmond Marathon next year so we can all crash your wedding and have an epic running FE.


      Damaris, think healthy thoughts!


      Amy, it's good to see you back in the dailies.


      Kathryn, just start next weekend and see what happens. Chicago is a fun town, glad you're giving yourself some time to explore. I am feeling better, thanks - I napped about two hours yesterday, then went to bed early and slept in this morning.


      Cathy, that's a lot of celebrating! Convenient for all those birthdays and anniversary to be around the same time.


      Lori, I saw your splits on Strava and thought you ran a really good race. Congrats! Sorry the course was long though, that's frustrating.


      Diane, how did the half go?



      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

      Check out my website and youtube channel



        LOL. Karen is cyberstalking my splits. If you see something that doesn't look right feel free to flame me. The splits show me "going out too fast" but in my defence the first mile was downhill and I really did try to rein it in afterward. The rest were sort of ok albeit fast (it was a race to be fair) and my last miles were definitely slowing down (that damned Dam Hill on the return). Each mile was at gmp or slightly faster.


        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Common sense prevailed & the neighbors buried the dog.


          Lizzie, depending on how many people you are cooking for, you could also get a turkey breast (or 2). My mom started doing that several years ago when the Thanksgiving crowd got smaller. We all prefer the white meat anyway, so it works out well. Plus less crap to clean out from inside the bird.
