Womens Running


Weekend Grind (dailies) (Read 20 times)



    Congratulations Margaret! For some reason my phone won't show me your photos but I'm betting it was a beautiful course.


    Anyway,  for me I speed walked 9.1 miles today. I managed to hold onto a 13:35mm for the first 6 and then could no longer maintain it. The last 3 miles were around 14:20mm. Part of it I attribute to not having walked (or run) more than 5 miles in two months. But I can't decide if I'm encouraged by the walking pace or discouraged. Reason being,  that the overall 13:45mm pace is pretty much my running pace. It was a fast walk,  one which obviously I couldn't maintain for too much longer but I'm wondering how to quicken that pace? I assume similar to running but not sure how to go about the speedwork part. Maybe the treadmill? But I almost fell off the back when I did that (unless I hold onto the rails and that feels like cheating).


    Anyway it was beautiful day for a walk. Now I'm making a noodle free lasagna(with zucchini,  my first ever attempt with zucchini) and then heading to a movie (Last Christmas) with DD2. I hope everyone has a good day.


    *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

     **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


      Lori, nice speedy walking.  No advice on walking faster -- that sounds really fast to me!  I updated my post with the pics.  I realized that I used the image address from a Strava post but then I changed that post so the image addresses were no longer good.  Thanks for letting me know.


      LC, nothing like hosting a big, last minute holiday dinner!  Good luck.


      Karen, I think my issue yesterday was Achilles tendonitis, not the ankle itself.  Not sure if that's better or worse.  I'm thinking the shoes don't agree with my left foot.  It hasn't been an issue except for Woodstock and yesterday, when I was wearing Cascadias (which I haven't worn much in the past few months otherwise).


      Tessa, no wind here.  A really pleasant fall weekend.  But I'm excited to see rain in the forecast.  Good luck surviving December.


      Lisa, have a good time in Memphis.  Laughing at the Gnomies race.  Seems perfect for you.  But, are gnomes animals? They seem more person-like.


      Kilmisters, ugh on the freezing rain.  Couldn't it at least be pretty and snowy if it was 28*?


      HCK, I thought Violent Femmes' Blister in the Sun referred to... something else too.


      Damaris, are the floors being replaced because of the flooding snafu?  Or you're just updating the floors?


      As for races with names that do not bode well, I've heard of the Canadian Death Race and the Georgia Death Race, names that do not exactly inspire confidence.





      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

        Wait, how did I miss Lizzie?  I meant to comment about decorating for Christmas, since that's our tradition for the day after Thanksgiving.  I think I got distracted trying to remember where we stashed the Christmas lights last year.  We do mostly outdoor lights, and just a few things inside.

        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


        Former Bad Ass

          Flooding snafu.  We have to change the whole floors. Fucking Lowes.

