Womens Running


Toasty Tuesdaily (Read 16 times)

LC Runs

    Another steamy one out there.  We had thunderstorms last night so this morning was really muggy!


    What's everyone up to today??

    LC Runs

      For once, I was up early and out the door!


      4.3 miles.  Will try and add some other exercise in there today/tonight.


      Crossing my fingers work isn't a total madhouse today...that's the price you pay for taking time off LOL


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        6 for me plus 30 minutes of upper body strength!


        Super muggy here, too. Run was pretty good, had to stop by the house for a bathroom break - but other than that, good run!


        Will have to come back for personals. I have a call at 8 that I have to pay attention on. 


        Talk with you all later! Have a great day!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Cupcake Connoisseur

          WTF. I rushed to get ready and they changed it to 9am. 



          Sandy – I feel like if I don't complete all my "tasks", then its all I think about for the rest of the night. Also – EXACTLY – you don’t know what craziness the next day brings!! You need a break! After being on call for the next two weeks, the week off will be even better. Thanks for reminding me – I have to submit for that time off I just keep forgetting. Hope you enjoyed that much deserved glass of wine! I had a glass last night myself!


          Laura – Aw, glad you had such a great weekend. Loved the pictures you posted. I think you mentioned a while back, didn’t BF used to run with you pretty regularly? Let me also just say, girl, you rock the gray hair. I always seriously think sometimes gray ages people but it does NOT for you. It looks amazing on you! Nice run this morning. Hoping your day is RELAXED 😊


          Run4kupcakes – Nice run yesterday evening. Lucky you with the time off!!



          Have a great day everyone!



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning. We had a bad storm roll through last night and we lost power at 7pm through midnight. Only our little area which made it easier to head out to eat dinner since there was no power and we had not eaten. I barely slept, first with the lack of sound until the power was restored and after just because, lol.


            I have either my RD or 16 depending on how I feel this afternoon with the lack of sleep.



              FlexAppeal and a walk with neighbor friend and Lily this morning.  Beautiful morning!  Humidity will build back in for the weekend but not too bad.  I can't believe Aug is almost half over!


              Laura - I 1000% agree with LIzzie - you absolutely ROCK the gray hair!  Loved all you pics from the weekend.  Awesome that BF ran with you, too.  You are really rockin the walkin (see what I did there hee hee) as well.  Totally about getting stuff done while you can because you don't know what the next day will bring.  Hope today isn't too crazy!  Hope you get some of this nice drop in humidity after your storms.  Way to gt out there early this morning.  Hard to do after time off!!


              Liz - nice run and  strength!  So impressed with your motivation to do strength at home.  SO HAPPY I found this place - I love the workouts.  But, it might be short lived and I'm sad.  She mentioned this morning that they are putting their house on the market in Sept and if her husband gets this job in Fort Collins they will be moving by the end of the year.  Oh man, I hate the last minute meeting changes.  And, yep, I am constantly reading my email on my phone so when things come in late I tend to stress about it and get up early to get it done.  Blerg.  Get that time off request in, girl!!  Yep, the wine last night was delicious.  And, I was so hungry, I actually ordered a pizza.  DOH


              HCK - enjoy the time off work!  Glad you weren't impacted by the explosion.  Scary stuff.  Any other plans this week?  I think I'm going to do errands that I tend to put off and clean out some clothes and such on my week off.  Exciting stuff!!


              Karen - I didn't know there was a sequel to The Life We Bury either!  Stumbled upon it from the library.  I remember having the convo that his other books weren't quite as good but this one is just as good or maybe even better!!  I finished it already and wish I hadn't haha.  Now I need something new!  Started watching Selling Sunset on Netflix.  Mindless entertainment.  Reality show about a firm that sells high end real estate in LA.  The one gal is the wife (now ex but wasn't during the show) of Justin Hartley (Kevin on This Is Us).


              Damaris - 16 on a Tuesday?  Why the hell not??  LOL


              All Hands Meeting with the SVP this morning.  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  Have a good Tuesday!

                5.3 horrible muggy miles with Cissy this morning.  It was so humid we ended up walking more.  Had a brief shower early this morning that made it even more steamy.


                Went out to dinner last night. Sushi and a killer milkshake for dessert. We went to the Yard Milkshake Bar.  OMG!! Good thing we split a small!


                Alabama-Based Extravagant Milkshake Bar Opens First Texas Location ...


                Former Bad Ass

                  That looks amazing!



                    Lori, congratulations on stage 3, hope it makes life without the fridge easier.  How is that going?


                    Karen, nice run and bike ride!  Good luck with your running group.


                    Seloc, 18 mi does sound far on the bike.  Your job sounds very demanding, what do you do?


                    Liz, oops 😊 belated congratulations on the wedding! Were you signed up for the Monument Ave 10k?  Are you going to do one of the virtual courses? I guess I have til Sept 11 now to decide if I want to put my registration towards the marathon.


                    LC runs, sounds like a very active weekend!


                    Half crazy, glad you're not near the explosion!  Hope you can find something fun to do with your time off


                    Crazy sue, OMG those milkshakes look amazing!


                    At the playground in the middle of a 4mi run/walk.  Richmond just reopened playgrounds a few weeks ago and I'm always shocked we're the only ones here.  It's nice because I worry less but where is everyone?


                    Life happened yesterday and we ended up ordering thai for dinner, it was delicious and we'll try grilling tonight.

                    5k 24:53 (2020) |10k 52:24 (2021) |HM 1:57:14 (2019) |FM 4:24 (2007) |50k 5:57 (2022)




                      Sue - that looks like a meal in itself!!


                        CC - yummmmmmmmmm on the Thai food!  I'm in information security.  Operations so work is a rollercoaster.  Though we are currently in the middle of a very large integration/new architecture project which is taking ALL sorts of time.  We are also a bit understaffed so hard to keep up with the normal day to day stuff on top of it.  Have fun a the playground!  

                        Anonymous Guest

                          About to head out to run so I can get a little peace and quiet. I don't know how this whole retirement thing is going to go, DH has been talking NONSTOP since he got up around 6:30. I guess it's good that he still likes talking to me after almost 26 years of marriage? But seriously, nonstop talking for almost two hours now. And he's working today (well, he hasn't done much in the way of work, because he's been talking).


                          Good news on the group. We're adding a covid waiver and once people sign it, we're going to start up with small groups (less than 10) with lots of precautions, no meeting afterwards, etc. Since I've only got 25 people this year, chances are we can just split into runners and walkers and be good. One girl wanted to wait until 8/29 (and probably will) because she's got 150 people. Everyone agreed that 8/15 was too soon to get the waiver online, get people to sign it, figure out an easy way to see who has and hasn't signed it, get the small groups figured out and put together, etc. So my group is starting back 8/22. Bigger groups may not until 8/29.


                          Okay, I gotta get running - back later for personals. Maybe be then DH will have a cal or something and I can read everyone else's stuff without getting interrupted. May do a little SUP after if the wind doesn't pick up. I still need beginner conditions.

                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel


                          Running with the Turtles

                            A little over 11 miles for me this morning, tempo intervals, 4x2 mi@8:30 min/mile.  Luckily it was not muggy here!  We had bad storms the past couple nights.  XDH lost power twice, for almost 3 hours on Monday night.  Our power was fine however.  We're only about a mile away but on a different grid.  I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday, lots of man drama.  TF was freaking out a bit, I mentioned that I was feeling kind of stressed out lately and he assumed he was the issue... had to call and talk to him... then TRB was giving me a hard time... he saw that I ran with someone during the weekend and asked if I was no longer dating TF.  Then he said that TF was trying to control me by not letting me run with him.  He was starting to really get on my nerves!  On the plus side, my hand is no longer puffy from the wasp sting and I think I have recovered from the Benadryl.


                            Laura, nice pics from the weekend!  I agree that you look great with the gray!  Nice that you got some activity in with your BF.


                            Liz, lol, sorry about the change in your meeting time!  I am really getting bummed that sunrise is getting later and later...  Nice running in the humidity!  Don't look at our weather...  Hope you get your dentist rescheduled.  I may look into getting Invisalign... my front teeth stick out.  I had a retainer when I was a kid.  Younger DD used to call them "chompers" and older DD says that I should get them fixed.  Maybe she wants someone else to share in the fun of corrective dentistry.  I guess WFH all the time would make it easier to do.  


                            Damaris, hope you recover from the lack of sleep.  Can you sneak a nap in? 


                            Sandy, I ordered a pizza last night.  And I had a beer!  After all that man stress.  See, you are better off without the men...     Margaret's cousin is a good writer!  I will add those books to my list!  I have a few in the queue now.  Ugh, sorry about work.  I actually got a work call during the weekend, worked 3 hours on an "issue" that wasn't an issue.  One of those, "this works different after the upgrade".  Well, it was working like it was supposed to!  At least the call was in the afternoon and not in the middle of the night.  Though I was taking a Benadryl induced nap at the time.  Probably why it took me so long to figure out that it wasn't an issue...  There actually have been some weird coincidences with me and TF... after we met, we had been messaging for a couple months... one afternoon I was driving DD to volleyball practice and saw a guy walking across the street by the Waukesha courthouse... looked a lot like TF... it turned out that it was him, he saw me in my car also and was upset that I didn't stop and talk to him.  I was pretty sure that it was him, but wasn't positive as we had only seen each other once.  And I wasn't going to stop in the middle of a busy street!  Apparently he thought I should have turned into the parking lot.    We also have the same kind of plant, it's a ZZ plant... and there is more.  Younger DD says that we are soulmates.  


                            Sue, wow, those milkshakes look delish!!  Ann Marie sounds like a real cutie.


                            CC, the playgrounds here are pretty empty also.  I walked over there yesterday, swinging as I was talking on the phone.    I love thai food!  I have not had that for awhile.  I consider myself a very casual bike rider... slow and steady.    I have never tried a duathlon, no triathlons since I can't swim... yet.  Now I'm taking lessons.    But my goal is just to not drown, not to be a super swimmer...    DD's ear is much better, thanks for asking!


                            Karen, glad that DH finally made a decision on his retirement.    The clunky old bike sounds like fun!  lol, laughing at the nonstop talking...  this should be a fun retirement.    TF has to run a virtual Boston, NYC, and London.  I think they are all different time frames so no doubling up.


                            Kupcakes, enjoy the time off work.  As much as you can with COVID, I guess.  




                            Former Bad Ass

                              Cathy, I will try after lunch, lol.


                              Karen, your husband and my husband are twinsies. My husband talks to no one. Yet here he can't fucking shut up.




                                Hoping for 5 miles on Bertha this evening.


                                There is still a wait on the new fridge but the beer fridge works great. Good news at work. My  opposite wants straight afternoons and asked if I would do straight days. Hell yes. I get afternoonitis severely. Hate that shift. Anyway it's only as long as we're opposites so hopefully I can until at least the new year.


                                Cathy,  I haven't been following too closely but that sounds like way too much drama.


                                *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                                 **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**

