Womens Running


Busy Wednesday (Over 40) (Read 19 times)


Mighty Mouse

    Post. We are here. Smile

    Where is the "any" key?   




    Mighty Mouse

      Tuesday I spent 35 minutes of my hour long track run with a friend who was kind enough to go at my pace. It was a fun run.

      Today will be a shorter run at the track and perhaps some cardio DVD as well.

      Happy runs, All! :::HUGS:::

      Where is the "any" key?   




      Run to live; live to run

        Remembering 9 11 today.

        I was at our medical director (at the time) office with my front desk person to get our TB tests done. I was up front talking to the receptionist waiting on Marilyn when We heard about the first plane and thought it was just a prop plane and someone that had lost control. As the day continued it just got worse, of course.


        LC Runs

          Hi Judy - I enjoy running with friends and chit chatting Smile


          Marjorie - I had dropped my oldest DD off at preschool and was with my oldest DS at the grocery store (pregnant with #3), the cashier and lady in front of me were talking about the 'terrible plane crash' in New York but at the time no one realized what had actually happened.  I didn't turn the tv on for another couple of hours and by that time, of course, all he!! was happening. So sad.


          4.4 humid miles with my friend, wish we'd had time to go farther since we had a lot to talk about lol




          Hope you all have a great Wednesday!


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning.  SRD.


            I was working for a communications company when it happened and we were glued to the TV all day.


            LC Runs, keep in mind the COBRA will be the full cost to the employer which can be $900/month.  They should send you the COBRA documents within 30 days from your last day.


              Survived the root canal yesterday.  I went to the endodontist in the next town.  Definitely worth the trip.  He was very good--didn't even feel the stick when he numbed me up.  Was sore last night but this morning not too bad.  Have to return in 10 days...


              Slept in this morning--didn't think group power would help.  I was so tired last night I went to bed at 8:30.


              Yes, get the insurance.  DS1 didn't (I'm healthy!) and ended up having to be treated for kidney stones during his lapse in insurance.  Still paying for it two years later......


              9/11:  I went to the kid's program at school and was driving to work when I heard it on the radio.  At first I thought it was some sort of radio stunt.  Went to work and we all checked on line.  It was so surreal!  We are very close to a major refinery and the shipyard where they were repairing the Navy ship that had been attacked in Yemen, so they sent us home from work early and all the schools were dismissed because they feared more attacks.


              Run to live; live to run

                I ran 11.9 miles today. Wore red shorts and blue sports bra. White head band and value and white socks.


                Laura looks like you cool way down up there this weekend.


                Sue glad you survived the root canal.




                  Judy, glad you have so many running buddies for various parts of your running!


                  Sue, good for surviving the root canal.


                  Marjorie, the patriotic runner!


                  Laura, are you taking any time off before starting the new job? I think you said a long weekend?


                  Damaris, you're right, COBRA is very expensive. Cheaper than having an uninsured something, though.


                  I remember driving to the park & ride and hearing that a plane had hit the WTC and thinking "how could a plane hit something that big?" then remembering that a plane had hit the Empire State Building in the 40s in thick fog, so maybe this was a similar situation. Then on the bus we were listening to news reports and learning how bad it was. I'm in a high rise in Los Angeles and they were checking building passes, which they normally didn't do. We went upstairs and tried to figure out what was going on -- we had no email or internet and this was before smartphones with internet came into common use. We knew we had operations in the north tower but didn't know how extensive they were, and nobody had realised until then that all North American communications went through servers in one location. (They no longer do that!) Then the building closed down and we all got sent home, the buses ran in reverse picking up as many people as possible.


                  Our NYC office  had a moment of silence for our lost colleagues at 8:46 local time  We occupied floors 93-100 of the north tower, right where the first plane hit. Cry


                  3.5 this morning, RN sleeps in on Wednesdays so solo run. No worries.

                  Long meeting with discharge planner and nursing director. The insurer doesn't pay for custodial care, only for rehab, and DH is not cooperating with rehab so insurer is not going to keep paying. We could move him to a long term facility but I have no insurance that would pay for that and we'd have to spend down our assets to have Medicaid pay. So, home it will be. We're trying to arrange a hospital bed (bye bye stinky love seat in living room) and a wheelchair and things like a disabled parking pass. I can work from home a day or two a week. DH will have to be by himself some of the time. They said he CAN walk a bit with a walker, he's just not cooperative.

                  So that's where it's at. I'm working all day today.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Oh, Tessa, COBRA is better than nothing and I should have reposted what I did last night to make it clear.  Unfortunately, for some it is not even a choice as the cost could be more than your mortgage payment.  Sorry about all you and hubby are going through.  Hope you find a way to make it all work out. Stay strong and hugs.


                    Sue, glad you survived the root canal.



                      Oh my gosh.  Just when I'm able to run again, something crazy happens.  Whatever is wrong with me isn't shingles.  I would prefer if it was.  I have oozing open blister.  One of them was the size of half a gulf ball.  At first, it presented like shingles, but now it is on both sides of my body.  My doctor wouldn't see me, so I went to the urgent care.  They gave me an antibiotic prescription for a general infection.  The condition got incredibly worse within hours, so I went to the emergency room.  Went in at 8:00.  I didn't get out until after midnight.  They gave me a prescription for a steroid.  It didn't get incredible worse over night, but it seems to be picking up steam, again.  I have an appointment with my primary today.  I can't get in to the dermatologist until tomorrow.  I know things could be far worse, but I am beginning to feel sorry for myself.  There have been no tears, yet, but I feel a big cry coming on.




                      Judy & LC:  I run with other people so infrequently that it is always fun when I do.  I'm glad you both had a good runs.


                      Sue:  I'm glad that you had a good experience at the dentist.  You never know.  My brother couldn't move have of his face for a week after a root canal.  It is funny retrospect, but I'm sure he was worried at the time.


                      Tessa:  Hang in there.  It good you can work form home a couple of days.

                      IG profile @lindasig_runs

                      Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code  "LINDASIGRUNS"

                      Over 45 PR's:  5K - 21:21, Half - 1:39:49, Full - 3:33.47



                        Oh my Linda, I hope you can find out what is causing these blisters.  Sounds awful.


                        Tessa...Oh boy, wish there was another solution for you.  I'm at a loss for words.


                        I was off work the morning of 9/11, I remember watching the news as they were talking about the first plane and as I was watching the 2nd plane hit...it was surreal.....After that all I could think of was I wanted to run to the school and get my youngest, who was then 14.





                        6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                        Run to live; live to run

                          Yikes Linda!  Hope it isn't too bad and they figure it out


                          Tessa hope they get things straightened out for Dh. How stressful.


                            Oh Linda---staph infection?  Two of my kiddos had them.   Hope they get you straightened out fast!


                            Hugs to Tessa


                              Sue:  Yes.  Staph infection is today's diagnosis.

                              IG profile @lindasig_runs

                              Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code  "LINDASIGRUNS"

                              Over 45 PR's:  5K - 21:21, Half - 1:39:49, Full - 3:33.47



                              Former Bad Ass

                                Wow, Linda.  Hope you start feeling better.

