Womens Running


Strawberry Ice Cream TUESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 17 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Strawberry Ice Cream Day!! I am not fan, does anyone love strawberry ice cream?!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Mighty Mouse

      Monday turned out very well. Cable didn’t work, but I was doing intervals and it really improved my speed. I did 50 minutes running, then 10 minutes in a faster walk.

      Today I go to get teeth cleaned. Hope that is all that is necessary.

      Happy runs, All! 

      Where is the "any" key?   




      Cupcake Connoisseur

        TURD for me.


        It was very hard for me to rest today. I feel 90% better than yesterday and no fever..but figured I better rest to make sure that fever doesn't come back! I am hoping that the fever is gone for good and its just a nasty head cold.  I was dying to get out there though in that cold air! May head over to the gym later for an Active class..depends on how my day goes (I have my evaluation with Mammel). See how hard resting when not scheduled is for me? Helps that it is an easy week with the race on Sunday. Speaking of the race...ugh our weather looks awful! Downpours!!! I am not sure I really want to run in that . We are celebrating family birthdays the day before so I will be up North until late..then running a race the next day in a downpour? Doesn't help the motivation......we will see.


        Do not want to be here today.....



        Tessa – You read my mind about where I should put the lights Smile Yikes sorry for all the rain. I am sure people are going crazy driving in it! Nice miles the past couple days!


        Laura – Nice workout yesterday! I like your outlook on the job. Do not burn yourself out! Smile


        Run4kupcakes – You got way more snow than we did! Nice miles yesterday and Sunday!



        Happy Tuesday!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Cupcake Connoisseur

          Judy - Good luck at the dentist! Ugh, hate the dentist. Nice workout yesterday!


          I meant to mention that my Fenix did AWESOME on the treadmill! I am not sure how it did it, but it was right on!!!



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


          Former Bad Ass

            Damn it, now I want ice cream!


            I have Pilates and 6 with 2 @ MP.  My 5 went well last night but I might keep these easy if I must.


            Liz, ugh!  I missed that you had a fever.  Hoping you are feeling better and that it's gone today.  If the Fenix is anything like the TomTom (doubt it, though, lol), it learns as you run outside and calibrates itself.


            Judy, enjoy the dentist.


            Tessa, yeah, my TM has been broken for a month or so.  I've been running between outside, the TM at a YouFit and the TM at work during the shutdown.  No wonder my heel is having issues from all those different surfaces.


              Good Morning!  5 miles this chilly morning.  Glad I got out there.  Strawberry ice cream meh, there are other things I'd rather eat.


              Sick sick sick of being at work listening to "federal employees are getting a paid holiday". I'm not.  I did read something that makes me think we can take leave (earlier instructions said we were not allowed to take any leave --sick leave, annual leave, comp time)....I'm still working extra every day to make up for taking my car to the shop last Monday, and I think I cracked a tooth and really need to go to the dentist.  I need to take MY paid leave!!! Asked supervisor this morning.  I am over it.  DH is bored at home, and I'm thinking of all the sewing I could be doing!!!!  I could ride my bike! Yoga class! House organizing! Reading!  All those things I could be doing....rant over


              Lizzie--I hope today goes well.  Yay! You needed a rest day today.


              Judy--good job on the speedwork.



              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Lizzie, what type of treadmill do you have? Is it a Nordic track?


                  Great, after reading this fact I want strawberry ice cream Big grin


                  Tessa, I usually use ABV x volume to compare different beverages and it's usually pretty accurate. For instance, 14ABV wine x 0.25l glass x 3 = 10.5. So, to get this w 0.5l beer bottle of 5ABV, you have to drink 4-5 bottles. I'd say it sounds about right.


                  HCK - could you, please, send snow here? :/


                  Liz, game details? Uhm.. I was playing two thirds of the game, in center position (I don't like it, but oh well, it's been years since coach moved me there purely because of lack of better options. I personally prefer playing on the wing).  Being kind to mammel will pay off long-term, but, wow, it must be tough. All those smart comments about just letting it go


                  7.5mi yesterday. Awful weather. Around 0*C, raining, wind. All the snow was turning into a wet mess, then froze overnight and now streets are a nightmare. Seriously, wtf, winter. It's been like this for weeks. Can we have more than 4-5 days of below freezing temps?


                  Small YAY: We got handed new, huge request by CEO re: impact of LIDL entrance (both in Excel and map) and now I am waiting for address list from development unit and preparing Excel templates. Deadline? Friday eve. It actually made me a bit nostalgic, similar task was my first ever big project when I came to this company.

                  Small rant: Our budget has been adjusted due to changes of methodology in Group. Finance dept has sent new overall figures by month. Now the daily figures have to be changed as well, which either has to be done w non-complicated method (proportionally) or w more in-detail approach (digging in store level). My boss hasn't read the email yet because she is busy (it is an urgent email re: budget, woman, find five minutes), so hasn't delegated how it's supposed to be done. I'm the one being torpedoed by financial dept, and I am trying my best to keep ''not my problem'' attitude, but it's f-ing annoying.


                   ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                  ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


                    7 mi this morning.  Running has been just painful and hard since September.  Ugh.  Weather was decent (mid-20s) but sub zero coming for the weekend.  Yay.  Weekend was fun.  Lots of volleyball.  Man they grow those girls tall.  One day off work, though, and I’m still paying for it.  Ugh.


                    Karen – congrats on your race!  Looks like that speed is coming back no problemo.  I think you asked last week about the Samoyed picture.  Yes, the house I dragged you to – that was the daughter of that friend in the picture.


                    Lizzie – feel better soon and good luck with your review.  Mammal is a turd.  Sorry you missed out on your beloved snow.


                    Elina – great job on the game!  Pretty exciting you were called up.


                    Hmmm – sleepy just emailed in sick today.  His 6th day off in 2019.  Out of 10 working days.  Gotta go.

                      So...I am going to the dentist at 2 today, but I have to TW to make up the time. GRRRRR.. Why the F*@& can't I take sick leave???  Damaris--does your office operate the same way? My boss asked HQ, and if I take leave I will be in unpaid status until shutdown ends.  WTF came up with that?????


                      Fine, I'll feel like shit but I will be teleworking this afternoon.



                      Former Bad Ass

                        So...I am going to the dentist at 2 today, but I have to TW to make up the time. GRRRRR.. Why the F*@& can't I take sick leave???  Damaris--does your office operate the same way? My boss asked HQ, and if I take leave I will be in unpaid status until shutdown ends.  WTF came up with that?????


                        Fine, I'll feel like shit but I will be teleworking this afternoon.



                        We are not allowed to take any leave either nor telework.  I have been allowed to take one day of furlough this week to go to Houston, so it's not like you have to be furloughed the rest of the time.  They can rotate a person for one day, but each agency decides differently.  I'm sorry. Sad


                        FWIW, I told one of the staff that had a dentist appointment to come in late and who cares.  She will make the time little by little.




                          Good morning. Strawberry ice cream is meh. Give me chocolate.  Skipped the hill and ran flat today. Good thing it's a cutback week. Anyway  I ran 10k.


                          Elina...it's hard going out of our comfort zone. I'm sure you did amazing as centre.


                          Damaris...good luck this weekend.


                          Liz....you really need to find another job.  I'm sorry that you have to deal with that daily


                          Sue...hope you get the phone fixed soon


                          Karen...my DH is always not feeling well. Sometimes justified others I  shake my head.


                          Kats...run with me at The Trail. Have fun on your trip.


                          Cathy....lack of sun will negatively affect any of us. I hope your  hubby mood improves


                          Tessa....do you worry about sweating when running to your appointments? That would be my concern. My hubby doesn't have diabetes but does have epilepsy acquired from a head injury when he was a baby. Poor guy. Meds won't  solve it, only control it.


                          LC...I want more daylight too


                          HcK....glad the sidewalk  were clear. it's annoying when people won't shovel.


                          Sandy....I'm sorry you've been struggling.  Hugs



                          I hope I didn't miss anyone.


                          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                          Running with the Turtles

                            5 miles this morning with strides and 8 minutes at 10K pace (8:20 min/mi).  It was OK, I had to run out some frustration.    I am not a fan of strawberry ice cream, give me chocolate or vanilla with hot fudge.  Though there is a place here that makes an awesome blackberry frozen custard!  Lizzie - ask HCF about Kopps.  


                            Judy, hope the dentist appt goes well!


                            Lizzie, sorry about the TURD.  But it will do you good!  Rain for your race?  That could be pretty miserable, particularly if there is any wind.  But it will motivate you to get done faster?    Your Fenix was awesome on the TM? That means you are awesome.  Well, your stride is very similar on the TM as it is outdoors!  Hope the evaluation goes well.  As well as can be expected with Mammel.


                            Sue, that sucks that you cannot take your paid leave.


                            Elina, glad you are excited about your work project.    Hope your boss takes charge with that budget change.  But then will it just get delegated to you?


                            Sandy, we have the colder weather coming soon too.  Yay indeed.  Younger DD started intramural volleyball again.  Or, as I call it, bounceball.    She has been working on her overhand serve, she has some power in it.  Also, she now has spiked the ball a few times!  She has some skills for not having a lot of instruction or practice.  I suppose if it's something that she wants to keep doing, it's preferable to soccer or softball because I can sit inside to watch.    Glad you had a good weekend!  6 days off out of 10?  That is pretty sad.


                            Laura, glad the workday went well!  Yes, more daylight will be nice.  It's pretty dark at 7 AM even.


                            Tessa, a priest with a Porsche?  I am guessing that is not common.  


                            Kat, haha, I like that you decided to have a mid-life crisis.  





                              Susan, if your mouth is numb and you drool all over the keyboard, there will be a worse problem. Recommend you stick to paperwork such as reading work-related journals this afternoon. Just saying.


                              Unpaid leave until shutdown ends if you take any paid leave? Um...aren't you all not getting paid anyway? I know they are saying you should get paid eventually, as has happened in the past, but I would be sorely tempted to retort "I'm on unpaid status right now, what's the difference?" And what happens to people who HAVE to take time off, like those who go into labor during the shutdown or have other medical emergencies?


                              Liz, strawberry ice cream? Ugh. I love ice cream but for some reason strawberry sets my teeth on edge. Now if it was Chocolate Ice Cream Day or even Vanilla (with toppings...) I would be on board. Good luck with mammel.


                              Elina, sounds like a fun project.


                              Judy, hope it's teeth cleaning and you are out of the office with a new toothbrush. Last time they told me it was time for a full set of X rays. Those do look weird when you have crowns because they look so different from regular teeth in the photos.


                              Damaris, that treadmill situation sounds frustrating. So does the work situation.


                              Sandy, you are in MN. I commented years ago when I did TCM that I had never seen so many tall blonde people in my life. No wonder the volleyball players are tall!


                              Weather: pouring. Supposed to rain all day. I took a look at the hourly forecast, remembered that I have a vestry meeting this evening, and advised my boss that I would be working from home. I will go in tomorrow when I don't have to be home at a specific time -- it took me nearly 2 1/2 hours to get home last night. Doesn't help that it's snowing in the Sierra Pelona range so I-5 was closed between Santa Clarita and the San Joaquin Valley. When that happens the trucks go up my freeway (14) to go around the mountains, then cut west at Mojave to get to Bakersfield via 58. Long detour and most of the truckers are annoyed by that, so traffic gets even worse.


                              Ran 3.2 with RN this morning, came home and did some work, then went out when it got light for another 2.3 around the neighborhood. Now waiting for DS to get out of the shower so I can clean up. Big project waiting for me, too, which is a good one for a day of teleworking.

                                Damaris--I guess we can at least TW, so there's that.  Ready for this whole stupid thing to end.


                                BTW--my phone magically started charging after I went to bed last night.  I'm only using for necessities, so maybe it will limp along until I can replace it.
