Womens Running


Even worse Thursday (Read 12 times)


    First few kms on my way to work this morning HAHA HELP



    I literally stopped on this road to take the pic and send to anyone who was at that point (8am) still home with ''think twice about getting out of your house today''. A friend of mine answered that after my message he got out of bed, looked outside the window and went back to sleep with a loud ''NOPE''.


    I mean, I love snow but it's APRIL this weekend.


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Had a good run yesterday, 10km. Was so frustrated and tired from work that thought 5km would do, then why not 7km, ah let's do 9km, then 10km is a round number, so did that, haha. Not a single bit tired, just listening to podcasts and stuff.


      More frustrating meetings today, and no one has to know there was a bit of balsam in my tea during one of those. I hate when my work streams are blocked because I have to chase people and am fully dependent on their cooperation. How come IT can leave me on ''seen'' for 2 days and just not do shit when I say ''cool, let's have a meeting, just book it when my calendar is empty'', but customer service fixes issues same evening, so that next day I have proper data? HOW. I hate it. And then I get challenged re: progress of certain data reporting, but what can I do about the fact there's so many bugs in new tool and they are fixed sooooo sloooooowwwww...


      /end of rant.


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        Elina, I am with your friend, NOPE!!!!!  I remember in college once getting snow in May.


        I GET THE PUPPY!!!!!!!  I Messaged her noting I was in line for another puppy and needed to tell the adoption agency locally.  She messaged back noting we can talk today and I can adopt the pup.  I am just waiting for it to be a bit later in the morning to call.  Hopefully Monday I can get him, I work every day till then and it's a long drive.


        Names...  So far, His Royal Highness, Javier.  (Spelled Javelina Jundred style, Jis Royal Jighness, Javier.)


        Any thoughts, chime in.  It looks like he will be a small guy who is going to be wobbly and bobbly.  They call him Ryder, cute but I have a Ruffy, too close  All names need to be able to be shortened into a nickname and lengthened into a big official name.


        Anyways.  Now to wait on the work email.



        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


        Anonymous Guest

          I remember snow on Easter a couple times growing up. Mom trying to get pictures of us in our springy Easter clothes in the backyard, us freezing. Ahhhhh, good times. Nope! That's one reason I don't live there anymore! Then there was 2018, when all the flights from MSP to Boston were canceled and all those runners barely made it to Boston to run. And those of us there watched the weather get worse and worse - bought a pair of socks from CVS for gloves - and we raced in the worst weather ever for Boston, with snow still on the ground in places, sideways wind and freezing rain. Summer sucks here, but I don't miss that last winter burst the cold places sometimes get!


          Kathryn, I am so happy for you! I like Javier, he looks like a sweet little Javi.


          Tempo run for me today. I finally got it through my head that if I'm running the marathon slower, I needed to change the paces in my training plan for tempo and spadework! Thus, finally a tempo run I could complete without dying. 4x1.5 miles, and the last one was tough, but got it done.

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel


          WINE o'clock somewhere!

            Karen, nice run.  With ya on not wanting to be anywhere near snow.


            I got the work offer, could be slightly better salary, but I guess I can deal.  OK signing bonus, need to stay for 2 yrs.


            More later.



            Kettle Moraine - June 2024

            Beast of Burden - August 2024

            Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

            Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



            Former Bad Ass

              Afternoon! I have 4 or 8. Been working too hard today.


              Kat, yay!




                5 miles today.


                It's not unheard of getting snow in April here. And then it usually melts rather quickly.  Thankfully.


                Kat...I like the name Bob. Lol


                *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                 **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                Former Bad Ass

                  It is not unheard us for us getting snow in April and sometimes May, but since we haven't seen snow in like 2-3 months I doubt we will.


                  I ran 4 with hubby and then did a core workout. My run was so slow I should've just walked. I have a dream that my body one day will function like it used to instead of acting like it's 90 years old.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    3 on the treadmill. Passed the point where I can get a refund on the hotel room, so going to Salisbury tomorrow. It's been pretty cool all week, so the 60+ and humid temps on Saturday should be lovely. Chance of storms seems to be less in the morning and I should get home before the line comes through in the afternoon.


                    Kilmisters, yea, I'd stay home in that.


                    KatS, congrats on the puppy and job offer.


                    AnonymousGuest, it was 33 this morning, does that count as a winter blast? Hard to call it winter when we have had no snow. Yay, new record.


                    BerthaSlayer, we've definitely gotten snow late into March and every time, every single weather person discusses sun angle and why the snow will melt quickly. Well, usually melt quickly. When the snow piles on top of more snow, it doesn;t go anywhere quickly. We have not had that issue recently.


                    Docket, nice 4.