Womens Running


Back to work Tuesdailies (Read 12 times)

    Ugh. I don't want to.....


    Still nothing running related to report.  Trying to get through this respiratory crap. How much snot can one body make??  Seriously??


    Y'all stay well and have a good day.

      Ugh, me neither.


      CrazySue, sorry the respiratory gunk is still there.


      Come on coffee, work your magic!

      5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! I have 8 with 3 X 1 mile @ MP on the TM later.


        Sue, ugh. Hope you feel better soon.


        Margaret, woke up at 10am and I'm still sleepy too.


        Anonymous Guest

          Happy Summer Solstice! Rest day for me today, although I plan to do the kettlebell workout I was going to do yesterday (yesterday I napped instead). Grocery store, Sam's Club and post office the morning. Exciting life I lead.


          Susan, sorry you're still feeling the crud. Hope you're feeling better soon!


          Margaret, yes, Dinosaur is going to be fun! Lisa texted and asked if she could get a ride to the race if she flew into Houston.....she forgot I don't live there anymore. Anyway, hoping the threat of 100k will keep me nice and easy for my 50k in October, which is now a training run.


          Damaris, enjoy the MP miles. And the not working this week thing.

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel


          Former Bad Ass

            Sadly I’ve not been sleeping well while still waking up at 10am. Hoping it’s not the hormones.


            Half Crazy K 2.0

              Running rest day. Did a short cardio/core workout. DIdn't feel like doing all the jumping in it, but did a fair amount. Apparently the running is not enough and need plyo work. Add me to the did not want to work list.


              CrazySue, I swear some colds I fill the big trash can with tissues. Hope you start feeling better soon.


              GatsbyBird, the coffee seemed to take a while to kick in this morning.


              Docket, I feel your pain. My sleep has been awful. When it started, I thought it was form the HM training, but it never improved.


              AnonymousGuest, enjoy to kettlebell work.


              Mighty Mouse

                Sue, you have really had a siege with this illness. I hope this puts an end to it.


                Damaris, estrogen might take a little while to make a difference but it is worth the wait. It helped my sleep and about a hundred other things.


                35 minutes running on TM, then walked (level) to the end of the hour.

                Where is the "any" key?   



                  Ugh, hit 90 here on the coast today.  Plus dry gusty winds.  Hope there aren't fires.  I did 6.8 after work and I was sagging.  Had to stop for water twice.  I'm not used to this!  


                  Karen, for Dino Valley, I think we'll get an air BnB for Friday until Monday.  I'll probably fly into Dallas on Thursday and spend the night in a hotel.


                  Damaris, what Judy said makes sense, maybe takes a little more time to see a difference.


                  Hi to everyone else!

                  5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR