Womens Running


Jetlag Tuesday (dailies) (Read 21 times)


    Not saying the struggle is over, but at least finally the productivity% is > 50 


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      There's been lots of thinking (since the trail marathon) re: what to do next w sports in general… Lots of it. The sequence was approx like this:


      When can I run the next one?!?If I can run 6:16 w 700+m elevation gain w not so optimal preparation, there's lot of room for improvement w extra training / experience. Oh right. There is such thing called floorball in my life too... (Let alone, family/work - the obvious and top ones). Yep! I want to quit floorball and switch fully to trail running... for now. Taking a break for one season before long-term decision makes perfect sense. But should I really? Only running can get boring / lead to burnout. Butbutbut all those autumn-spring trail races missed because of floorball! Hm... But no floorball obligations in summer, which is the key training period given I choose Q3 marathon again. Butbutbut...


      Big grin Big grin  No final decision yet.


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Former Bad Ass

        I understand the struggle.  You don't have to run all the miles to run a marathon or trail ultra.  You just need a plan and your goal adjusted according to what you can do with the pesky life, family, and floorball situation.  Every training is personal and depends on what each of us has to do.


        I have 8 miles tonight.  Back of the knee feels fine but we shall see.  I didn't pack all afternoon which is why it is.  WFH because of the hurricane.



        Cupcake Connoisseur

          9+ speed work miles for me. I did 6x 100m. Nothing too crazy.


          Humidity was better today. It will get worse as the hurricane approaches. Good run! I can relate to all this talk about getting tired of running, I kinda am too. Well, at least the longer ones. Wouldn't mind some 4 or 5 milers.


          The woman who owns the house has offered us to switch to the first week of October or to get a refund. I really don't want to have to cancel altogether, so I asked her if we can wait a few days before making a final decision - and if we have to skip this weekend, we would take the first weekend in October. We will probably wait until Wednesday to cancel just to make sure this hurricane is for sure getting close to VA beach. But that area is in a state of emergency so its not looking good Sad. I swear, 2019 has not been nice. I feel like I need to reschedule the wedding to 2020!


          I am sure today will be busy...doctors apt today to find out my colposcopy results. Why can't they just call?!



          Docket – Moving is the worst! How long have you been in your place now? Oh no on the knee!! It better behave.


          Karen – Nice run yesterday! While I was complaining about my humid run I knew that you would have enjoyed those temps. Congrats on the condo!!! I am crossing my fingers that everything goes as planned with this one!


          Cathy – Sleeping until 7 IS late!! Nice miles. Hope you had fun with the kids yesterday. In the past when you have ran marathons, what did you do for the water stops? I usually try and fast walk. Sometimes I look forward to them near the end of the race because I know I CAN walk – heh. Hope the girls have a great first day today!


          Lori – Nice run yesterday! Ugh, sorry for the tummy issues.


          Margaret – Is the taper killing ya yet? 😊 I am excited for this weekend for you!


          Judy – Sounds like you had a good weekend. Tomatoes always mess my stomach up! Weird! Never tried iced tea for relief though. Hmm..


          Laura – Aw, glad you had a good time yesterday! Fast walking is exhausting! Did you end up going to bed at 8? I was a rebel and stayed up until 10.


          Sandy – Nice 4 yesterday! Did you end up going to the fair over the weekend? Hurricane hitting VA Beach is not really that unusual but kinda is. They usually get hit once every 5 years I would say. Richmond has been hit before – will never forget that! I was in high school and was out of school for 2 weeks due to no power. I loved it then – hehe. OH! And I have been meaning to tell you – I LOVE THEM! How did I not know about these before? I kept the 3 I bought while I was at your house and bought a gray pair. I wish they had the striped ones that you have!! I love those! I get tired of eating as well during training. Over it.


          Tessa – Wow, awesome miles for you this weekend! YES! The air fryer does dehydrate as well. Very true on the storm. What race is next for you??


          Kilmisters – TOTALLY agree with Damaris. You just have to find a way to make it all work – and you can. You made some adjusting this past training cycle and you CRUSHED. Its also very normal to want to run all the marathons after the first one 😊. Hope that jetlag passes soon!



          Happy Tuesday that feels like Monday!



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


            5 1/2 mi in Lizzie's favorite humid weather hee hee.  69*/69* temp/dewpoint.  I don't mind it.  The last breath of summer.  Humidity is short-lived, however.  Storms rolled through overnight so now it will continue to drop.


            Been watching In The Dark on Netflix.  Not the best thing I've ever seen but keeping my engaged.


            Damaris - sorry for the knee pain.  Glad it's feeling better today!  Glad you don't have to be out driving in the hurricane.


            Laura - awwww, I love making new friends!  I bet she was THRILLED you invited yourself along to walk the bridge.  Isn't everything better with company??  Are you sore today?  I bet you used some different muscles speed walking!!


            Tessa - thank you so much for the kitty pics!  OMG they are sooooo cute.  I can't believe these are bigger than your usual batch since they still look so tiny!  OMG I would just want to play with them all day long.  Hope the runny tummies get better soon.  Nice miles this weekend, too!


            Elina!  good to see you posting.  I was thinking of you on my jaunt this morning wondering how you were adjusting.  Definitely lots to think about regarding goals and such.  At least now you KNOW you can complete a marathon.  And, running will ALWAYS be there for you.  Do people generally age out of floorball?  No doubt you will do what is best for you for that point in time.  Maybe you save serious training until you retire from floorball, maybe you train hard in 2020 and take a break from floorball.  Endless options!!  Oh, and hope that pesky jetlag resolves soon.  Although, with your hockey watching hours, you probably adjust better than most.  


            Lizzie - nice miles.  Glad you have a plan B for the bachelorette weekend.  Glad you like the shorts!  No, I did not go back to the Fair.  Couldn't get excited about going solo.  Instead I went to lunch with my sister, BIL, niece and their friends that turned into more.  Meaning, more afternoon drinking.  Was pissed at myself for getting sucked into that.  Sure, I could have switched to water but I don't have that kind of willpower.  Sure, I could have maybe found an Uber home but we were pretty rural in the county and I rode with them.  Just bad decisions on my part.  Blah.


            At least it's not Monday!  Have a good day!

              Ugh back to work today.  A four day weekend would have been nice.


              20 mile ride yesterday with my running buddy in the park.  3.2 this morning, I turned around early when a strange dog came out at me.  I didn't want to be in the cul-de- sac with a strange dog.  I yelled and shined my flashlight at it, and it took off, but I didn't want to take any chances.  OMG I was SO stiff this morning!!!  I feel like an old lady.


              Yesterday was crazy.  DS2 and fiance' came over to swim, then DS1 and "a couple of friends" came over--at least a dozen.  They had fun in the pool and cleaned everything up. I entertained DGS while DIL got to hang in the pool.  I know she needs some "me" time so I was happy to hang on to the little guy.


              Not much going on here. Better get busy before boss starts firing off emails.


                Ventured over the FB and my feed is FULL of 1st day of school pics.  It is cracking me up that all the kids dress the same!  The girls all have jeans with rips in them all the way up the front.  The boys are all in shorts.  Happy 1st day to all!!


                WINE o'clock somewhere!

                  Elina, good luck with the decision.  I get there too, wondering if I really want to go on...  Sounds like a fab time here in the states, so glad you were able to putter around with Lisa.


                  Damaris, hope the pain goes away.  Packing - ugh.  I saw a pic of your INB all neatly packed in containers.  Wow, I threw all my clothes i a box unfolded and disorganized.  Kinda like my life.


                  Lizzie, 7 am is SO early!!!  Best of luck with the weekend.  What a bummer.  Glad the woman is OK with a refund or switching, that is nice.


                  Sandy, jealous you have a last breath of summer, not us.  Still 98/78-ish here for the foreseeable future.  A lazy drinking weekend, the best.


                  Sue, excellent on the 20!!


                  No long weekend for me.  We are 24/7, 365.  But yesterday was chaos.  I walked in at noon to 9, NINE walk ins, none routine.  AND my previously scheduled appointments. People were waiting for 4 hours.  New floor manager at work started yesterday, not impressed.  We were short a person and instead of helping out consistently, she was farting around setting up stuff.  Really?  Didn't like her attitude either.  I see conflict all over the place.  This is going to be a nasty prima donna comment - I get that - any I probably will put a few of you off, but she ain't my boss and she needs to show a little more respect to me and do what I need.  I can't bring in revenues which we desperately need if she is setting up a FedEx account for an hour while we were being slammed.  Not pleased and she has a holier than thou attitude.  (Oh dear, that is calling the kettle black on my part...)


                  One more thing work thing.  We had a 130# dog come in with apparent heat stroke on Sunday - per owner.  Also per 2 other doctors, one being my boss.  It was my case and I have never treated a heat stroke dog, but I just couldn't get behind that diagnosis from the get-go.  He was just not consistent, but everyone is like, yes, he is, treat accordingly.  The dog was just wrong - really struggling when he should have improved.  Well, he up and died - not on my watch.  Nobody would back me up and he definitely wasn't heat stroke.  The Dr I don't get along with walked in when I got there and agreed with me, saying I was right not to get behind the diagnosis.  I feel bad for the dog and owners.  I feel frustrated that nobody would consider something else and help me figure it out.  In everyones defense though, the owner limited us financially to do necessary testing.


                  For anyone who made it through that, thank you for just letting me rant.  And my apologies for being a prima donna.


                  OK, coffee is done and I have a CRAPLOAD of stuff to do for the weekend.  I have today/tomorrow to clean, pack, do laundry, and clean.  And clean.  I want to come back to a picked up house.  And I am having SO much fun with the tumblers!!!


                  Off to clean.



                  Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                  Beast of Burden - August 2024

                  Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                  Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                  Running with the Turtles

                    Happy first day of school!    A little over 7 miles this morning with intervals, 6x800m with 2 minute recoveries.  I ended up doing them on the treadmill because it was storming this morning.  But I don't think I could have hit those paces outdoors and in the dark, so I guess it was OK.  First day of middle school for younger DD and high school for older DD.  I haven't heard from younger DD, but older DD has messaged me several times, one of the messages was "I love high school!".   


                    Elina, it is awesome that you enjoyed the trail marathon that much!  I would never have believed that you would give up floorball.    Well, no need to rush into a decision.  But if anyone can make it all work, you can.


                    Damaris, glad the knee is better!


                    Lizzie, nice 9!  I am doing 4 and 5 milers.    That is nice that you have the option to switch dates or cancel.  Hopefully you will not need to cancel!  Haha, I think it's too late to reschedule the wedding.    Fingers crossed for the test results.  I normally walk through water stops during half and full marathons.  I usually can make up the time in the following mile.  But it gets hard near the end of the race, I really have to push to make up for the time.  Probably because I start walking through slower, and it's also harder to get going again.  So I usually skip the last water stop at the end of the race since I know I can't make up the time.  But I guess carrying water and not stopping as often has to be weighed with not getting the rest from the walk break!  


                    Sandy, nice miles!  I just finished Friend Zone and started The Gifted School.  Friend Zone was good, but sad!  Haha, the ripped jeans are in.  Younger DD wears them all the time.  Every once in a while I say, "I have to tell you something, your jeans are ripped."    I don't really get tired of eating.  


                    Sue, wow, nice bike ride!  Scary about the dog!


                    Kat, sounds like you were justified in being upset at the floor manager.  Sorry about the dog.


                    Tessa, nice miles!



                    Anonymous Guest

                      7 this morning, and will get in another 3 tonight at the hill workout. The schedule says 50 minutes for them tonight, but if they come to the group workout, they get to cut it down to 30 minutes because I have a Camp Gladiator coach/instructor coming to do a 20-30 minute workout with them after the run, and want to get done before it's too late. And dark. Now waiting for my home inspector guy and my bank loan officer to call me back on the new condo under contract. As soon as I can get up the energy to get off the couch, I'll start some laundry, but other than that not a whole lot planned for today. I think the dogs are still tired from the weekend. Maybe I am too.


                      Elina, it's hard to decide what to focus on and what goal to set and what races to do. There are so many options! But you have plenty of time to do all the things. I'm sure you'll figure out the best way to balance everything.


                      Damaris, glad the back of the knee is not hurting.


                      Liz, nice that the owner of the house is willing to let you reschedule or cancel. Hopefully you won't have to do either, but good to have that option if the hurricane ends up there. Nope, can't postpone the wedding to 2020, I just signed up for the 10K wedding morning a couple weeks ago. Tell me more about these awesome shorts - casual or running?


                      Sandy, nice run in the humid. Kinda getting annoyed with the CO house buying as by the time we close on this one (assuming we actually make it to closing) it will be mid October, and by then the overnight lows there will be in the 30s!


                      Susan, nice ride and run. That is awesome that both DS's and DIL can enjoy time in the pool. And that you get to enjoy time with DGS!


                      Kathryn, I think you sound very reasonable in your rant. Not being a prima donna at all. At least you get to leave that all behind for a few days this weekend and have a fun weekend in the woods.


                      Cathy, oh, that makes me so happy that older DD loves high school! That is just awesome. And holy crap on your workout, that looked hard. You were killing it on those intervals. I can't remember the last time I ran that fast.....don't think I could right now. I liked The Gifted School.

                      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                      Check out my website and youtube channel


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Kat, that was the initial. I want to take my INB with me in the car and the containers won't fit (they are many), so now I'm putting them in vacuumed bags to minimize the space.  The INB looks like it's been choked to death, haha.



                          Elina - I was wondering how you were doing?  Hoping Michigan treated you good!  Always hard to know what to focus on...


                          Liz - fingers crossed on your test results.  Don’t hesitate to PM me if you have a question - they do seem like they have been very good.  Hoping your plans don’t have to be postponed.


                          Sandy - (from the other day). I would love to have you for a run buddy- we would have a great time!!!


                          Damarias - Missed the info about your knee...hope it is doing ok.  Fingers crossed for you on the hurricane!


                          Cathy - Your marathon is coming up!  That is great that DD loves HS Smile


                          Karen - Your weekend looked/sounded busy!  Camping is hard work!!!  Hope the condo works out.


                          Kat - Ugh on the work drama...just sucks.  Rant away - you are not a prima Donna...you are a provider and deserve respect!  Looks like you might have some nice Michigan weather this weekend!


                          Laura - How fun to walk the bridge!  And you have the 8 mile Saturday, right?  I had contemplated running it, but decided against it.  I may volunteer at Run for your heart.  They keep posting they need volunteers.


                          i was up north several days, did some kayaking, bike riding, and some running.  I’m actually “over” being up there now...ready to have my routine back.  Did hill work out this morning with RB.


                          Hi hi to All!





                            Karen, overnight lows in the 30s sound awesome right now. Overnight lows in the 70s here. RN and I went for a slow 3 with her dogs and several times on the way back Mack lay down on a freshly watered lawn and dragged his belly through the cool wet grass. He's figured out that rolling in the wet grass makes him feel better for a little while, he is a very dense dog -- not his IQ (well, not JUST his IQ), his BMI is high because he's blocky and muscular. RN keeps an eye on his weight because he has arthritis in his back legs already, at about 4 years old, and gaining weight will not help.


                            I would not be upset about lows in the 30s. You can put on gloves and a hoodie and go for a run!


                            Liz, good luck with the decision. And the dr appointment.


                            Elina, floorball is in the winter, right? How many trail races would there be during that time period? I am assuming you have more in the spring/summer/fall. And I am sure they are lovely. You can do both.


                            Bear in mind that far more than road marathons, time for trail marathons depends on the terrain. I try not to be concerned about my times on different courses, though I will compare times on the same course in different years.


                            Welcome to the dark side that is trail/ultra.


                            Cathy, good to know that DD1 likes high school so far!


                            Damaris, I would WFH too. I cannot imagine what it's like waiting and knowing that the storm is coming. Give me an earthquake any day. No dreading it in advance and it's usually over fairly quickly. Scary as hell for a minute, especially since all preparations should have been made assuming it could happen at any moment, but then done.


                            Sandy, sorry you got dragged into the all-afternoon drinking marathon. I would not enjoy that. Next time maybe drive yourself so you a) have an excuse not to drink much and b) can leave when you want to?


                            Kat, that sounds awful. Is part of the irritation at the new prima donna maybe feeling bad about the dog? I am sorry for you, the dog, and the owners. And it must be horrible to know you might be able to figure out what is wrong if the owners could pay for diagnostic tests.


                            Susan, sensible not to be caught with a strange dog. Glad it took off quickly.


                            What is it about the ripped jeans? I do not get it.


                            We finally got everything out of DS's room -- oldest litter on the floor had a date of 2006 (!) and ripped out the carpet and pad. There was probably a couple of pounds of dirt under there to be swept up. I have no idea when the last time that carpet saw a vacuum cleaner, but I'm guessing it was during the Bush administration. (Dubya not George H.W.!) Now DS is scraping all the popcorn off the ceiling. Paint the ceiling, maybe paint the walls (I think he should, he thinks he does not need to), and lay the laminate. Then move furniture back in. He gets a new bed, the old one was a twin and worn out.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Off work for a few days, so got to run in the morning. 7 miles. Went out after the bulk of the back to school traffic had ended.


                              Lizzie, hope you get good news with the test results. Smart to wait for VA Beach. Last year one of the hurricanes was tracking this way (and I think towards VA Beach). Some local races cancelled Wednesday, the half I registered for waited--which turned out well since we got nothing.


                              KIlmisters, sounds like it is a matter of determining which activity to be your priority.


                              Cupcake Connoisseur

                                Man, its been a SLOW day over here. Knock on wood. I think most of the account is working on prep for the hurricane. We have A LOT of branches in FL, GA, SC, and NC.


                                My test came back OK for now! I have a mild case of dysplasia so they don't treat it - my immune system should take care of it. Good for another year. PHEW. No more mustard. LOL Wink I am sure I will be nervous for next years exam when it comes that time again.



                                Sandy – Hmmm, The Dark? I will see what that one is about. Sorry about this weekend ☹. Nice run this morning! I would love 69 dewpoint! 😊 OMG yes on the jeans nowadays! My friend sent me a pic of her niece in those jeans. She might as well have been wearing shorts! I don’t get it. BTW – the Kind bars were not my favorite – but HCF LOVED them. He bought a new box yesterday.


                                Susan – Wow, killer workout yesterday! I would have done the same with the strange dog. I went running in my parents neighborhood once, and this dog trapped me in the cul-de-sac. I ended up calling my dad to come get me.


                                Kathryn – Oh Kathryn, sorry to hear about your AWFUL day yesterday. The poor pup ☹. I wouldn’t say that your comment is prima donna at all. You can rant to us anytime. That is what we are here for 😊 Cheer up – you have an EXCITING weekend coming up!!! 😊


                                Cathy – KILLER run today! I would have fallen off the treadmill if I even attempted to run at that pace 😊. You are going to crush this marathon! I can’t wait. Aw, so happy for older DD! You will need to weigh your options on the water. Do you normally stop at each one? I honestly don’t think you are going to have a problem hitting your goal for this race. I have no doubt in my mind.


                                Karen – Nice run this morning! Good luck with the hill workout and cross training tonight. I haven’t had much energy myself today. But..I didn’t start off busy. If I start busy I stay busy. Now I am just lollygagging. Wait, what is wrong with overnight temps in the 30's?!!?


                                The shorts - https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=391562142&cid=1049718&pcid=35158&grid=pds_7_15_1#pdp-page-content – they are casual. I like them because they have the 5” inseam so I don’t have to be self-conscious of my thighs. I never knew the 5” ones looked so good until I saw them on Sandy! The material is stretchy and comfortable. I am wearing them right now and have my knees to my chest in my chair – no problem.


                                Carol – Glad you had fun up North. Understand wanting to get back to the routine. On my Podcast this morning, they were talking to people who don’t have routines!!! I was like, HOW?! LOL. Sometimes I wish I didn’t like them so much. Thank you for the offer for questions!!! 😊


                                Tessa – Lots of work in DS’s room! Sounds like it will look nice! Aw, I am smiling picturing Mack rubbing his tummy on the grass. 😊


                                Run4kupcakes – Awesome you are off for a few days!! Nice run! YES - Exactly why we decided to wait. Last year when we cancelled our trip to Hilton Head, it didn’t even hit. We were so mad! I am going to try to have the lady wait until Thursday morning – I figure 24 hours will be a pretty good prediction 😊. Forecast is looking better though..don't think we will really know anything until its away from Florida.



                                Have a good afternoon/evening! We are having burgers tonight..yum yum.



                                October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                                November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                                March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2
