Womens Running


Mellow Monday (dailies) (Read 25 times)



    Cathy, that makes sense. I don't think I would want to run this race for a PR. And I am wondering if the 50 States Club will list this as "not accepted". (No worries for me, I have Wisconsin, DWD 2010.) Not good if they have repeated problems on the course.


    Kathy, when is DD getting married? And which swim stroke?


    Kat, bummer on the tax bill. Sorry.


    6.7 on the TM at lunch, then 2.7 this evening.

      Quick fly-by from me.  Ran 35 minutes and walked 35 minutes.  Going to keep it there for another week or so since that's when I start feeling twinges.  Someone asked if I was doing core work... doc said no core work for 6 weeks, darn it.  Because, you know, I did so much core work before and I really miss it...  


      Belated congrats again to Kilmisters and your DH!  I agree that there's something special about finishing in a big stadium.


      More belated congrats to Damaris.  Nice to see that your coaching is paying off!  Right, Karen?  


      Also belated congrats to Lizzie!  Way to crush your goal.  I wouldn't worry too much about the short course... I have a feeling that you'll be doing many more of these and you'll have many more PRs to come.


      Kat, ugh on the tax situation.  I feel at least some of your pain since I recently got my property tax bill...    Hopefully better things happen for you tomorrow.


      The weather has gotten a bit better in Napa/Sonoma so there has been progress on the fires, which are all at least 50% contained.  Air quality is much better.  And there's even rain in the forecast for later this week.  At a minimum, that means temps should drop and humidity should go up, which will help.


      Okay, off to bed.  Sorry for the fly-by.  Waving to everyone I missed.

      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
