Womens Running


Budget Monday (dailies) (Read 19 times)


    It's still insanely hot and humid here. We're officially entering the warmest week of 2018 so far. And what's even worse - forecasts say it will last long enough to be the longest heat wave in decades; stretching till August. Omg.


    Also, we had the first meeting regarding budget process today. The hell begins. Or at least it was hell last year when I went through that for the first time, and this year it will be mini-hell? One can hope Smile


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      10.2 miles for me. Last 3 were "faster" (by NO MEANS were they FAST). Heading to abs after work.


      Heading into 2 weeks of peak miles. Lots of double digit runs in my future. Today's run wasn't so bad considering the dewpoint was 69 and the "feels like" was 79. Ugh. The speed miles were all over the place. I was staying in the mid 9's for a while but towards the end I was slowing down to around 10. I didn't really care too much. I was going by effort Smile OH - so some of you had suggested I cut back my miles/training. I definitely will if I know for sure I am not going to try and race. I am concerned that I cut back and then the NICE CRISP Fall air arrives and I get that itch to race...and then I am not trained for it. I am going to take it day by day. Some days I hate getting out there..and some days I love getting out there. I blame the heat. I have a lot of speedwork coming up..and I am probably going to cut some of that back. Just getting through the runs is enough at this point! LOL.


      I had a creeper this morning! I was around mile 4 and about to head into the older neighborhood behind ours..this car comes up. Which was already weird. Usually people are leaving their homes at that hour, not coming back. Plus, by now I know who works nights in the neighborhood and I had never seen this car before. SO this person drives up behind me, I shine my flashlight so they know I am there - then they start creeping. Going super slow and then come to a complete stop with their hazards on. I stop dead in my tracks and turn the other way. They went somewhere..not sure. Weird though!!! I had a weird feeling and I trust those weird feelings!


      Dinner was good last night - we had sushi!! No wonder I had a good run today Smile Not ready for Monday and for MAMMEL. I am sure he is going to shoving his mammel around and thinking he is hot shit because he just got back from vacation and the CEO is coming this week. Lord help me.



      Kilmisters – Oh man. I hope for your sake that the HM is the day before! Though that will be two hard workouts in a row! Need lots of carbs Smile We are really hot here, too. It sucks. I have faith that the budget process will be better this year since you have been through it before! Smile Good luck! It will help fuel that 10K today Smile


      Run4kupcakes – YUM Chocolate malt sounds SOOO good!! I had Halo Top Peanut Butter. Unfortunately there was a lot of freezer burn on it. I just bought it yesterday! Ugh.


      Docket -  Congratulations!!


      Margaret – Yes, there is a national ___ day everyday! I hope you stole some of your DH’s sea salt caramel ice cream J You know what would be even better? Sea salt caramel with pralines! MMMMMM. Hope you had a good run yesterday!


      Diane – Awe, poor DGD! Sad That was nice of DH! I have one of those in my officeSmile


      Tessa – You need a vacation!


      Sandy - I took a page out of your book and took an endurolyte after my run this morning. I felt better than usual after 15 minutes. Thanks!



      Happy Monday!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Mighty Mouse

        Lizzie, ALWAYS trust your reactions to creeper things. Your other senses have detected danger even when your brain has no clue.


        Friday I saw the doe again out the trail during my 45 minute run. It was hotter than yesterday but manageable without ice. Errands after. Grocery prices going up.

        Saturday was SDO

        Sunday Buddy and I saw a doe and a buck on our 75 minute run.The young buck is growing new points on his rack every week or so. Lots of squirrels out and it was dreadfully sticky. Not a single leaf was moving. Dew point was 68° although it felt worse.

        Today I plan a light easy run out the trail. Dew point is 69°. Ick. Need ice.

        Happy runs, All! 

        Where is the "any" key?   



        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Kilmsters, the mention of budgets right now makes me twitch. We are waiting on approval from the state.


          DHuffman, my 25 year HS reunion is Saturday. Not going. Went to the 20, it was what I expected. Cliques were still cliques.


            Lizzie – nice 10 humid miles this morning!  Glad the Endurolyte helped.  Oh gosh yummmmm on the sushi.  Ew on the freezer burn!  MAIN REASON I hardly ever buy ice cream.  I feel like any of the ice cream that is touching the edge of the carton tastes like freezer burn.  All the ice cream talk yesterday I stopped at McDonald’s for a cone on my way home from the bball game and THEIR ICE CREAM WASN’T WORKING!!  Shoulda been a sign I didn’t need any but I went to the gas station instead and bought a carton of cookies and cream.  Of which I will eventually eat just the middle haha.  Yep, my salmon shorts were not up to mean girls standards.  Whatever.  She is dumb LOL


            Elina – yuck on hot and humid!  Do have A/C?  Or, “air con” as the Brits like to say LOL.  Watching Wimbledon yesterday they were commenting on the heat and said something like 90+% of homes do not have A/C over there.  I’m with Lizzie – budget is bound to be better this year!  Bummed for Croatia but fun to watch.  Yep, WNBA season is now.  It’s pretty short – I think about 4 months?  Basically during the NBA off season.  Most of the players then go play overseas for the other 7 months.


            Gatsby – awwww you are sweet.  But, ya know, it does make me “weird” to have Internet friends LOL


            Damaris – nice job on the race!  Great pictures.  Can’t wait for the RR!


            HCK – now I want ice cream again!  That Malt of the Earth sounds awesome.


            Game last night was fun.  Stayed for a Q and A with two of the players.  Got home about 10pm so not horrible – especially since today is a rest day.  Though I couldn’t really sleep in so came to work early.  Humidity dropped – hooray!  So was able to turn off the air and sleep with open windows last night.  My FAVORITE!  Cannot WAIT to run in the morning!  Hope everyone has a good Monday.


            Running with the Turtles

              Rest day today, maybe I will muster up the energy to do some strength tonight after walking the dogs.     I did a 5.4 mile out/back run Saturday and 9.8 long run yesterday.  Nice, warm and humid days.  But the good news is that we should drop into the 70's this week as a high with lower humidity!  Had a good weekend celebrating DH's birthday.


              Elina, budget meetings do sound like hell.  It will go well with your heat.    Haha, those pink wings went will with the pinkish shirt that DH was wearing!  Madison is the capital of Wisconsin, every weekend in the summer they have a big art/farmer's market around capitol square.  A kid painted two large sets of wings on the wall.  Nice pic on the beach!  And nice progression run.


              Lizzie, nice 10!  Scary about the creeper.  And Mammel being back.    When it's particularly hot and humid, you could cut back your mileage by doing the time that you would normally take for your runs, particularly your long runs.  So you are getting the equivalent time on your feet and the long run benefits and you will not be shortchanging your training at all.  MIL made a gluten free chocolate cake for DH's birthday.  Very rich.


              Sandy, glad the humidity dropped for you!  I am looking forward to it too.  The 100% humidity mornings kind of suck.     Nice shuffling this weekend!  At first when I read your post I thought that you went out with some high school age girls, not girls that you went to high school with.    Though the way the one was acting, it sounded like she is high school age!    Sounds like a real bit**.   Lizzie is funny, isn't she?  Our fall marathon training group is only at 10 miles!  I was out for my long run by 5:30.  It was under 70 degrees when I started, though with a feels like 80!  I was super sweaty but I actually didn't feel too bad.  Weird.     I should wear a hat more often when I run, catch some of that sweat from running into my face.


              Hi Tessa!  Nice to see you drop by.    Nice that you have vacation coming!  Any plans?


              Diane, aww, hope DGD gets well quickly.  Sounds like a nice setup for your event bling!


              Damaris, congrats on another marathon!  I enjoyed your photos and video updates.    Great photo of you and Lisa!


              Margaret, haha, it's always something.  I guess it's hot dog week now?


              Kupcakes, I had a small ice cream sandwich square.  They are a nice small treat.  


              Laura, happy birthday to DS!


              Hi Kat!  It's tough worrying about parents.  Hope you get out of your funk.



              Anonymous Guest

                I'm going to take the grumpy title today. Dew points will be mid to upper 70s with these temps - doesn't matter how early I get up, it's going to be disgusting out there. I am going to break in my treadmill tomorrow!

                I actually set my alarm to get up early this morning and get in a semi long run. It was muggy and gross when I let the dog out and I was so so tired I just went back to bed. Starting to worry about my ultra, what idiot in TX signs up for an early December ultra?


                I am just in a bad mood this morning. I didn't do that much this weekend, I shouldn't be so wiped out today.


                Off for an attitude adjustment, maybe I'll try some pool running.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel



                  Karen it's like that here and everyday I bless the inventor of the TM.


                  GD is feeling a little better, fever is gone and no strep.  We had fun at the aquarium.


                  I wanted to get in 8 on Sat and 6 on Sun but did none...took a nap on Sunday and then out to eat.  I have some of my running supplies hanging up on my peg board now so the corner area is all cleaned up.


                  I plan on using the rower on M, W F, walking T, W, TH and using the bike at the gym on W, maybe Fri too.  Just adding bits slowly so when training for the 50 starts on Aug 6th, I'm ready.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Yes, I love the TM for those reasons!


                    TrVeling back today!



                    WINE o'clock somewhere!

                      Karen, I feel your pain...Luckily I am too lazy to get out there.  But I am hoping for Wed...  Friend is here mowing the lawn now, and tomorrow I have an early Dr.s appointment.


                      HI ALL!!

                      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                      Beast of Burden - August 2024

                      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                      Cupcake Connoisseur

                        I will not quit. I will not quit. I will not quit.


                        I am joining the grumpy bus with Karen.



                        Judy – Stay cool on that run today!


                        Run4kupcakes – I will never ever go to a high school reunion.


                        Sandy – Woohoo for rest day! Glad you had fun last night! We are supposed to cool off some middle of the week. Thought about moving my LR to then. HMMMM. Do you just not eat your ice cream in time so then it gets freezer burn? I bought these freakin things BRAND NEW on Saturday and they had freezer burn!! That pisses me off. Especially when those little ass cartons are 4.99. I am very passionate about my ice cream. I am laughing about the McDonalds ice cream machine! WHEN DOES IT EVER WORK ANYWHERE?!?! LOL. I wonder why they even have that stupid machine! BUT cookies and cream was the right choice. YYUUMM. LMAO on only eating the middle. HAHA. You are silly. Ugh, I may have to go get cookies and cream ice cream.


                        Cathy – Loved the pictures you posted over the weekend of DH’s bday celebration! Such a cute family  Smile Nice running this weekend!! Okay, I like the idea of time on my feet instead of miles. I may do that on those extremely humid days. Smile I am funny? SmileIs that because I am not motivated to run a marathon yet I am running a "cagillion" miles per week? Sigh, LOL. Do you not wear a hat often? That or a visor is a MUST on the humid days! I don’t go out without one anymore. My eyes would burn so bad from salty sweat.


                        Karen – Awe, I am sorry you are grumpy! It’s the heat. Just think…tomorrow you will have a treadmill. That will be in air conditioning! Hang in there.


                        Diane – The rower is tough!! I can’t hang for too long. Glad GD is feeling a bit better!


                        Kathryn – OMG. Those temps!!!! NOOOOOOOOO.



                        I am going to try not to yell at anyone else today.



                        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                          Karen...I am feeling sluggish too and I ran only 3 miles this morning.  It was warm and humid, but nothing like you are experiencing.  I haven't had an;y get up and go all weekend.



                          Sandy...I am not fond of many of my high school classmates.  Yep, the same people still start the drama and I have been out 50 years!  Hmmm I have not found packaged ice cream to taste like freezer burn, but I know what the taste is.  Our local dairy has a new flavor right now for our town's bicentennial and it is delicious!


                          elina...sorry about the heat wave!  Like your picture on the beach!


                          Liz....unsettling about the creeper, glad he finally just drove off.  Love sushi, but my DH does not, so I don't have it out often and we have a great place downtown.


                          I did manage to slice my pinky finger while slicing cucumbers yesterday morning.  Had to go to the ER and ended up with 5 stitches.  I was using one of those mandolin slicers and everytime I use it I visualize myself getting sliced and sure enough it happened this time.


                          Damaris and Lisa...congratulations on yet another marathon!


                          Kat...hope you come out of your slump soon, I think I am entering one, but I am trying to fight it!


                          Diane....awww sorry about GD.  Sounds like you have a good plan working up until your 50K training begins!


                          We have a lot of strange patrons in the library today, sometimes it gets to me and today is one of those days.  Glad I have a 3 day week, I can make until Wednesday ( I think)





                          6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                            Lizzie, I know a runner, who is keeping herself in shape, quote ''so that any given day I could go out there and run 20mi'' and that's it, no race goals, nothing. Very recently she started thinking about racing and the whole concept of structured training, speedwork, taper, ''what if I am not fast enough on the race day'' etc etc made her very nervous. This made me think of you. The question, of course, then stands whether you need that ''race stress'', even if it is in the background, like, ''what if in fall...''. You have lots of going on right now and sooner you answer this question yourself, better. Otherwise it will always be that little voice in the back of your head. At least that's what I think. As for HM/floorball combo, I played on field the day after PR HM. One of the ''I did it, it was incredibly stupid, I survived''. Felt like I started w ~80% of usual speed/agility and went ''lower'' every next minute. Felt like I could pull a muscle any moment. Never again? Who the hell knows Smile


                            Sandy, we have A/C in the office. Today there was (as it turns out fake) fire alarm and everyone had to get out there in the middle of the when it was the hottest. Omg, the contrast! It was as if someone took a baseball bat and slammed your nose and lungs as soon as you put the first step out there. So not sure if ubercool office temps is the best thing. As for home, we just keep all the windows, doors to lawn open and it helps. World Cup final was fun, but lots of controversy. 10pm doesn't sound too horrible Smile


                            Karen, looking at those temps, grumpy title looks justified.


                            The budget meeting wasn't too bad, I just made sure the deadlines that we care about (at this stage) are clear. Funny how boss was in other meeting, another person higher than me in hierarchy is on vacation, so that's the only reason I was there. So, the finance director welcomed me in the room w (VERY) exaggerated ''and herrrrre comes the representative of Business Analytics departmmmeeeentttt!!!"'. Sheesh. Wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh out loud or throw my notebook at him, so just walked past him w/o saying anything Big grin


                            All in all, I am again drowning in work and it's only Monday. So, nothing new. I need a vacation. Will have one (1wk) in a month. Yay.


                            The 10k run home was omg. 80+ degrees. No bueno for this climate zone, not at all. There was a brief rain (5mins max) on mile 2, then just heat. No wind. No shadows. I was totally dead after the run, but you need those tough ones as well, right? To make the fall HM temps feel easy. The Wednesday's speedwork looks more and more like midnight run. Kidding. Sort of.


                             ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                            ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


                              Elina – OMG that is HOT!  Nice job getting that run in.  Whew.  Glad the budget meeting wasn’t too bad and you were welcomed with open arms hee hee.  Hey, how’s the boss lady’s relationship going anyway?


                              Ginny – OMG a local dairy sounds AHmazing!  I suppose it’s probably because when I do buy ice cream it’s from the gas station so who knows how long it’s been there?  IDK.  I do not love ice cream so much unless it’s soft serve.  And that requires me to get in the car so I rarely go get any LOL.  Lazy overpowers the desired treat.  I’m so sorry about your pinky!  OUCH!  5 stitches is a LOT.  I was wondering how that could happen – mandolin makes sense.  Hope you heal fast!  I bet you have sooooo many stories working at the library.


                              Lizzie – ugh sorry for the grumpy day.  Man I’d be mad about your Halo Top freezer burn, too.  Those things are a little spendy.  I’ve never had that happen to me at McDonald’s (not that I go for ice cream all that often).  I get SOOOOOOO annoyed at A&W.  There is one about a mile from my house and I love their cones – only $.99.  But my gosh I cannot even TELL you the number of times I have abandoned my place in line after waiting 15min and the car ahead hasn’t even moved!  Nope, no patience over here.  I convince myself that it’s the universe telling me I don’t need ice cream.  A job I had years ago had a soft serve machine in the cafeteria where you could make your own cone.  Yep, then I had one almost daily in the summer.  Man I miss that.


                              Kat and Karen – UGGGHHHHHHH on that weather!!  That would make me suuuuper grumpy, too.  Mostly because there does not seem to be an end in sight!  Gives me horrible flashbacks to Feb/Mar/Apr in these parts only in the opposite direction.


                              Diane – glad GD is feeling better.


                              Cathy – nice running over the weekend!  Yeah, kinda over the 100% humidity myself haha.  Cracking up at you reading I was hanging with some high school aged girls.  They probably would have been more fun!  Lizzie IS funny.  OMG I still can start just laughing out loud thinking of her doubled over at the tire place in northern MN.  She couldn’t speak she was laughing so hard.  Oh goodness, yes, I cannot run without a visor (seems cooler to me than a hat).  It sops up some of the sweat and I can pull it down to avoid the sun when it’s coming up and trying to blind you if you go in that direction.  Somehow I had missed the FB pics so had to go look.  Sooo cute!  And the one of DH and the wings is hilarious.


                              Damaris – safe travels!!


                              Been a slow day.  But a lucky one because the Fire TV stick is on sale for $19.99.  Now I can stream to the TV instead of watch on my laptop.  #fwp hee hee.  One more meeting and then have to swing by the auto store to see if they have a code reader to see why my engine light is on.  Then home to possible ice cream for dinner.  Need to eat it before it gets freezer burn!  Have a good evening!



                                Hot, yes. Humid, no.


                                One more day before I head out to visit DD! (and if anyone lurking thinks "oh, vacant house", there will be people home. DS and DSBF are not coming.)


                                Hope everyone who wants ice cream gets it.


                                Run: 3.2 this morning, 4.03 at lunch. YAY for a lunchtime run!
