Womens Running


Maternity Monday - Preggos (Read 273 times)


    Back for personals! P is doing some really uncomfortable things to me right now... over the weekend I thought he was trying to flip, maybe thats whats going on?


    laura: I've never liked running in the cold. Sounds like you had a tough run over the weekend, way to stick with it!


    yjpm: Hope you go into labor soon! I had A at 39w1d. Sorry about the insomnia, hopefully you won't have to deal with that much longer. I probably would have skipped the tour too but we wanted A to see it and I was curious about the renovations. It is nice and I don't suppose I'll really have too much of a problem with moving to a different room, but I have a big family and if enough of them come to visit it will get crowded.


    liz: Great job on all the baby stuff. Sounds like your weekend was active enough driving all over to pick stuff up. I hope you don't have a cold. DH and I are having an in-town babymoon this weekend! Only one night, I wish we had time for more, but will enjoy what we get.


    MA: It was so surreal to me when I got into the 30s and now every week seems even faster! I think around 30 weeks I had a noticeable size change too, thats when some of my smaller pants stopped fitting and I had to start hunting down longer shirts. I'm glad your back pain is getting better. Mine is practically gone other than the nagging stuff that pretty much is always there. I hope your SI joint stuff doesn't hang on forever like mine has.


    schmett: Way to go signing up for the 5K! There's a 5K here on Valentine's Day that I like to do because its cheap, but I've only actually did it once. I'm too much of a wimp so do the day of registration. I too am trying to get started on getting our house organized better for two kids. I SO wish we could buy a new house, but thats still two to three years away unfortunately.


    teri! Congratulations! I was hoping to hear from you... I'd forgotten that you were moving too. Sounds like such a great story and I'm glad Eli is doing so well. I'm so happy for you too that you dropped the weight already, I knew you would. Good luck living with the inlaws and continuing to run. Check in with the FB group every once in awhile too!


    ozzy: Actually, DH and I have always carpooled since I started working here three years ago because there's no free parking downtown. So we'd still carpool, but would have to pay for the parking. It at least would be more economical with the two of us. In our hospital for a regular birth discharge is 1 to 2 days, c-section is 2 to 3. I stayed 2 days with A. My initial thought is to stay as long as possible again, but I can see how I'd be itching to get out of there because it will be hard coordinating care of A. Sounds like you had a great shower!


    mann: Never heard of belly binding. I made a cheese cake this weekend! It was a super easy recipe from bisquick... toss all the ingredients in a blender! I made it when my parents came. That stinks that you're required to take one unpaid day off a month. I love girl scout cookies and for the first time ever I don't have any connections to buy any. Where I live some areas sell in the fall, some in the spring. My sister used to sell in the spring (an hour away) but here is in the fall and I forgot that she's in college now and doesn't sell them anymore... so no GS cookies for me this year. I suppose thats not necessarily a bad thing.


      Laura: Um, I can't even imagine running when it's that cold. I've said it many times before, but I am a total wimp in the cold. My sinuses rebel so badly! Plus, I'm not really a runner. I run for exercise, but I've never done a race or anything. So I'm super impressed with your go-getter attitude.


      YJPM: I wondered if you'd still be around today! I'm of fbook for a while due to some spam weirdness, so I get fewer updates. Good job on the workout! You're so close! Hopefully DH can help you move the process along. You should try to get a massage out of the deal. Smile


      Liz: Try some colloidal silver for that threatening cold. Works like a charm for me! I'm totally with you on the craigslist thing. I had a hard time registering for things when I knew the kind of prices people could have been getting on craigslist instead of getting stuff new. I got a bouncy seat and an infant carrier on there and saved close to $200. LOVE IT! Great workout!


      MA: Great that you got time with DH. I'm trying to take advantage of it while it's still the two of us. Soon it will be impossible to snatch the time together. Probably your body needed the break to get over that SI pain. Glad you are on the mend.


      Monk: Glad you got an eliptical workout. Don't get over-excited and end up hurting yourself again! I'm proud of you for getting back into a routine. Hope A feels better soon. Little kids just pass germs like crazy. It's like, “Oh you're sick? Here, let me lick your face!” Ugh!


      Schmett: Wow, I'm impressed that you signed up for a race, although the pancakes at the end might have been enough to make me do it a few weeks ago! And don't worry about the having to spell your name your whole life thing. I totally do all the time. At Starbucks, when they ask, I say “Sash”. It's easier. But the name is pretty, so go for it!


      Teri: Incredible that you are back to pre preg weight already! Super jealous, b/c I'm pretty sure that will not be me! Sounds like you had a kind of rough time of it with those contractions at the end. Ugh. But it sounds like everything was great with you and the baby! So awesome! Congrats on the great BF experience! Not everyone has that easy a time.


      Ozzy: Awesome making it to 38 weeks, especially since you were worried about making 37 just a little bit ago. Great job on the workouts too! Your baby shower sounds like it was really wonderful! I would have totally requested second-hand but my sister set up my shower. I think that's a great idea, especially since baby things are often in very good condition because they are only use for a little while.


      Mann: Four day weekends are great! Enjoy it, and I hope you can get all your errands done too. I love being an auntie! It is the greatest thing ever! I'm so crazy about my niece and nephew. My sis is really happy that I'm having a baby soon b/c it will mean our kids are close in age. Her oldest is just 2 and her youngest is 6 months.


      ER: I want to go on a nice long walk if the rain lets up a bit. Working out inside is boring when the temperature is nice. I think it's still in the low 60's. I did a 5 mile walk on Saturday b/c I needed to do errands and thought it was a good excuse for a long walk. I went to the bank and the health food store to get on the supplements for my anti-GBS diet and then walked home.


      PGR: 31w4d. The baby is getting noticeably larger, especially in the past week. It's movements are starting to become distinctly uncomfortable. It still doesn't wake me up at night, but it is starting to be able to kick under my ribs if I'm sitting down. And it pushes pretty hard on my stomach. It is a wild little thing! DH can't get over how weird my stomach looks when it's moving around like crazy. I also am starting to feel large in a different way than before. I think that it must be the baby's size, because my stomach just feels heavy and different. I went to the natural food store to get the supplements that I'm supposed to take to help prevent GBS. Wow! They are expensive! 5 bottles of various things (unscented garlic, chlorophyl, echinacia, acidophilis, and electrolytes) and cost me $81.


      NPGR: Flying solo for the moment. DH is snowboarding with his brother. It's not fun to be alone, but I spent most of yesterday with a friend, and most of today at work. I'm working tomorrow and DH will be home wednesday, so it's not too much time by myself.


        Sashanna: Luckily DH and I don't usually catch when A gets a big like this (except for at Thanksgiving, A got it first and we all got it, that was nasty). Will all those GBS preventers last the rest of pregnancy? Hope you don't have to spend too much more money on that stuff.


          Monk: I may just decide to eat more yogurt to make them last! I don't think I can do that bill again. It was a little horrifying! DH tells me to get whatever I need, but not to tell him how much I spend. Smile


            YJPM - Thanks for the acupressure tip, will look for others too and start trying them Smile


            Mann -sorry to hear the weekend wasn't hugely productive but hey, you made a cheesecake, that one jumped out at me, yum! Congrats on becoming an auntie this year! I have heard of belly binding and splurged a couple of weeks ago on a belt (well, it's more corset-like); I've heard good things about it and it makes sense to me that my belly might need to be shown how to revert back to its trim self after months of stretching Smile


            Sasha - yep, herbs and things cost a lot don't they??? Hopefully you can make yours last til whenever you get tested. Enjoy your flying solo day.

            Laura G in Idaho

              Well, it's getting late, so I'm sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone's posts.  I do appreciate the encouragement from everyone.  I did my 4 miles today, but the day got away from me.  Before I knew it, it was dark, so I had to do it indoors.  Lots of encouragement from other people at the Y... seeing an obviously pregnant woman run must be quite a sight!  My legs felt better than on Saturday, but still have lower leg muscle soreness, especially in my left leg.  Good run tonight.  Felt good, mentally and physically.
