Womens Running


Busy Tuesday (dailies) (Read 19 times)

LC Runs

    3.1 after work, felt so good to get out and moving!


    Hi Elina!  You will do great with your MI training!


    Lisa - enjoy the Red Wings game! My DS went to the arena Saturday for a Pistons game, he really enjoyed it!


    Hi Damairs - whoo hoo on first day of traning!!


    Lizzie - UGH I hate stomach issues, so frustrating!  Awesome that all the girls agreed on the dress, plum will be so pretty!


    Sue - Congrats on the new grandbaby!  Love the name (I have one myself, though he's 19 lol)!!


    Judy - great TM run!


    Karen - nice workout!!


    Tessa - nice 3.8!  I will have to check out marathoninvestigation, I have followed some of his  stuff but haven't looked at the site in awhile, always interesting!  LOL on hairy butt crack man!!


    Cathy - nice TM workout!  Poor DD, that sounds awful but she is definitely a toughie!


    Sandy - I should try yoga, I need something to help me chill out!


    Former Bad Ass

      One day my lungs will be able to run 800m intervals without an asthma attack. Today was not that day, yay me.  Ran 6 and barely made it to 6.  I couldn't run any interval without stopping to breathe so it wasn't a good day to try them.  Thinking running outside yesterday in that pollen hell didn't help.

