Womens Running


We WELCOME the WEEKENDS! (DAILIES) (Read 20 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Happy Weekend!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      7.2 Florence miles for me!


      GREAT run this morning! Felt good and strong out there. I was speedy in that 74 dewpoint! Looking forward to the next 5-10 days when this dewpoint DIPS. Anywho, THATS A WRAP!! I can't believe I am already in taper! Its almost time to run another one again?! I am excited for some Fall racing Smile And to see Karen and Sandy of course Smile No core class today since we have GUESTS (hehe, Sandy).


      This run ends me at 65+ for the week. Four 60+ mile weeks..CHECK. Proud of myself!


      Not sure what we have planned today. Spending time with my fam! Baby E is SO CUTE!! He is a crawling machine!! They came down last night and brought me my FAVORITE cake! She first asked me and I said no because I always feel guilty eating it (I know, I know) - but she bought it anyway. She knows me too well.


      Oh, BTW - Florence conditions are just wind and some drizzle. No biggy. Thinking of those in NC and SC!



      Susan - Aw, sorry about the work drama! R&R this weekend!


      Tessa - I am laughing out loud about having to squeeze butt cheeks on the run! That is a VERY hard thing to do! Aw, I am sorry about Noodle Sad Glad the others are looking strong. YOU took a day off?! How many days are you on vacation? Doing anything fun? You reminded me I need to turn my email off Smile


      Docket - LMAO!!!! Laughing at your DH!!! You know we wouldn’t mind if you brought him along Smile YES we celebrate with running, cake and booze! Smile I hope you come!!


      Margaret - Have a good LR!!! Smile


      Run4kupcakes - I forgot to say GOOD LUCK today!! Smile



      Have a great weekend everyone! Good luck racers!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        Lizzie, congrats on an awesome run.  How sweet of your SIL to bring you cake.  YUM.


        Lisa, I would love to room with you, thank you!


        Not sure of today, though it isn't raining this second I am hesitant as the forecast is for intermittent breaks between downpours with flash flood watch.  I don't mind light rain, but damn, the downpours here would scare Noah.


        Made it though work last night, though I was pretty blue.  Still am a bit today.



        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 7 miles tonight.


          Liz, nice run.  Yay for being done!  LOL, if I want to participate of the stuff you guys have planned, it's better if I come alone.  We'll see.


          Kat, hugs.  Hoping you feel better soon.


          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Awful. Just awful.i haven't looked at my splits to see how bad, but it was a PW. So, yea.

              Ran to Beach Park this morning (1.3ish miles) and did the Beach Body boot Camp and ran back to the house. I am beat!!! It was a cardio workout on the sand.   DD was there with her friends, plus a couple of ladies from the early morning classes. Fun.  I'll do it again. I had been planning to run on the sand anyways.


              Kat--hope you start feeling better.


              Tessa--sorry about the kitty.


              Liz--enjoy taper. I hope you don't get a lot of rain from the storm.


              Memorial service for one of the church ladies this morning, then cleaning.


              Happy weekend!!

              Anonymous Guest

                Aw man, I'm sorry HCK. I got on here to see how you did.....sounds like it was a rough one.


                I ran 7 this morning. Split the group as some were doing 6 and some 8. Sent Heather out with those doing 8 and ran a mile around the parking lots waiting for those doing 6. Again only one showed up for the shorter run - different person than last week, but still just one. So she and I went out for 6. I ran the first four with her and as much as I explained to her that it was good for me to go slow, I think she was still a bit uncomfortable with my full attention. So when we ran into some of the other group going back she convinced me to go ahead and she ran back kind of by herself, but with enough others around to not get lost or yell if she needed something. She did thank me afterwards and said that was her best and most even-paced run yet. Anyway, I think we're going to go back to one starting time for awhile longer. With just a two mile difference people tend to show up for the earlier start even if they're not running the longer distance, and then some poor sucker gets stuck with just me.


                I came home and DH was here. I assumed he'd be on his group ride, but he said he was feeling a little off on the way there and just awful once he got there, so he drove back home. I think leaving the puppy might have added to his decision to come back. He left around 7 and I got home before 9, so not too long, but still the longest the puppy would have been alone. Anyway, he's feeling better now so just left to go ride. I'd like some more miles today, but will go later, possibly on the TM. Tag team puppy parenting. Speaking of puppy, only had to get up twice last night between 10 and 5 - best night's sleep since we got the little guy. I do miss my 8+ hours though.


                Liz, awesome run and awesome training cycle. That is some awesome mileage. We were at 73 degrees this morning at the start, and it felt so cool. People that were bitching about 7 miles last week were saying 8 wasn't that bad, even felt pretty good this week. We've usually had a cold front by now (defined as overnight low under 70), but none in sight. Baby runners are going to be so amazed once we do get one. Aww, you are going to have a great time with your brother, SIL, and little E.


                Kathryn, I was so glad that rain went to the south of us. Sorry it's hitting you. The weekend before that November 50K (if I have my dates right) is when Lisa will be here for her daughter's wedding. We're tentatively planning on running trails during the week one day before and one day after that weekend if you want to consider coming this way to run a few one day. I can't remember the exact days, but if it works with your work schedule would love to see you.


                Damaris, laughing about your husband. Mine might come to Glass City, but if he does I doubt he'll make an appearance with this group. His mom and brother both live in Maumee (suburb just south of Toledo) so he'd probably spend all his time with them.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel


                WINE o'clock somewhere!

                  Damnit, feeling more blue today.  I think it is a bit of loneliness.  It has been happening a bit more recently, not sure why.  Then work shit has been compounding it.  Meh, such is life...


                  Damaris, good luck with your 7 tonight!!


                  HCK, sorry your race was less than desirable.  Sad


                  Sue, cardio workout in the sand, exhausting just thinking about it.


                  Karen, I think I am just going to cancel that one Saturday shift I have and do the race anyways.  I have kind of budgeted finances without it.  Just hoping the new place accepts my bids.  That would make life easier.


                  I braved the rain and horrid standing water on all the roads and took 17 pairs of shoes to the consignment shop.  Here's hoping to selling them, and quick.


                  Just as forecasted, intermittent heavy downpours here.


                  Gonna watch some BBT/Goliath shortly, or maybe a baseball game first.



                  Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                  Beast of Burden - August 2024

                  Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                  Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                    Kat, wonder if you're having a bit of post-race-weekend blues after the fun time you had at Woodstock?   Weather probably isn't helping either.  Hang in there!


                    Karen, you're doing a great job managing your baby runners.  Starting at one time for everyone sounds like a good plan, less chance of awkwardness (I remember being a newbie and awkward, now I couldn't care less, I run with anyone, I talk to anyone).


                    CrazySue, nice beach workout!


                    Lizzie, woohoo for taper!  And cake!  You got some great mileage this training cycle.


                    Damaris, enjoy your 7 later.


                    HCK, ugh, sorry it was not your day.  That happens sometimes.


                    Question from yesterday: glutes mis-firing?  What does that mean? (Don't make me Google it, it will probably come back as something dire and life-threatening)


                    19.2 miles this morning.  A bit foggy but not cold, in the low 60s.  On tap for the rest of the day: watching college football, cleaning the house, and having dinner with my dad later.

                    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                      Gatsby!  Posting from my phone just for you   My belief (which is entirely personal of course) is that you may not know your glutes aren’t firing until you run into an injury. Or niggle.  I suspect (again PURELY my opinion) is that you may be good simply due to all the trails you run which require glutes. Flat shit can make the booty lazy.  Sitting so much also is a culprit. HUGE problem of mine. Anyway...  I’m sure coach Karen can explain better but that’s my input. Back to drinkin beer..


                      Hello to all!!!  ❤️❤️❤️

                        Tessa- sorry to hear about the kitty.


                        Damaris- go Richard. Go Richard. Bring on the dancing men!!


                        Margaret-sure. You can follow me. You okay with that 5:46 road Marathon time? And I’m sorry but when I read “glutes mis-firing” all I could think of was farting. Yes I am 14. Nice miles!


                        Kat-I hear ya a bit on the post event blues. What I do is think of them as “the wall” or a rough patch on a run. You know it’s just part of the journey and that by thinking ahead to other good stuff it won’t last as long as if you spend time thinking about feeling crappy. Why do I have a feeling that we may have the bar in our room? Rubaeus for all!!


                        HCK2- just think how much better the time will be at your next event!! Effort is effort. I’m sure that you gave it the best you had to give on this day at this race and at this time. Nothing to feel bad about if that’s what you did. And if you didn’t, well then now you know how it feels to not give a solid effort and you probably won’t have it happen again. Good thing you’re not one and done.


                        Planning on a run tomorrow. Right now we are driving to Mississippi to look at a mini-cooper. 



                          Posted from my phone and not sure why I ended up on the 12th. Lol


                          karen-nice job with the runner babies.


                          Sandy- carryon on with the beer (and nice use of parathesis)


                          sue-beach body bootie camp?



                          Anonymous Guest

                            I am laughing at Lisa's definition of mis-firing glutes.

                            Gatsby, it's not that they are mis-firing, it's that they are not firing at all. All the sitting we do gives us lazy butts. So you sit all day, your glutes are all happy and rested and sleepy, then you go for a run and they stay sleepy. So all your other muscles take up the slack. As you increase miles and all the other muscles are taking the slack for your lazy butt, one of those muscles gets overworked and injured. So now you have PF or IT band stuff or knee pain or any number of injuries. But the true problem is your glutes not firing, and you don't realize it, because they feel fabulous with all that rest. A PT, sports doctor or even some chiropractors will have you press various ways and try to resist pressure (like hold their hand on your leg and tell you to push up out, down) and it's pretty obvious if half your butt is working and half is not. I agree with Sandy that all your trail running probably forces your glutes to work. Although squeezing your butt with the rest of us can't hurt either. Squats, bridges, standing on one leg and making circles with the other leg, all also help.

                            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                            Check out my website and youtube channel


                              HM tomorrow. No idea what to expect, literally. Given how I feel, could be anything from PB to disaster. Oh well. 9hrs till start.


                               ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                              ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris



                                Karen, thanks for the explanation, however Lisa's is funnier!


                                13.5 this morning. I am slowly building up my long runs again. This one was not great because I started out, thought "I am forgetting something, oh well", then realized about 6 miles in that I had indeed forgotten something. Water. I did stop at Target and drank the water fountain until the water ran warm, but did not want to call a family member to bring my hydration belt. I was OK.


                                Kupcakes, sorry. Not only did you get a sucky shirt but you also got a sucky time...not fair!


                                Lisa, you probably know this, make sure you get the Carfax all the way back to the day it was first sold. Vehicles in flood areas can have been inundated.
