Womens Running


Windy Tuesday (dailies) (Read 19 times)

    Diane--yes! I will be home then.  We need to meet up.


      Karen – your post was cracking me up!  From “going all Mammel” to “hell no on Badwater” haha  Yeah, your weather is super MIZZ.  We’ve been 10-15 degrees above normal and I’m okay with it here but NO WAY would I like that down there.  Whew!!  Impressed with any and all mileage in that stuff.  Oooh, lucky you are getting her latest book!  My library didn’t have it so I downloaded the “free preview” from Amazon.  Pretty sure that gets me all of 50 pages haha.  Oh boy that IS a lot of extroverting you have this weekend!!  Rest up!!


      Cathy – yup, FloRida.  Of course, I had NO idea until this guy at work shared that when I came in singing haha.  I can sing along all day but never know the artist.  I’m not sure I’m familiar with Elizabeth George – will have to look her up.  But if it’s big, sometimes I get intimidated with “book pressure” LOL  Awwww, shucks, thanks for the kind words on my weekend run.  One little voice tells me to chill and relax and take this rest while the other little voice says come on, girl, you’re going to lose fitness and get fat!  Hooray for 31 min of fartlek!  Oh no on the dying HRM.  Do you use a strap model?  I think I mentioned that I just bought one from Epson (yes, the printer people which I thought was weird).  It’s a wrist model and also does distance but no laps.  Seems pretty good so far anyway if you are looking for something reasonable.  I think I paid about $80??


      Elina – LOL totally cracking up at hauling a watermelon back from the grocery.  If I went I’d go for the lazy chicks version and buy a container with it already cut haha.  Of course, I’ve still been too lazy to even walk over there.  One person having an impact on office vibe is not stupid at all!  It happens.  This one guy here is ALWAYS stressing.  Pounds his desk, rubs his palms together super fast, stomps around while on the phone with customers.  He’s gone today and it’s suuuuuuuuuper quiet and chill.  What is your go-to junk food?  Do you stop mid-run?  Or, were you saying you would eat junk food before your run?  Very important questions needing answers.


      Diane – oooh, I like TP!  I can count on one hand the concerts I’ve been to and his was one.  Back in ohhhhh about 1998 or so.


      Pretty slow here today.  Must stop being lazy and go for a short walk to soak up the sunshine!!


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        Ugh. I need a gigantic bottle of wine. Audit went awful. Most of it was misses made on my part. Just stupid crap that I should have caught when I do audits. When this goes up the chain I am sure I will get a lecture..which is deserved. UGH...just beating myself up!



        Judy – Awe, good news on the toe! Hope you had a good run today!


        Docket – Oh my! I am glad I am not down there this week Smile Loved your Instagram picture yesterday!


        Susan – Hope you had a good day!


        Sandy – LOL..is it sad that I know the words to that entire song? I used to drop my booty to that song in the club! LOL. I am not sure I can go that low anymore hahaha. Nice job on the class this morning. I love working shoulders. Wow, track season done already? OOOO volunteering at a library would be fun Smile YUM!! Love watermelon! Getting cut watermelon is not the lazy chicks version..its the SMART version Smile


        Diane – Hope you are doing okay today after the bad weekend Sad Have you been doing the yoga at work?


        Kilmisters – I know that feeling all to well about calmness in the office when the boss is gone! Even if he isn’t sitting at his desk but is onsite here somewhere..its still tense. Its nice to have a break from that once in a while! Nice run today!! What junk food did you get??


        Cathy – Nice fartlek this morning Smile I just like saying fartlek. Bummer on your heart rate monitor! Hop on Amazon! Field trip sounds fun. Bummer that DD’s team lost Sad Does she want to do more floor hockey in the future? I am back to Fall wedding now. LOL. I love Fall time so much..it would be silly for me to get married in HEAT..since I hate heat. Oh yeah! Bachelorette weekend! I don’t know. I guess we have to aim for Spring?? Or early Fall. I need to do some researching.


        Karen – UUGGGHHHH on your temps! At least at 5:30 the sun wouldn’t be out. But you are right, it would be miserable regardless. You didn’t get all mammal – you would have had to pull your pants up to your boobs in order to do that! LOL. I think I am going to stick with Fall. CRISP air..with Spring..there is too much risk of crappy humid weather. Which honestly, we could still get in November..but not as high of a chance. OMG…SO MUCH EXTROVERTING for you this weekend!! You will need a week alone afterwords! Smile



        Hanging in here until Body Pump time...



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        Former Bad Ass

          OK, been busy at work but I wanted to mention this here.


          My new boss is here this week.  I think he is great.  He is bringing a lot of change but some people cannot handle it.  One of my coworkers (not the two bitches) has gotten in trouble already for not following annual leave procedure and she has been complaining about his swearing.  He does not swear like I do, so I assume he says damn and asshole and not sure why she is shocked when I throw the fuck word every other syllable.  Anyway, some people better get on with the changes or they will be run over by progress.


          I have been waiting for my old boss to change something in my cases for 7 years.  I asked new boss and he told me yes in 1 second.


          I am sure I won't like all the changes he will bring (I think I'll be shuffled out of my judge but I hope I don't get shuffled out of my analyst), but he means business.


          AND I have an interview for the Seattle position I applied to on THURSDAY, EEEEK.




            Karen lol...I thought that about ultras...they were for fast people not turtles like me...then I thought 50 miles was too far for this turtle....now I'm looking at Javelina 100k for Oct 2019.  But yeah Badwater is probably going to be a non start for me unless I can get some 100 milers in.


            Lizzie our Halloween wedding was awesome, easy to remember even if I still can't remember the year. Still going up once a week to do the yoga class.  I do my own yoga stretches every night before bed.


            Kat, Barkley is one race I have no desire to do...even if it's fun to dream about being able to do something like that, I'm fairly sure my body would rebel.


            I went up to the gym at lunch to get in 2 miles since I'm getting my haircut tonight.  I did some speed and some hills.  I tried running on the TM and it was awful.  I can walk all day long at a fast clip but throw in some running and I'm having a hard time breathing and feel like my heart's going to explode.  I don't understand it.  I've been averaging almost 30 miles a week since Jan so I have a good aerobic base.  Is it just the speed work I need to start incorporating so I can at least run some.  Since I do B2B long runs on the weekend maybe Tue is too soon and I should push it to Thur?  Coach Karen what do you think?


            Good luck Damaris on your interview.


            Cupcake Connoisseur

              OK, been busy at work but I wanted to mention this here.


              My new boss is here this week.  I think he is great.  He is bringing a lot of change but some people cannot handle it.  One of my coworkers (not the two bitches) has gotten in trouble already for not following annual leave procedure and she has been complaining about his swearing.  He does not swear like I do, so I assume he says damn and asshole and not sure why she is shocked when I throw the fuck word every other syllable.  Anyway, some people better get on with the changes or they will be run over by progress.


              I have been waiting for my old boss to change something in my cases for 7 years.  I asked new boss and he told me yes in 1 second.


              I am sure I won't like all the changes he will bring (I think I'll be shuffled out of my judge but I hope I don't get shuffled out of my analyst), but he means business.


              AND I have an interview for the Seattle position I applied to on THURSDAY, EEEEK.


              Glad things are working out with the new boss (so far).





              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                Morning run of 5.3 for me along my oh so exciting urban route. I had downloaded some running playlists that are by BPM from Spotify. Those help.  Meeting a former coworker for dinner at a place called Whiskeys on the River. Should be ahem good.


                Elina-That's like Michigan weather. Big bodies of water tend to do that. It really tells you something when the person is gone and work is so much better.


                Lizzie-I think this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black in terms of number of races. LOL


                Judy-good idea to spare the toe! It's not like we have a spare one to replace it.


                Damaris-ugh on the temps.  Just ugh.


                Sue-sounds like a good workout selection to me.. storming not good.


                Sandy-good thing I waited until now to read the words to that song.  Yup. It's stuck in my head now. :-) LOL on watching anything... I don't have a tv. When I moved out EX asked why I wasn't taking any of the multitude of tv's... "I'm not planning on sitting around watching tv" was my response... that was about the catiest that I got but it was spot on.


                Diane-I have heard good things too about Mohican but when runner friend Katie warns me not to do the 50mile because its tough tough tough, I take note. But marathon with 29 hour cutoff sounds good. You are right about quality of life for the pup. He's in a better place. I never went on training runs without fuel but I did change to Peanut butter packets instead of high carb gel type of stuff.


                Kat-will have to check it out later.


                Karen-happy extroverting!




                Cathy-fartlek. LOL



                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  More rain tonight. Got out for 4.5, rained during part of it, which felt nice. Then the sun came out and it was steamy. Now ready to fall asleep.



                    Got 5 miles with RN last night -- 89 when we started but cooler when we finished.


                    3.2 this morning. WFH because kittens had a date with the vet and one needed to be picked up later, also I had to vote. Plenty to do from home though.


                    Now waiting for the preliminary results. We're in one of the swing districts, incumbent Steve Knight has 3 challengers. Fingers crossed...
